
Secrets and Shadows - The Celestial, The Mortal, and The Infernal

"Secrets and Shadows" unfolds across realms where mysteries shroud reality in an enigmatic tapestry. The kingdom of Descarith, once glorious, now fades into obscurity, haunted by spectral memories and concealed truths. Its people, isolated and guarded, face the perilous darkness of the mysterious forest and the malevolent Shadow Beasts. Razor, a mortal by day, a berserker by night, and a charismatic figure, is the kingdom's protector. He not only battles the Shadow Beasts but commands their loyalty, while his magnetic charm captivates the hearts of villagers. In Heaven, celestial warriors known as angels guard a divine paradise. Among them, Sraptor, a formidable guardian, harbors a forbidden love for a goddess, leading to his exile to Earth. Driven by love and a desire to save Heaven, he becomes a warrior with the power to reshape celestial history. In Hell, where demons collect tainted souls, The Hell Prince Lizen reigns in malevolent secrecy. Ambitions and motives remain shrouded in darkness. The cosmic struggle between light and darkness teeters on revelation and upheaval.

DreamingWrath · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Trial of Death – Wisdom and Wealth

Erza's sudden defeat sent shockwaves through the arena, leaving both the divine spectators and fellow champions astonished. It was one of the swiftest battles the arena had witnessed, and it left many questioning the nature of Erza's downfall. She joined Augustus in the recovery hall, her demeanor marked by confusion and a desire to understand what had transpired.


Augustus, in contrast, bore a cheerful disposition, seemingly at peace with the outcome of his own battle. He offered words of solace to Erza, attempting to uplift her spirits. "I saw your match, don't lose hope," he reassured her. "You've emerged from the battle alive, and in this realm of gods, that is a significant victory in itself. You have a full year to recover and grow stronger. Cherish this opportunity." His words brought a glimmer of hope to Erza, who began to see the possibilities before her. "Thank you," she replied, her determination rekindled. She knew now that she needed to grow stronger, and she was ready to put in the effort.


Meanwhile, Chrys, the Champion of Wisdom, had opted to delegate his battle to Apollo, his divine guide. It was a strategic choice. On the other hand, Midas, the Champion of Wealth, was diligently preparing for his upcoming battle, driven by ambition and the desire to ascend.


Apollo, the angel who serves the God of Wisdom, dons a regal suit of armor that embodies intellect and celestial grace. Crafted from shimmering celestial steel, the armor is an exquisite blend of form and function. Apollo's breastplate bears intricate engravings of ancient runes, representing knowledge and enlightenment. His helm is adorned with a majestic plume that symbolizes his connection to divine wisdom. The armor's gauntlets are designed with delicate, ornate filigree, allowing for both precision and protection in equal measure. Apollo's boots are embossed with symbols of celestial constellations, reflecting his celestial origins and his role as a beacon of knowledge and guidance. This armor not only shields him from harm but also amplifies his divine insights, making him a formidable guardian of wisdom.


Midas, the champion of Wealth wears armor that embodies opulence and power. His armor is forged from rare and glistening golden metal, symbolizing his affinity for wealth and prosperity. The breastplate is intricately detailed with images of overflowing treasure chests, representing his dominion over riches. His helm is adorned with a lavish crown motif, signifying his aspirations to become the god of wealth. The armor's gauntlets are adorned with precious gemstones, each symbolizing a different facet of wealth, from gold to diamonds. Midas's boots are designed with intricate patterns of coins and currency symbols, underscoring his connection to the world of finance. This extravagant armor not only protects him but also reinforces his ambition to become the embodiment of affluence and abundance in the divine pantheon.


The feather, a harbinger of divine battles, found its resting place on the arena floor, signaling the start of the duel. Apollo brandished his Daggers of Mercy, while Midas clutched the enigmatic Gambler's Book.


As the feather settled, the five ethereal daggers that surrounded Apollo began to move with intent. They reached out toward Midas, their movements like an intricate dance of destiny. In response, Midas activated the Gambler's Book, initiating its first effect. The three slots on the book's cover came to life, rolling to a stop, each revealing the number 7. Midas, with a hint of triumph in his voice, declared, "Jackpot!" He made his choice, selecting the Death Scythe, causing the book to transform into a weapon eerily similar to Sraptor's.


"Bad choice", said Sraptor who was watching the battle while training with Sephir. Sephir had now mastered two more combinations of the Tempest Vase. She was confused on seeing two death scythes', one in front of her in Sraptor's hand and the other in Midas' hand. "How could he use your weapons?" asked Sephir in curiosity, Sraptor explained, "Wealth can get you a lot of things my lady but wealth without wisdom, will not last so long, you will see."


With the Death Scythe in his grasp, Midas found himself surrounded by Apollo's daggers of mercy, which closed in ominously. Ignoring the daggers, Midas made a decisive move toward Apollo, determined to overpower his opponent. However, at that moment, two unexpected developments unfolded.


Firstly, the cost of wielding the Death Scythe became apparent. A vast amount of soul power drained from Midas the moment he grasped the weapon. Secondly, the relentless pursuit of the daggers accelerated, catching Midas off guard. In a swift reaction, Midas swung the Death Scythe toward the approaching daggers, successfully striking three of them. Yet, two of the daggers found their mark, embedding themselves within Midas's arms. Oddly, he felt no pain or discomfort from their intrusion.


Undeterred, Midas pressed on, closing the gap between himself and Apollo. But there was more to his predicament than he realized. As Midas prepared to deliver a decisive strike, an overwhelming surge of soul power drained from him, causing the Death Scythe to grow larger and more unwieldy. Apollo, displaying wisdom in his tactics, advanced toward Midas instead of retreating. The daggers that Midas had previously struck down reappeared, now piercing his back unnoticed.


Suddenly, the harsh reality dawned upon Midas. His connection to his own soul power had been severed, rendering him powerless. In Apollo's hands, a single dagger bore the weight of Midas's fate. With his soul power locked away, Midas could no longer sustain the cost of the Death Scythe. The weapon reverted to its original form—the enigmatic Gambler's Book. Midas stood in shock, grappling with the gravity of his situation.


Apollo, seizing the moment, vanished from Midas's view only to reappear behind him. With an unwavering tone, he offered an ultimatum, "Surrender now, for if I strike you with the last dagger, it will claim your life." Midas, recognizing the inevitable, conceded defeat. The gamble had cost him dearly.


In this unexpected turn of events, Wisdom emerged triumphant over Wealth. Chrys moved on to the next battle with Apollo's assistance, while Midas contemplated the consequences of his ambition. Perhaps the result would have been different if Chrys had battled, or not? who knows, it was the road not taken.