


After the meal, he paid while Elaine went into the kitchen to say goodbye to Amanda.

/"Elaine is it true?/" Amanda asked on seeing her.

/"Is what true?/" She feigned ignorance, of course she knows what she was asking about.

/"I heard that Tom kissed you in the diner!/"


/"What? Wait, are you two a thing now? I saw the way he was looking at you when I was talking to you both but I just didn't see this coming./"

/"Well, it's not something new nor something to worry about. What's wrong when a boyfriend kisses his girlfriend?/"

/"What? Wait, seriously? You two are now together?/"

/"Yes Amanda./"

/"But Elaine, what about Jasper? I heard he will be coming back for good this time and now this? The whole town won't stop talking about this in forever!/"