
Secret That Lies In The Heart

There's a secret no one wants to hear. There's a secret no one knows. There's a secret that is kept in hidden inside of you. There's a secret that only you know. There's a secret that the world doesn't believe in. There's always a second chance,a second start, a second beginning.Bethany who was rumored to be dead was very much alive and well.Her family hated her for a crime she didn't commit.She swore she would avenge them. Given the opportunity to prove she had moved on from her past relationship she unexpectedly meet an stranger who she knew nothing about.And the worst part is,she's stuck with him,she didn't let him go. What do she do when he doesn't want to let her go?will she stay with him and fight till the end? Despite the warning signs,she failed to listen and now she's stuck with the devil. There's always something waiting at the other side of the wall.She knew this and yet she wouldn't give up she was determined.The devil stared at her longer than she expected, what did he want from her. He calls her different sweet names like sweet,butter, cherry.But he kept it away from her, there's always something that's waiting for you.A secret of the past, a pain of the past you left hidden. When you suddenly think everything is going well for you but suddenly it's gets revealed. Yet to come.Yet to fulfill.Yet to see. He was her devil.He was her lust.He was her desire. She hated him She wanted him She loved him ... Bound with him! Leave him! Destroy him! "How could you do this to your own brother?,"Bethany asked feeling all hopes crushed. "Because to get you of course...I mean why else do I have to do this," "No! I have no business with you...infact I hate you!!!"Bethany yelled. "Hehehe if I were you I'll shut my mouth," "Where is he? please take me and not him he has suffer enough,"She pleaded. "I see your blind with that brother of mine," "He helped you...so why doing all this to him?for payback?"She asked. "I like it when you get fierce," What did that mean? //////////// My first book here please support me and give it a try! And you won't regret it. Xoxo

Favi_gold · Fantasy
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63 Chs


Natasha looked at her mother who,was not talking even tho,they threw the questions at her.She had never felt so miserable in her life.She remembered when,Bethany told her things weren't always the same.And Natasha knew it was by the gods that,they weren't in prison for murder.

"So...?"she looked at her mother who remained quiet,"Is this how we fold our hands?dad hasn't returned for two days,"

It had been two days since peter returned,he said he didn't have a hand in whatever,they were doing.And peter didn't know anything about the deal."I'm sure will find a way,"

Natasha asked,"Does dad know about this deal?"

"I doubt so,"Margret was certain peter didn't know what,they planned beforehand ,it was about Bethany's capture before her death.

"It's seems it wasn't the truth,"Natasha said as Margret looked at her confused,"The only we can save ourselves is to tell them about her,"

"Shut up,"Margret hissed"You can't be thinking about that now,"Margret thought of it before she carried out her plan, and she knew they, wouldn't stop until they found her,and even tho bethany was the key she was a treasure.A treasure to be kept and not used to waste.Even Natasha didn't know about this but the thought of selling her,out was not the best idea so they made a deal.

"But you know you can never change the fact"Natasha wasn't dumb she knew,"And all thanks to you, I am in this mess,"Natasha looked at her mother in anger,how wish she listened.How wish she thinked properly about this,but now it was to late.

"Do not raise your voice at me!!,"Anger written all over Margets face,"Don't forget your place,"

Natasha smirked at her,"Your forget...."

Then they heard a gun shot in the air.They forgot about them for a second,the gangs stepped inside destroying things,they broke thinkgs.The cries of Natasha were heard she looked scared.They carried guns with them, they didn't care if the matter was taken to the police.

Glasses shattered on the floor,they fell on their knees shaken, they continued to destroy things until,they were satisfied but that wasn't all.Both margret and natasha were scared for their lives.

"Where is she?"They heard one of the gang members she looked at him fear all over.With one glance one would know he was in charge.

With her shaken hands lifted up proving innocence,"I don't know she's been missing,"Margret kept her voice low she couldn't tell them she was dead,she knew what they would do when they found out but that was not on her list.

"What....your saying the boss wife is missing?!"His words bore anger.Natasha threw her head another side she hate what was happening now.Those men were here for Bethany.

"Yes,for two days now,"Margets answered.

"And you did nothing?!"The entire gang shouted and both margret and natasha trembled.

"We are....."

"You have 24hours to find her or else..."They heard everything they said and now with the threat they had to find Bethany!

This was going to be hard.


The past few days were hell for him and now he was preparing for the next.Dean looked at his Petek Philipee Grandmaster Chime watch worth millions.His head aches badly because of lack of sleep,he had dark circles under his eyes.He kept glancing at the time,how long?

"Geez...you look terrible,"Issac almost caught heart attack when he looked at dean,"We still have 10minutes more,"he said and Dean nodded in approval.

"For a sec...I thought it was because of her,"Issac said and Dean looked at him confused at his words,"So you don't know?"

Dean looked Issac who just sprouting nonsense,he thought,"Is there anything I should know,"

"Yes"Issac countered"She's dead,"Issac just dropped the bomb.He had to know,Issac knew this was the same girl dean meet at the club.

"Who is dead"He asked.

Issac was serious when he said she was dead"Dean you might not know this but Bethany is dead,"Issac had to tell him now so he did.

"Which of the Bethany,"Dean kept his anger in check.

"The one you meet at the club,"Issac glanced at dean who's face hard as a steel, he couldn't read what was on his mind because of that nothingness face.


What did he hear?dead?her?how?

So many questions came running through his mind ,he felt as going crazy as he heard those words 'she's dead' but how come?

He knew he had to keep his emotions in check,but damn he couldn't,was she in so much pain then?,what was not fine?.He felt so angry at himself,just when she needed you,you weren't there.He had to find out who was responsible for this.He hid his emotions back and kept his composure normal but deep inside he was a mess.

The few days he was so occupied with his work,so he didn't have the time to get in touch with her, But who have known those days weren't as planned.He felt like going back to time to take all those pains she carried by herself,he felt like amending things but he couldn't.

Dean felt so strange and pained all of a sudden and he didn't know why.It felt so foreign to him and he didn't like it one bit,it felt like as if he just something dear to him.He knew he had to get rid of this feeling and he would.