
11. Escape

A/N: Hey everybody! I'm back from my backpacking trip! A nice relaxing weekend in the woods hiking for miles with 30+ pounds of stuff on your back really helps inspire you to sit around and waste time writing fanfiction ;)

Anyways, on with the chapter! My author kwami, whose name is Sayuri, by the way, wishes you a happy read!

Whoops, made a slight mistake on this chapter. Thanks to MitsuruSenpaii for pointing it out so I could fix it!

Chapter 11: Escape

"No! NOOOOOOOOO!" Hawkmoth's yell hurt Adrien's ears. The black and purple-suited man stumbled backwards, reaching out to grip the door handle. Adrien stared at him in confusion. Why was he freaking out like this?

Other than confusion, the only emotion Adrien felt was defeat. Hawkmoth knew who he was now. He could target his father, he could target his friends. No one who interacted with him on a daily basis was safe. And what would Ladybug think if Hawkmoth gave away his identity to the world?

She had probably seen him for what he was all along. A spoiled rich boy who couldn't do anything right, and always got what he wanted handed to him on a silver platter.

So Adrien watched with disinterest as Hawkmoth left, rapid footsteps retreating down the hallway. Now what? Seriously, now what? He suspected Hawkmoth would most certainly use someone close to him as a means to break him. Would he tell Hawkmoth who Ladybug was if his father's life was on the line? And that's when he remembered, it didn't matter. Darien couldn't tell him. Anyone who was used to threaten an answer out of Adrien would die, simply because Adrien didn't have the answer.

But it was no use mulling over something that he had spent the last 24 hours mulling over. It was no use trying to give himself any hope. Deep down, he wanted to tell himself, "You're Chat Noir! Ladybug's partner! You can do anything!" Except that he wasn't really Ladybug's partner. Just a sidekick. If that. And he wasn't Chat Noir anymore. He had been stripped of his powers.

He felt gilt-ridden as he thought about Plagg. Who knew what kinds of horrible things the kwami would be forced to do under Hawkmoth's control. He hoped that Hawkmoth would at least give Plagg some cheese quickly. He had been transformed far too long. He knew it had taken its toll on his little black buddy.

Suddenly, a little black blur flew into the room. Great, now he was hallucinating. Like this day could get any worse. Adrien turned his head away, which sent a wave of nausea throughout his body. The little black blur hit his back and then landed on the floor with a thump! Then there was another sound, a little tinkling sound, like metal hitting the linoleum floor.

"A-A-Adrien," a little voice moaned. "Ch-cheese. P-p-pocket. T-too weak."

"Plagg?" Adrien asked, trying not to tense up in surprise. He took his good arm and ever so slowly inched it to his pocket, where he knew there was a block of Camembert. He pulled it out and sent it rolling in the kwami's direction. The little black cat struggled over and took a big bite.

Adrien looked next to Plagg. There, reflecting off of the one light on the ceiling was a silver ring. His miraculous. "How did you get it back?" Adrien exclaimed, wincing at how hoarse his voice sounded.

"Can't explain, must EAT!" Plagg answered with his mouth full, so it sounded more like "Camf epwain, muft EGHT!" Adrien reached out and ever so slowly slid the ring onto his right hand's ring finger. It sent a shiver up that arm, because that was the one that Hawkmoth had broken. His wrist was still swelling and the entire arm was more or less useless.

He looked back and saw that Plagg had finished the entire block of cheese in less than 6 seconds. A new record. "Plagg, are you okay?"

"I'll be fine," Plagg answered wearily. "I could use a million more blocks of Camembert, but I'll survive. You need to transform and get out of here!"

"Don't get your hopes up Plagg. I'm pitiful and useless at this point. I can't walk. I can hardly move. Besides, can you even handle another transformation after holding that last one for so long? You can't lie to me and tell me that didn't nearly kill you, because I know it did."

"It was worth it Adrien! If it makes you feel less guilty, I was feeding off of YOUR energy to keep that transformation up. I'm the one who should feel guilty!" Plagg answered. "Besides, where would I get my cheese if I had let you die?" That comment normally would have made Adrien roll his eyes, but he just stared at Plagg.

