


Later that day, Carlos went home and waited for Elaine to come home. She was running a little late today and he figured she might have been busy. He ended up dozing off on the couch and only opened his eyes when he felt like someone was staring at him. His vision first blurred, slowly cleared off and he took in the face of his companion.

A smile curved on his lips and he stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms. Elaine chuckled but didn't struggle, she rest her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeats, /"you must have been really tired today/" she said.

/"I was but not anymore. I have recharged my batteries./"

She chuckled /"Ben didn't stress you that much did he?/"

/"You will be surprised to know that I didn't even see him throughout today. He was damn tired, I guess. Though Lucy kept me company most of the day./"

/"I see, she really likes you./"