
Second Coming of Gluttony: The Regend

Striving to achieve and surpass what the previous bearers of the mantle, Sasaki Kojiro had achieved. Always striving and living by the sword.

LazzyD · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Chapter 17

A/N: My big brain intellect to powerful. Not even the stupid teacher can stop me from understanding the stuff easily. Got to give you guys your daily dose.

Around the time that the sun was hanging in the middle of the sky.

"Slaughterer! It's the Slaughterer!"


As the Earthlings on Haramark's streets hightailed the hell out of there, Agnes was leisurely walking toward Carpe Diem's office. She wasn't going there on official business. In fact, it was a strictly personal visit.

There really wasn't much to it. She had simply promised someone to help him with his training and was on her way to keep her word.

Although it was only a verbal promise, she made it her principle to never make a promise she couldn't keep. Thus, she saw it as her duty to take responsibility for her words.

And when she arrived at her destination….

Tak, tak. She was greeted by the sound of something striking the ground periodically. As someone who was only a step away from becoming a Unique Ranker, Agnes could clearly hear the faint groaning coming out of the office.

As she slowly made her way closer, she saw someone walking toward her from the other side of the street. Unlike most others in the city, this person showed no signs of being afraid of Agnes.

The name Agnes was a source of terror in Haramark. The reason Haramark was called the "crime city" had much to do with the infamy it amassed during its past internal strife.

To explain in greater detail, the way Agnes dealt with her enemies could be summarised easily. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

She murdered enemies who were infamous for their cruelty even more cruelly. When she fought people who were crazy, she became even crazier than them.

One time, she cleanly dismembered her enemies' corpses and neatly placed their body parts on a platter before serving it during a negotiation dinner. Another time, she slaughtered every member of an enemy organisation and decorated a Christmas tree using their corpses and organs. And as if that wasn't enough, she even held an exhibition to show it off.

It wasn't just once or twice that Agnes has done something ridiculous under Sicilia's principle, "an ally's blood will be washed away with an enemy's blood". With such horror stories under her belt as Sicilia's vanguard, it was no wonder why everyone was so terrified of Agnes.

However, the man walking toward her didn't seem to care in the slightest. Of course, Agnes had no reason to care either, so she passed him without paying too much attention to him.

No, she tried to pass him.

But she couldn't. This was because she saw the man's features as he drew closer.

The fedora on his head and his dark blue coat made him look as if he just entered Paradise. He carried a long wooden stick in one hand. Rather than a staff used by Magicians, it seemed to be a walking cane that he carried around as a habit.

He was shorter than Agnes and looked feebler too. The wrinkles on his aged face was a poignant reminder of the passage of time. However, even his age couldn't hide the fiery vitality burning in his eyes.

And when Agnes caught sight of them….


Her eyes shot open in surprise. She even stopped entirely.

Tak! The old man must have seen her too as he grabbed his cane tightly and halted his steps.

Agnes looked at him "I'm assuming you are here to visit?" The old man nodded. Agnes started reminiscing about the old memories. That was until they had arrived. Seol was training harder than before. He had heard about Kojiro's swordsmanship, he needed to catch up.

He practised with the spear until he dropped as he sighed "Why won't it work?"


Kojiro sighed as he leisurely placed down a card. "Pick up four." The Saintess grinned "How about you pick up eight?" Kojiro saw that she had placed it down, he hummed in acknowledgment "I'll admit, you are getting better every time we play. Still not enough."

"Pick up 12."

Flonecia dropped to the ground losing all image of a Saintess as she writhed on the ground with all the resentment built up slowly being released. "GRRR." A pale hand slammed itself onto the deck and drew 12 more cards as she smiled before releasing a combo of attacks.




More cards were placed as Kojiro only managed to get in a few as Flonecia smiled with fulfilment. "Finally, I win!"

Kojiro chuckled before giving a mocking smile "Happiness is only temporary."

"Plus four."

Flonecia glared at him as she picked up four more cards and ended her turn.

"Plus four, colour change, yellow."


She was fuming as she picked up more cards. Only to realise she could not place anything down.

Kojiro chuckled before ending her misery.


A plus 2 was added as Kojiro had no more cards. Flonecia huffed before disappearing back to rest.

Kojiro sighed as he inclined on his chair in the courtyard. The cherry blossom trees has started raining pink flower petals onto the courtyard as the wind sent them in a little dance with the breeze. Kojiro lifted the Monohoshizao as a petal fell and was cut as it came into contact with the blade.

Agnes eventually made her way onto the stairs along with Maldong. "That's him, the one Seol was talking about." Maldong stared at her "You're saying that man is the one who took on hundreds and thousands of parasites?"

Agnes nodded as Maldong sighed "He doesn't look like it." Kojiro chuckled from his seat "I know I may not look like it. I assure you I'm well trained in the sword. Especially mine." Maldong snorted "You look lean and fit but I'm not sure you have the strength." Kojiro sighed "Since I inherited the mantle of Sasaki Kojiro, strength was something I gained as a byproduct, what I seek is to seek the absolute pinnacle of swordsmanship. I have gained the pinnacle of one technique, the Tsubame Gaeshi (EX)."

Maldong looked at him before Kojiro got up as he placed the Monohoshizao on his shoulder. "So Miss Agnes, why have you come to visit me at my temple?" Agnes pointed at Maldong "He was interested after seeing Seol and Seol complaining about how you were way talented and stronger."

Kojiro smiled "Would you like a cup of tea and snacks since you are here as well?" Agnes nodded as Kojiro went to grab the snacks and tea. Maldong whispered to Agnes who seemed reluctant but soon nodded.

Kojiro came as he gently placed the tray on the table as they all sat down. "I hope you're fine with cherry blossom tea and butter cookies? Maldong nodded as he sipped before his eyes widened. "It's very good." Kojiro smiled "I got bored one day and decided to refine my tea making skills. Though it does me some wonders occasionally."

Agnes sipped as she placed it down before sighing. Kojiro smiled as he tilted backwards on his chair as his Mind's Eye saw it coming. A punch that cut the air with a crack. Kojiro's foot hooked onto the edge of the able as he countered his balance by shifting it to the right of Maldong as the distance between him and Agnes was clear of obstacles.

Kojiro stood up from the chair as Monohoashizao gleamed as it was drawn.

"What is the meaning of this Agnes?"