
Secrets of the Oak Tree

If only she had listened....... If only she had obeyed......... She wouldn't have been down here.... In this cold dark cave in the name of a cell..... With this cruel evil Faes left to decide her final fate....... DEATH. She didn't mean to do it...... She was just afraid........ Scared........ And Mother help there will be an angel here to save her from her fate......... Even if death is far better than staring at the feet of that Angel........... EVEN IF. ************ Poppy Darian had always lived a life of tranquility and harmony with her lovely family and adorable friends until she's teleported by mistake to the realm of Faes and accidentally kills one, she is trialed to death but when the Lord of Darkness steps in to save her as she is said to be a Protector, she is given three tasks to complete to prove both innocence and title and as she attempts to complete all, she is whirled into the life and history of Faes and along the line, discovers the real truth and lies about Fae people while battling an enternal darkness that threats to consume the world whole.

Chioma_Emmanuel_63 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

The festival of Valeris (pt 2)

Amanda stumped out of the courthouse in anger. She had been seriously worry yesterday when Mara had told her that she hadn't seen Poppy for the whole of the day and now that Poppy is here, she couldn't help but be angry at her. Apart from the terrible snow storms there, there were dangerous animals there. Wolves... wolves, she couldn't think more about those creatures, what they had done to she and her family, or maybe what they were before....

Ugh!!! she wanted to yell as the bad memories she tried to forget resurfaced again, her eyes welled up seriously. But no, she didn't and would never cry again. She blinked the tears away as Poppy came her way exhausted from running.

"God Amanda, your such a fast walker"

"Why were you there yesterday?"

Poppy saw the way Amanda looked at her with anger a knew that this wasn't something to joke with, she straighten herself and explained.

"listen Amanda, I'm sorry about what I did. it's just that it's be long I've been out. I've been stuck in the house for a long time and I just wanted to feel what hunting was like again...."

"You fell from a tree Poppy and broke you're leg in the process!!!!! what is wrong with you?!! if you wanted to go hunting why not the green forest close by?! why that place?!!! your wounds aren't properly healed too, and worse no one even knew your whereabouts what if something happens in the process??!!!!" Amanda yelled not caring where they were as people eyes were on them.

"But nothing happened, I even caught a rabbit" Poppy tried to joke but Amanda face was masked with so much pain. Poppy became serious as she continued.

"Amanda I'm sorry, but come on nothing happened, so stop worrying about me all the time I'm not that little girl you once knew, I'm a grown woman and I can....."

"Just stop it Poppy!!, just look at yourself Poppy!! do you think being a woman is about grown tall and talking back?! no it's more than that!! being a woman is having that common sense of reason and how to act on it but you don't show a bit of it!!!" she spat at Poppy.

Poppy got angry and started to yell too "what do you mean by that?! I said I'm sorry?!.."

"And then you'll do something worse next time right?!!" Amanda walked forward a bit to breathe out her anger that she was ready to pour out on someone if not for the little self control left in her. She turned with anger burning in her bluish gray eyes.

"I don't want to see you hunting again till I say hunt do you understand me?!" and she walked forward not waiting for Poppy's answer.

"We're not in the salt mines anymore Amanda!!!! you don't have any right to tell me what to do!!" Amanda turned and saw anger and tears in her eyes but she didn't care at that moment. "I thought that place would have made you smart, it's too sad you chose to be stupid like Mara, I don't want to see you again for today because if I, huh, I might beat you up" and she walked away leaving Poppy standing there in bafflement.

Poppy walked out of the market and to the vale river, it's was a long journey but she wanted to exercise herself, she looked at the ground, it's was filled with flowers of different types, she walked ahead and went close to the river which shimmered like there were stones in it, she looked at it for a while a recalled some memories, memories she wanted to buried. She shook her head as she felt the tears trying to pour out, she could feel Amanda words hitting her hard like a hot iron.

She sat down and thought of what Amanda said, 'as stupid as Mara' she shouldn't have brought her up, yes Mara made her own mistakes there but she was just trying to survive like them, she knew Amanda carried some much hate but not to this extent.

" Hey what are you doing here?" she heard, she did have to look up to know who is was as she stood up and gave him a kiss, he returned it and they relaxed on the grass while watching the shining river under an oak tree.