
Second Coming of Gluttony: The Regend

Striving to achieve and surpass what the previous bearers of the mantle, Sasaki Kojiro had achieved. Always striving and living by the sword.

LazzyD · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Chapter 12

Kojiro had received some more supplies as a thanks from the princess who had seen that he was going to stay here for quite a bit. He was going to receive constant supplies and a few treats while he was at it.

His little communication orb buzzed as Flonecia's voice resounded through clear and crisp. "Kojiro, why haven't you come to visit me this week?" Kojiro sighed "I've been busy cleaning up insects." Flonecia's voice toned down a bit before replying with her own question "Is it tough?" Kojiro shook his head "It's getting irritating even for me. Perhaps it's time I send that vulgar queen a message."

He contacted Teresa as he prepared to leave after the swarm the next day.

Kim Hannah finally arrived with the help of Seol and his group. Seol gulped looking at the flights of stairs while Hugo complained and Chung Chohong cursed the man under their breaths.

"Damned Kojiro, I ask him to meet me and he insists on me visiting him?" Seol sighed as they eventually made their way up to see the purple haired swordsman waiting for them at the top of the stairs.

Kim Hannah glared at him "You better have refreshments prepared. Or I'm going to strangle you." Kojiro smirked "Of course, it would be rude of me to not do anything after making you come to me for a meeting even though you asked for it."

Kim Hannah moved across and entered the temple but stopped after hearing Kojiro draw his sword. Monohoshizao gave a cheerful clack as it found itself ready to battle once again. Hannah stared at him "Kojiro what are you doing?" Kojiro smiled "I'm merely testing to see if I should let them through. Though it should be easy though, I'm merely a Level 2 Swordsman."

"If you can show me you're enough then you'll pass"

Kim Hannah sighed before sitting on top of the stairs watching Carpe Diem select who was going to fight first. Chung Chohong didn't even need to think as she was irritated at his calmness despite being a Level 2 newbie. Kojiro sighed "Women are strange creatures." Chohong was even more pissed now. Kojiro walked down as his blade was ready. A mace swung over trying to knock his blade away only for him to slide it across the handle and redirect it to the ground. In an instant the mace was stuck onto the ground as the Monohoshizao headed for Chohong's neck.

However Chohong was not a pushover as the mace instantly swung up as it knocked the blade back. Kojiro instantly recovered and attempted to cut her from the side only for her steel gauntlets to catch it. Chohong smiled with a grin until Kojiro let go of one hand on the sword as a quick mana burst powered strike to the hilt of the sword was enough to cut through to Chohong's hand. She hissed in pain as she glared at Kojiro.

Kojiro had long been gone as Chohong found a blade against her neck. The edge was there but it was not dangerous as he had no intention of harming her. "You may pass, bandages and refreshments will be in the centre of the courtyard. Chohong huffed before whispering "I'll remember this."

Hugo soon rose up with an axe with a small cheeky smile "Go easy on me I suppose?" Kojiro gave his own cheeky reply "If I go easy on you wouldn't that make you weaker than a lady?" Hugo scratched his bald head as he charged at Kojiro.

The axe swung and cut the air while Kojiro simply stepped back before countering with six consecutive sword strikes as the Monohoshizao left after images as Hugo was forced to use his heavy axe to block while retreating. Hugo finally got enough distance to wield his axe as Kojiro once again deflected the strikes before redirecting the force of the strike back towards Hugo who soon fell over.

Hugo fell down on his bum with a pain in his eyes only to realise he had a blade to his throat. Kojiro gave a little hum "You pass, I still had to factor in the fact that you used a battle axe, in a real battle you would have had your head detached from your shoulders five times already.

Dylan sighed "I wield a bow so is that fine?" Kojiro shook his head "No need you pass, I can see it already, your skill with the bow surely exceeds most on your level. You may pass, bowman."

"Ah, Jihu, I trust that you got my transfer on the day?"

Seol nodded "Why?"

Kojiro smiled "I had no need for anything I didn't want. Therefore I only needed a few elixirs and that was it. You were eyeing the mission and would have done it if I had not came. Therefore it made sense that I would give it to the person who was going to do it."

"But enough talking."

Seol grasped his spear tightly as he gazed up on the swordsman.



Jihu laid on the ground panting and heaving after the fight with Kojiro. Soon enough he was dragged all the way to the court place while the rest where enjoying the tea and snacks.

"So Miss Foxy, what did you need me for?" Kim Hannah smacked him in the head "Do you know what I felt when Princess Teresa asked If I knew a Sasaki Kojiro? Turns out you disappeared and have been living in a temple right on the border of parasite controlled lands!"

Kojiro hummed in response irritating Kim Hannah "I see, how kind of you to check up on me. As for these people, I need them to cover for me while I need to do something." He quickly wrote a little note before heading towards the temple at great speed.

Kojiro stared at the temple of Gula before entering in a brisk manner. "Gula I don't have much time so just let me make it quick will you?"

A soothing voice soon responded "Very well, I can see that you don't intend on doing it the normal way. No you want to pioneer your own path. Very well, with the contribution points you've saved since the start of your Parasite Butchering and protecting the gap from invasion it's enough to jump you to level 4 Legendary Swordsman." Kojiro stared at the statue of Gula with a dead pan glare. Gula responded with an airy reply "It was the best I could come up with on the spot okay?" Kojiro nodded before leaving as his status was updated.

[Your Status Window]

[1. General Information]

Summoned date: March 16th, 2017.

Marking Grade: Blank

Sex/Age: Male/23

Height/Weight: 180 cm/70.5 kg

Current Condition: Excellent

Class: Legendary Swordsman

Nationality: Republic of Korea (Area 1)

Affiliation: N/A

Alias: Dragon Slayer

[2. Traits]

1. Temperament:

— Patient and Compliant (Very patient and listens attentively to complete tasks when needed.)

—Calm (Able to rationally think even in the most dire of situations)

—Unrelenting (Will not let a task go unfinished, always finish what you start)

—Conviction (Will follow his moral code and eliminate anything that goes against it. )

2. Aptitude:

—Absolute Concentration. (Uses 100% of concentration on a task he deems necessary)

—Highly Observant (Notices very small details and capable of making instant deductions during combat)

—Sword Play (Extremely proficient and talented in the way of the sword.)

[3. Physical Level]

Strength: Intermediate (Intermediate)

Endurance: Intermediate (Low)

Agility: Intermediate (High)

Stamina: Intermediate (High)

Mana: Intermediate (High)

Luck: High (High)

Remaining Ability points: 0

[4. Abilities]

1. Innate Abilities (2)

—Mind's Eye (Pinnacle)

—Vitrify (High) ==> Fade Out (Pinnacle)

—Sense of Subtle Elegance (High)

2. Class Abilities

—Mana Application (Low)

—Refined Swordsmanship (Pinnacle)

—Disengage (High)

—Battle Continuation (High)

3. Other Abilities

—Tsubame Gaeshi

—Hiken- Tsubame Gaeshi

—Hiken- Tsubame Mure

—God's Execution

—Mana Burst (High)

[5. Level of Cognition]


A/N: We finally hit the 15k word mark. Let's shoot for the top people!