
14. Forgotten Already

A/N: Hey everybody, this A/N will be brief. In short, thanks for reading and reviewing, thanks to my beta, The Glitter Ninja! Oh, and Sayuri wants me to tell you to enjoy!

Chapter 14: Forgotten Already

Ms. Amnesia headed across the rooftops. Chat Noir, or Adrien Agreste, whichever she found first. She knew Adrien Agreste, of course. He went to her school, even if he was a grade ahead of her, and besides, his face was plastered all over Paris. She also knew Chat Noir, too. He was Ladybug's partner, they were the superhero duo who worked together to beat akumas.

"But they won't beat this one," she thought as she walked across the rooftops.

Now, where to start? She supposed the Agreste mansion would be the obvious answer, considering that's where Adrien lived. She headed that way, using her chains to swing across the rooftops.

As she headed over there, she hit as many people as she could with her mind erasing chains. She smiled as she watched men, women, and children rubbing their heads in confusion and asking what their names were. All of those souls that didn't have to suffer anymore!

Suddenly, she heard a voice, whispering quietly.

"Chat...oh Chat...,"

Ms. Amnesia abruptly stopped in her tracks, sneaking closer to where the voice was coming from. The voice then resumed talking.

"Omigod, I need to get you help!"

Curiously, she peeked over the edge of the building surprised at what she saw.

Ladybug was leaning against a chimney, with a very badly hurt and bleeding Chat Noir in her arms.

This would be easy. All too easy.

Ms. Amnesia quietly descended down the side of the building and pulled a chain from her belt, aiming it and the main support system of the building. She let fly and backed up as the building began to crumble slowly.


The ground crumbled underneath Ladybug's feet. The concrete that had once supported her cracked and then broke apart, sending her falling, falling, falling. She grabbed blindly at Chat Noir, curling her arm around his waist (despite his grunt of pain) and then twisting their bodies so that she would land on the bottom with him on top of her.

The fall felt like forever, yet it also felt too fast to process, and her mind whirred in thousands of directions as she plummeted faster to the ground. Before she knew it, her fall was broken and her body slammed into more concrete. Her hip connected with the ground first, sending a jolt of pain throughout her body as her legs rebounded and pushed her more to the side. She twisted awkwardly, still attempting to protect Chat from the ground.

Her torso and head hit the rough slabs of crumbled cement at the same time. A wooden board jabbed into her back as she rolled off the slope, and she winced. Ladybug braved the pain, for she knew Chat, who was still in her arms, was suffering much worse trying to breathe through the smoke. Finally, she rolled onto the street, which was covered with tiny bits of debris, and the dust that arose was too thick to see through.

"Well well well, what have we here?" a high pitched feminine voice called through the dust. "Looks like the kitty cat is the first find!"

Ladybug gently pushed Chat off of her and scanned the area for the source of the voice.


Dust and fog were on all sides, thick as soup. The girly laugh resounded again through the fog, but it wasn't clear which way it was coming from. The darkness of the night didn't help either.

"Ladybug?" Chat called weakly.

She bent down, cradling him in her arms despite the red blood that rubbed onto her already red suit.

"Its okay, kitty, I'll get you out of here," she promised, brushing a stray blonde hair out of his eyes.

"No," he gasped, pushing her arms away. He was too weak to actually remove her arms from around him, but she complied with the gentle pressure, not sure if she was hurting him or not. "Just go," he managed to get out before he closed his eyes again.

"No, Chat Noir!" she hissed loudly. "I'm not leaving you again! Its my fault you're hurt and its sure as hell not going to be my fault if you die!"

"Hey, kitty kitty! Where are you, little kitty cat? I know you're here! I know you're hurt!" the voice cackled. "I can make you forget, kitty. I can make you forget all of your troubles! Your pain!"

Chat flinched, but didn't open his eyes or respond at all.

Ladybug stood abruptly after gently placing Chat on the ground. Her entire body protested the movement, but she stood firm.

"Who are you?" she yelled into the fog, clenching her fists.

"I am Ms. Amnesia!" the voice yelled back. "Nobody deserves to suffer! I can make them forget everything and everyone who's ever hurt them!"

"Another akuma," Ladybug muttered underneath her breath. She spun around, trying to lay her eyes on the girl.

Suddenly, something whistled past her.

The sixth sense that she had built up after two years of being a superhero was all that saved her. She ducked, and something flew over her head. She whipped around.

