
Second life in Twilight

Everything is owned by respective owners -------------------------------------------------- 3 wishes in twilight

tykee554 · Movies
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7 Chs

Chapter 4 ~ Relaxing

It's been nine months since Ty started his life in debauchery, he's been trying to fill a hole in himself that just can't be filled. But he was safe before he started with the humans he took certain measures to make sure the woman didn't get pregnant. He went to parties, clubs, even orgys. Ty did figure out something though, he has a certain thing or it's more like a certain charm. He calls it [Alpha Charm] that's why every night he goes home with a different girl. The [Alpha Charm] gets stronger by the day.

However at them nine months he felt something like he needed to be somewhere. He cast magic and made skills to get rid of it, but he was only able to suppress it.

This feeling irritated him for two years until he ran into a group of vampires in Germany. They were like the Volturi but they were called Night Walkers.

Ty slept with one of the higher rank members, and because of his [Alpha Charm] she thought he was her mate. Ty knew she was a vampire he could smell it but he could care less what she was he wanted to get off and leave. That's what Ty did he left for Japan.

Let's call the female Vampire Jess.

Jess reported to the other members that she found her mate. The whole council devised a plan so less would look like the hero, but when she went to look for him he was gone and she was livid.

Jess and her council sent low-level members to search for him. The low-level members found clues about him and reported it straight to Jess. Jess was over the moon. So they put their plan into action, one vampire went after him and tried to turn him. But as soon as the low-level member got close to him with hostile intentions he burst into flames.

When Jess didn't get any news from the vampire she thought something was up, so she sent someone else to do the same thing. But it happened again. So this time she sent a group, but when half the group returned the greed in their faces was unheard of.

(there are two more members of the council named Kol and Betty)

"Your mate has the power to control fire, if we get him under us we will be stronger," Kol said

"We could take over the Volturi with his power," Betty said

"All we have to do is find him and get him under our control," Jess said

They tried to find him again but couldn't. They looked all over Japan. Jess sent scouts in all directions and found him in China two years later.

They grabbed every vampire they had on deck and went straight there. Days later they found him in an isolated forest in China. Ty was waiting for them with a bored expression.

"Is this all of you?" Ty said not losing his bored expression.

"It is my love. I was looking all over for you" Jess said with obsession all in her voice.

Ty just looked at her and then sighed.

'I haven't fought in my half transformation yet I guess I'll do that' Ty thought-feeling interested in the outcome.

Ty cast barrier magic so no one could escape, then did a half transformation.

"What are you?" Kol said with a disgusted face

As soon as Kol said that Jess turned to him ready to kill him.

Ty roared in excitement. Everything and everyone trembled, even vampires fell. A big smile plastered on his face as he replied.

"I'm a werewolf."

Ty then took off running towards them, he didn't want to end it fast so he was aiming for legs and arms.

"Honey, what are you doing your my mate. We are bonded." Jess said yelling in fear.

As soon as those words left her mouth Ty stopped in his tracks and looked at her. He didn't understand the stupidity that just left her mouth.

"*sigh* This dumb bitch has a screw loose," Ty said in disbelief.

Ty started to limit his strength to a newborn. Running from left to right Ty was taking arms and legs. Betty however did manage to rip his arm off, as soon as she did that he roared even louder than the last time.

~At The Cullen's~

In the Cullens' house, the family is currently having dinner or more like watching Luna eat, and all of a sudden she turned her head in a certain direction. Her eyes flashed a purplish red.

"Dad!!" Luna said with nothing but sadness in her voice

Rosalie looked at her daughter and was about to say something but she got up and ran outside. Following her daughter behind shortly after.

With all Luna's might, she roared to the sky.


Rosalie arrives at her daughter's side and questions her.

"Luna honey what's wrong," Rosalie said worriedly.

"I-I-Its dad he's in pain," Luna said while crying

"How do you know?" Rosalie said skeptically while rubbing her daughter's back.

"I heard him," Luna said while looking at her mother with tears rolling down her cheeks.

Then wolves (regular) started to come out of the forest. Rosalie stepped in front of her daughter to protect her but Luna runs past her and starts to hug the wolves while crying more while the wolves try to comfort her.

(if u don't like that interaction oh well)

~Back to Ty~

After Ty's arm got ripped off he was pissed. He heard a reply to his roar but put it in the back of his mind. He didn't hold back anymore, the anger he felt almost reached a new peak. Slashing at all the necks he could find until he hit the last one. Jess. He looked at her while she was crawling away.

"Should've left me alone" Ty said while growing his arm back in command.

He killed her swiftly. Pilling up the bodies he set them on fire, made a chair and pulled out smores ingredients, and started eating.

"This is relaxing," Ty said with a smile.


I'm happy ad I pushed out 2 chapters