
Secrets of the Oak Tree

If only she had listened....... If only she had obeyed......... She wouldn't have been down here.... In this cold dark cave in the name of a cell..... With this cruel evil Faes left to decide her final fate....... DEATH. She didn't mean to do it...... She was just afraid........ Scared........ And Mother help there will be an angel here to save her from her fate......... Even if death is far better than staring at the feet of that Angel........... EVEN IF. ************ Poppy Darian had always lived a life of tranquility and harmony with her lovely family and adorable friends until she's teleported by mistake to the realm of Faes and accidentally kills one, she is trialed to death but when the Lord of Darkness steps in to save her as she is said to be a Protector, she is given three tasks to complete to prove both innocence and title and as she attempts to complete all, she is whirled into the life and history of Faes and along the line, discovers the real truth and lies about Fae people while battling an enternal darkness that threats to consume the world whole.

Chioma_Emmanuel_63 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

The festival of Valeris (pt 1)

The sun rays shone into the semi old room of Poppy and lit the room in oranges and reds, Poppy was still sprawled on her not so comfortable bed in a lazy manner, she had huntered in the mountains last night where her father had warned her about due to the heavy snow storms around there, she had sneaked out of the house and went there, for hours she stood and her legs almost froze up on the leafless tree. She only came home with a rabbit with she had dumped at an unknown corner in the house and jumped on her bed to sleep.

She shifted in her position and realized she was still in her leathers, she sat up since she couldn't force herself to sleep some more and looked around, it was still in a very messy state. Snow stuck on her leathers and hair fiery red hair like glue, and her body felt too weak like it was not her own. She stood up but stumbled a bit like a drunk but managed to get to the door.

"Filip!!" she yelled out her horse name after getting out of the house and a black giant horse came out of the corner shaking it's tail she humped onto the horse and rode fast to the market square. The town was busy that usual and everywhere was decorated beautifully, orange, red, yellow and pink flowers decorated stalls and shops, Poppy tried to remember what was going on but no, she couldn't, she got to where she wanted to go to, her sister's stall.

She got down and went closed to the brown wood stall decorated with pink flowers. lavender and Jasmine scented strongly from the stall as she went closer, she looked through the small window and saw her back facing the window, her brunette bun was messy and strands fell seriously by all sides of her face as she tried to turn the serious hot pot filled with thick soap, Poppy smiled as she didn't notice her, "hey!!!!" she yelled and her sister jerked in surprise, she turned to where the sound came from and saw the red hair standing there and smiled to Poppy showing a shallow dimple.

"Where were you yesterday?" Poppy was asked as she entered inside.

" Is that my good morning?"


"mountains, hunting"

"You don't listen do you?! father warned you not to go there again"

"I know" she replied as she rolled her eyes at her sister.

"You better had brought back something"

"Of course I did, a rabbit" "Ha, you better be joking"

"Nope I'm not"

Mara sighed tired and continued to turn the liquid soap.

"So where's Amanda and father?"

"At the courthouse, preparing for velaris"


"The festival of spirits.."

"festival?!" she asked dumbfounded

" Yes, seems like you've forgotten"

"I have, no lie about that, but you're not getting ready yet"

"Yeah it's still morning so there's still enough time to prepare, I have a lot of orders to deliver today"

"Okay then, I'll see you later today or tonight"

"Sure bye"

Poppy jumped on the horse and rode as fast as the wind could carry her, she arrived in front of the small white building with pillars around it. She went in and saw some men discussing, she went towards them to ask for her father, but before they finished answering her,she heard her name being called from the stairs and tured, she saw the two precious blondes in her life, her father and elder sister she looked up to as a mother. She smiled, ran to them and hugged them. Her father chuckled, "you shouldn't be running in the court house it's forbidden you know"

"Sorry, seems the meeting is over right?"

"Yes, but there's something I want to check at the old valley" he turned to Amanda and continued, "Amanda will stay here and take care of you two"

"I can take care of myself" Poppy smirked to herself.

He chuckled again and walked to the entrance, he turned and said"I'll be back"and left.

" Where were you yesterday?" Amanda asked while frowning.

"Ughhh!!! again?!!" Amanda frowned the more.

"Mountains" Poppy replied like she was tired.

Amanda opened her eyes wide and growled angrily at Poppy and left her standing alone at the stairway. Poppy raised her hands in the air like her sister was overreacting.

"I'm still alive!!!!" Poppy yelled at Amanda and ran after her outside.