Still nothing but fog surrounded her. It was dark, probably the middle of the night at this point.

"Come on, little bug. Wouldn't it be nice to forget your worries? Everything that troubles you will fade away!" Ms. Amnesia offered.

"No way!" Ladybug called back, stalling for time as she pulled out her yoyo.

"You know what? It's the cat I want, not you. Let's make a deal. You hand him over, and I let you walk away with memory of who you are," Ms. Amnesia drawled, her voice ringing through the night.

Ladybug hated that she couldn't see her right now, or else that stupid girl would've gotten the beating of her life.

"I'd never give him to you!" she yelled definantly. She looked down at Chat.

The black-feline dressed superhero was curled up, both gloved hands clenched to his side to try and stop the blood that unceasingly flowed from his side.

"Ladybug," he whispered drowsily. "Just do it. Leave me."

Ladybug wanted to shake some sense into him, but there was no way she was going to do it when he was in this condition.

"I'm not leaving you, Noir," she promised.

"Aw, isn't that sweet. But I think you will leave him." Ms. Amnesia cackled. "Once he can't remember you anymore!"

That was the last straw. Ladybug could feel the anger building up inside her. "Stop hiding from me! Come out and fight like a lady!"

"As you wish!" Ms. Amnesia stepped out of the shadows, her black costume evident as to why she had been blending so easily, while Ladybug's red outfit was easy to see. Ms. Amnesia wielded two giant chains, which she spun around like nunchuks.

Ladybug spun her yoyo around and then leapt at Ms. Amnesia. The broken parts of the building that littered the sidewalk made it hard to head forward in a straight line, but provided excellent cover. For her and the enemy.

She leapt at Ms. Amnesia, aiming her yoyo at the girl's chest. Ms. Amnesia blocked it with a chain, whipping the other around to swipe Ladybug off of her feet. The black spotted heroine jumped over the chain and kicked Ms. Amnesia's arm. Ms. Amnesia grimaced but jumped backwards, slamming her chain down almost on top of Ladybug, who dodged at the last second, chain landing where she had been standing milliseconds earlier.

Both girls glared at one another, weapons spinning around like shields as they waited to see who would make the next move.

Finally, Ms. Amnesia lost patience and leapt at Ladybug, aiming both chains downward at Ladybug's head. Ladybug spun her yoyo over herself. The chains bounced harmlessly off the yoyo, but the impact sent her flying backwards into a wall.

Ladybug groaned and rubbed her head as she got to her feet and picked up her yoyo. She looked up to see Ms. Amnesia confidently walking towards Chat, who hadn't even noticed her at this point.

"Ready to forget, kitty cat?" Ms. Amnesia called, lifting a chain. Chat Noir whimpered.

And then Ladybug saw red.

With nothing but her emotions guiding her, she dashed across the ground, leapt over a giant piece of debris, swept around a ripped sofa, and then threw herself in front of the chain seconds before it hit her partner.

The contact of the chain upon her skin sent her rolling away from Chat as Ms. Amnesia backed up a few steps. She smiled.

Not exactly what I wanted, but this ought to be interesting, Ms. Amnesia thought to herself, and placed a hand on her hip cockily.

"No! You need to brainwash the boy!" Hawkmoth yelled in her head as his mask appeared around her face. "Although...get the girl to give you her earrings while you're at it." Might as well kill two birds with one stone.

Meanwhile, Ladybug stumbled backwards while her head started to buzz, before breaking out into an explosion of pain.

She squeezed her eyes shut, but the pounding only got worse and worse, overtaking whatever emotion she might've felt then. The pain was unbearable, and Ladybug grabbed her head in sheer desperation.

And then, all of a sudden, as quickly as it had come, the pounding was gone.

Ladybug hesitantly opened her eyes. Where was she? She looked down. She was wearing a red spandex suit covered with black spots. What? She looked ridiculous! And she could feel a mask over her face. Why was she wearing a mask? What had she been doing here? What was her name?

"Where am I?" she asked, deciding to start with the first question to anyone who would listen. She looked around. Broken furniture lay everywhere, strewn among piles of rubble. "And what happened here?"

"Wait, you don't remember anything?" an innocent girly voice asked. She looked up and saw a girl all dressed in black, holding two golden chains.

"No..." she answered. "Who are you?"

"My name is Ms. Am- I'm Amy!" the girl, Amy, introduced herself. "And your name is Ladybug! We are a crime fighting duo!"