"You need to get out of here, Plagg. Go find someone else to be Chat Noir. He can play defense and help Ladybug protect Paris and take down Hawkmoth." Adrien's face hardened at the thought of someone else helping Ladybug. Why did he even still care?

"No!" Plagg answered defiantly.

"Plagg, I don't want to argue. You know that this is the best descisi-"

"NO!" Plagg said, more forcefully. "You and I are getting out of this together! If you think for one second I'm going to just leave you here to die, then you're wrong! I love-uh- cheese! And you give it to me!" Plagg offered Adrien a pitiful smile. The true sentiment of what Plagg was trying to say made Adrien perk up a bit more.

"But I'm practically useless Plagg! I can hardly move! How am I supposed to get out of here?" Adrien pushed his elbow underneath himself and lifted the upper half of his body off the floor. He immediately let himself collapse upon the ground. It hurt so much. He sat there, panting and clenching his teeth because of the pain.

"Transform," Plagg offered, "Your suit will cut off your blood loss. It will also cut the air off from the wound, so it will hurt less. And it will offer extra stability to your wrist. Unfortunately, I won't be able to help you heal, because I'm so exhausted that it will take me everything I have to keep you transformed long enough to get help."

"Are you sure?" Adrien asked again. Plagg looked incredibly annoyed.

"YES! Just transform already!" the little kwami said, stomping his paw upon the ground. Adrien took a deep breath. And he made up his mind. He needed to escape. He honestly felt bad to do this to Plagg, but he had to escape. Not for Ladybug's sake, but for the sake of his family and friends, who would be targeted. He had to protect them.

"Plagg, claws out!" he said. Plagg braced himself and flew into the ring. The transformation was a little awkward, to say the least. Adrien had to use his good arm to run his bad hand over his eyes and ears to provide his signature ears and mask. And he did no little scratch dance afterwards.

Surprisingly, he felt a lot better as soon as he was transformed. The rips and tears in his suit were gone, cutting the air off from his deep cuts and gashes, which helped make the pain a lot more tolerable. Plus, he wasn't losing any more blood. That's always a bonus.

He pulled himself to his feet, using the wall for support. He felt dizzy, but he managed to take several steps, leaning heavily on the wall, and reach the doorway. He stepped outside into the hallway. It was bright, and it gave him a headache. He limped down the hallway as fast as he could (which honestly was not very fast). He had just rounded a corner and come to a door when he heard an angry and panicked voice.


He pushed open the door, knowing that the first place they would look was around the corner. He prayed that he wouldn't walk into a dead ended room. To his surprise, the vent opened to a rooftop. A very familiar rooftop.

It was dark, but he had night vision. He was dizzy and leaning against the doorway for support right now. But he clearly recognized the rooftop that he was on. The rooftop to his mansion. His home. Hawkmoth had been under his nose the whole time! But who was under the mask…?

Crazy as it might seem, he decided to dismiss that thought. His mind could barely focus on one thing at a time, more or less several. His top priority was to get out of here. Chat clenched his teeth and threw himself to the closest rooftop.

He landed on the rooftop with a hard thud. Dragging himself back up, Chat limped across several more connected rooftops. His vision was getting blurrier and blurrier. His head was pounding. His side burned and his leg ached. He was going to pass out…

"No. Just keep going," he mentally urged himself. He looked across the gap from the roof he was on to the next one. Seven feet. Just seven measly feet. He stepped up to the edge, his vision making it hard to tell if he was standing right on the edge or a foot away. Was that fire escape supposed to be bending and multiplying like that?

Chat Noir took a deep breath, and then jumped.

He was going to land wrong. He knew it the moment that his foot left the hard cement. It was that feeling he always got right before his bad luck would strike. There was nothing he could do to stop it, it was already too late.

His leg twisted viciously as it landed on the edge of the roof, effectively tripping him. He went down, yelping like a real cat. Then his head hit a pipe, and everything went black.


