
Secret That Lies In The Heart

There's a secret no one wants to hear. There's a secret no one knows. There's a secret that is kept in hidden inside of you. There's a secret that only you know. There's a secret that the world doesn't believe in. There's always a second chance,a second start, a second beginning.Bethany who was rumored to be dead was very much alive and well.Her family hated her for a crime she didn't commit.She swore she would avenge them. Given the opportunity to prove she had moved on from her past relationship she unexpectedly meet an stranger who she knew nothing about.And the worst part is,she's stuck with him,she didn't let him go. What do she do when he doesn't want to let her go?will she stay with him and fight till the end? Despite the warning signs,she failed to listen and now she's stuck with the devil. There's always something waiting at the other side of the wall.She knew this and yet she wouldn't give up she was determined.The devil stared at her longer than she expected, what did he want from her. He calls her different sweet names like sweet,butter, cherry.But he kept it away from her, there's always something that's waiting for you.A secret of the past, a pain of the past you left hidden. When you suddenly think everything is going well for you but suddenly it's gets revealed. Yet to come.Yet to fulfill.Yet to see. He was her devil.He was her lust.He was her desire. She hated him She wanted him She loved him ... Bound with him! Leave him! Destroy him! "How could you do this to your own brother?,"Bethany asked feeling all hopes crushed. "Because to get you of course...I mean why else do I have to do this," "No! I have no business with you...infact I hate you!!!"Bethany yelled. "Hehehe if I were you I'll shut my mouth," "Where is he? please take me and not him he has suffer enough,"She pleaded. "I see your blind with that brother of mine," "He helped you...so why doing all this to him?for payback?"She asked. "I like it when you get fierce," What did that mean? //////////// My first book here please support me and give it a try! And you won't regret it. Xoxo

Favi_gold · Fantasy
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63 Chs


Natasha stared at the stars up in the sky,she loved looking at the sky when she was young but now detest them.She hated the stars,moon,Sky but she didn't hate the sun and she didn't know why.Natasha sighed as she closed her eyes as the memories flooded in,but she held them back today was not the day.

She was lost in her own thoughts when she felt a strong gush of wind blew past her she shivered from the cold.But the cold she felt wasn't like what Bethany felt when they threw her to the cold...

No she should stop all this!

She should stop thinking about Bethany!

She hated her right from time!

She didn't know Bethany as a sister,same goes to bethany they both didn't get along well in the past.But that didn't give her...

"You've been lost is there a problem,"Natasha turned around and found her mother smiling at her with what they called....?

She forced a smile on her hurtful cheeks,"No mother I was just thinking about some stuffs"She answered as her mother stared at her a little longer making her uncomfortable.

"Did I scare you"Margret asked her daughter who frowned upon seeing her.

"Oh...you didn't scare me,you killed the hope,"Natasha looked at her mother without batting an eyelid, she had enough of this already.

Margret stood in front of her daughter she stretched out her hands, towards her daughter but Natasha moved back not wanting to get in contact with her.Margret hands stopping midair she swallowed the lump on her throat"Is this about..."

"Yes it's about her, mother you can't get it,do you?"Natasha asked but she kept glancing at the pictures on her mother's hand."What's that,"

Margret looked at the pictures on her hand and smiled,she took these pictures and she kept them,she didn't let anyone see them until now,"You know these pictures were one of my favorites,and I kept them close to me,even tho I had the urge to burn them.I took these pictures back when I was a teenager with my sister.We always stayed together,not wanting to stay away from each other,but I later found out what she did to me,"

Margret stopped talking she didn't have the courage to tell her yet, moreover it looked like her daughter didn't trust her again,and she couldn't blame her she was responsible for all that's happening.

She kept the pictures aside and walked towards her daughter,she smiled at her daughters beauty one of a kind, Natasha had the features of her father.Margret couldn't lose her,she kept her tears that were about to fall.It pained her too,but this was worth it,this had to stop,she kept telling herself she made the right decision.

But hell she knew her heart to her otherwise,she had to follow the prophecy and she would no matter what,"Natasha you have to look at me,"She noticed Natasha didn't even glance a bit.

Natasha heard her mother loud and clear,she knew she was about to preach to her again,and she had heard all of them already,"What is it mother?"she looked up to face her mother who's eyes were a bit teary"What's the problem,"

"We have a lot of things to do,or else we would lose it all,and now we can't let that happen,"margret spoke to her about the same topic again, and Natasha gritted her teeths her eyes..."Your eyes..."

Margret covered her mouth her eyes in shock,she looked at Natasha whose eyes just changed its color of its own.Margret stood forzen unable to utter a word.

"What just happened to you?"she asked but Natasha shook her head unable to explain what just happened.

"I don't know what happened to me,"Natasha looked confused about what just happened"What was that,"she asked.

"Maybe we just imagined things,"Margret looked concerned about her daughter"Let's just forget.Okay?"

Natasha bobbed her head fast,for a moment she was scared,"Yeah.Lets forget about whatever that happened"She sat untop of the bed and stared at her mother who looked worried, about something."Is there a..."

"About Bethany...I know you've been thinking I'm a bad mother,but can you just for once trust me on this,"margret asked with hope brimming through her eyes.She had to get her daughters trust back,this was what she got.

Natasha was taken back,she didn't expect her mother to plead.She never expected this at all,so it means her mother needed her trust."I..I trust you,"

"Good. Natasha I'll need you to get Bethany's report ready,"Margret pleaded again seeking her daughter approval,she couldn't do it alone,she need Natasha cooperation first.

"Report,"startled Natasha.

"Yes Bethany's report,"Margret kept a straight face she couldn't mess this up.She knew the report was with Natasha,the day they took Bethany to the place,they gave them the report.So why was Natasha looking confused and started all of a sudden.

Natasha didn't know anything about any reports,she had no idea what her mother were talking about.She knew it was concerning Bethany but which reports?What was she talking about?Was she high?

"What reports"she asked again because she had no memory of any report.

"You had them with you,"Margret couldn't believe her owns ears now,"or...did you forget where you kept them,"Margret panicked she tugged her hair as she screamed,she was close but what was she hearing?

Natasha lowered her head as she spoke,"I have no memory of report,"Natasha wouldn't give her mother the report papers she had a bad feeling her mother was up to something bad.

"But you had them with you,you collected those reports with your own hands,"margret was certain natasha was with the reports.She would for it later, maybe she would give them to her.

Natasha stared at her mother with daggers in her eyes,why was her mother so evil? Why was she after Bethany life?.Natasha would wait for the right moment then she would strike,yes she would do just that.