"What?" she, Ladybug apparently, gasped. She looked down and saw a boy lying on the ground, curled up and bleeding. He was wearing all black and he had cat ears and a tail. He was wearing a mask as well. "Who is he?"

"This is our arch-nemesis! He put a pair of earrings on you to make you forget who you are! I took care of him, but you need to pull those off!"

Ladybug nodded, reaching for her earrings. She truly didn't remember anything. Clearly, these earrings were doing their job and she needed to get them off right now!

"Marinette, don't!" a voice called out.

She froze.

"Who said that?" Ladybug asked.

Amy just cocked her head in confusion.

"Who said what? Did he rig them to tell you not to take them off?"

"Ladybug, your real name is Marinette! That boy is your partner! Amy is a villain called Ms. Amnesia who brainwashed you! She's trying to get you to take off your earrings! Those are what give you your powers! I'm Tikki, remember, your kwami!" The voice turned high-pitched in desperation.

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" Ladybug screeched, putting her hands over her ears.

"Pull them off and the voice will stop," Amy suggested to her. Ladybug nodded firmly and reached for her earrings. Suddenly, something black knocked into her. She fell backwards with a screech, and few drops of blood fell onto her face. And then came lips smashing onto hers.


Chat Noir could do nothing as he watched the battle unfold. Well, in his weakened state, more like heard the battle unfold. He wisely kept his eyes shut, knowing that opening them, even though it was dark, would allow the light to make his migraine even worse.

He was a little disoriented. Okay, maybe a lot disoriented. Images kept flashing through his mind, but he couldn't tell if they were reality, dreams, or memories. He kept reminding himself to focus.

Where was he again? He looked around. Well, that was pretty obvious, as he was strewn on the ground in a confused heap. And how did he get here?

Chat had been terrified when the ground disappeared from underneath him. But he was strangely reassured when an arm had wrapped itself around his waist and pulled him close. Despite the pain, he never wanted that arm to let go. Call it needy cat syndrome. Call it lack of love and now needing some. Call it whatever you wished, he was feeling it.

But the ground had interrupted the comfort. Surprisingly, the impact wasn't that bad. His landing had felt oddly soft, which was odd, because what kind of ground (with the exception of castles built of clouds) was soft?

It was then he heard a female voice. It was high pitched and hurt his ears. He couldn't make out what the girl was saying, her voice was like an annoying whistle impaling his skull, yet he listened harder.

"Hey, kitty kitty! Where are you, little kitty cat? I know you're here! I know you're hurt! I can make you forget, kitty. I can make you forget all of your troubles! Your pain!"

Chat involuntarily flinched. A tempting offer, but no thanks. He would find new ways to suffer even if he did forget everything. It was an Agreste thing. At least right now he knew why he was suffering.

"You know what? It's the cat I want, not you. Let's make a deal. You hand him over, and I let you walk away with memory of who you are." The screeching voice rang in his head.

"I'd never give him to you!" He heard Ladybug yell.

His heart swelled. She had stood up for him again. It was probably all part of the job description, but still...it made him feel better. And worse. She needed to get out of here, to save herself. He was going to die anyway.

"Ladybug," he whispered drowsily. "Just do it. Leave me."

"I'm not leaving you, Noir," she shot back.

Wait, what? He forced his eyes opened his eyes a bit.

Ladybug was fighting the new villain. She was flung back into a wall. The villain was walking over to him, a smirk leering on her face.

"Ready to forget, kitty cat?"

Chat Noir whimpered and tried to scramble away, but his body wouldn't let him move. He just lay there, helpless, as she got closer and closer. The girl raised a golden chain above her head, aiming towards him.

He squeezed his eyes shut and braced for impact.

It never came. He heard a 'whumph' sound. His eyes snapped open.

Ladybug rolled over and rubbed her head, her face contorting in pain. Suddenly, she stood looked confused, staring at him in perplexion.

"Where am I?"

Chat's blood ran cold. No! Ladybug had taken the hit for him! No, no, no, no, NO!

His head was spinning. Why would she do that? Why did she do that?

He heard Ladybug talking, and the villain talking back. His head spun. She didn't know where she was! She thought he was the bad guy! She was going to take off her earrings!

Chat Noir didn't think. He couldn't think. He had to stop her!

He dragged himself up off of the ground, forcing his body to move. He pounced, knocking his lady over.

Adrenaline fueling his every move, Chat cut to the chase and smashed his lips onto Ladybug's.