"WHERE DID HE GO? AND WHERE DID THE MIRACULOUS GO?" Hawkmoth bellowed, upon finding that the silver ring that he had dropped and left unattended for a mere two seconds was gone, and Chat No-his son, along with it. "NO NO NO! HE'LL DIE!"

The Trapper appeared out of nowhere, looking very confused at his master's outburst. "What's wrong, master?"

"You! Imbecile! You let him escape! You are dismissed, worthless akuma!" he lifted his cane and an akuma flew out of the Trapper's gun, pure white. The camouflage clad man fell to his knees, rubbing his head.

"Wha-what? Where am I?" he looked around. The first thing he saw was a furious looking man dressed in an almost comical black and purple suit, with an all-black mask over his head and a brooch on his jacket.

"GET OUT!" the man yelled. The man, Blake, stumbled for the nearest door that looked to be an exit and ran. Hawkmoth retreated into his dark room, the one that he had kept Chat Noir- Adrien- a prisoner in at first. To his utter delight, he found the butterfly window opening. A new victim for his akuma! Something that could help him find his son and bring him back for good!


"Adopted?" her mouth dropped open. Her mother and father looked at her with love in their eyes and nodded.

"Yes, Macy. You see, we couldn't have children, so we adopted. We found you when you were a baby. We love you sweetheart! You've always been OUR child!" her mother offered, pulling her daughter in for a hug. Macy jerked out of her arms.


"Honey, come back! We didn't want to make you upset!" her mother called after her, standing up. Macy's father put his hand on his wife's arm.

"It's okay. She's right, we should have told her sooner before that school bully used it to make fun of her. She'll come back, and then we can apologize. She needs time alone," he suggested. His wife nodded and hugged him, sighing heavily.

Meanwhile, Macy was running along the edge of the Seine, tears streaming down her face. "It was all a lie," she thought. "They lied to me my entire life! I wish I'd never been adopted by them! I just want to forget everything about them and their lies!" She slumped down against a wall. She didn't notice the black butterfly fluttering towards her locket, which contained a picture of her and her parents.

"Ms. Amnesia, I am Hawkmoth. I can give you the power to make yourself forget about those who hurt you with their lies. But I need a small favor in return. I too, am having family problems. I need you to find Chat Noir or Adrien Agreste, whichever you find first. Wipe his memory, and bring him to me," a voice said in Macy's mind. She stood up, grinning slyly.

"We have a deal!" she cackled. Black light engulfed her as she transformed into a villain. She wielded giant chains, and if they hit you, your memory was completely erased. She laughed as she headed across the rooftops, searching for both blonde haired boys. She wondered which one she would find first, and be able to wipe his memory of the pain.


Tikki was happily munching on cookies and watching Marinette struggle with a needle and some blue fabric when it happened. At first she was shocked, but then she squeaked in joy. Plagg was trying to communicate with her again! But this time, Chat must be de-transformed because it worked.

"T-T-Tikki," she heard him groan in her mind. She set down the cookie immediately and focused all her energy on the communication.

"Plagg, what's wrong? I've been trying to contact you for days! What's wrong with Chat Noir? He kidnapped Adrien Agre-"

"T-T-Tikki," Plagg repeated. "C-can't explain. T-t-tell Ladybug to c-c-come t-to the Agreste m-m-mansion."

And then the connection died.

Tikki wasted no time. She right up into Marinette's line of vision, blocking her view from her work. "Tikki, what's wrong?" the girl asked.

"Plagg just communicated with me. He sounded like he was in terrible condition. He didn't have time to explain before the connection gave out, but you need to transform and go to the Agreste mansion!" Tikki squeaked.

"What? But what if it's a trap?" Marinette asked, looking up. Then she shook her head. "Never mind, we'll risk it to save Adrien! Tikki, spots on!" She transformed into Ladybug and leapt across the rooftops. Her mind was racing.

What would she find when she got there?

A/N: Well, there you have it. Next chapter we have the big moment we've all been waiting for, Chat and Ladybug interaction! But of course, nothing can go right and we might have a certain mind erasing akuma crashing the party.

Sayuri and I wish you a good day! Review if you feel so inspired. We love hearing from you!