
Second Coming of Gluttony: The Regend

Striving to achieve and surpass what the previous bearers of the mantle, Sasaki Kojiro had achieved. Always striving and living by the sword.

LazzyD · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Chapter 11

Kojiro had finished meeting up with Kim Hannah as he left on his own way. He had no idea what anyone else was doing but at least he knew where his little maid friend was. Maria turned out to live in the Luxuria Temple. But he would simply journey to wherever he felt like it.

Maybe find somewhere to settle as well.


1 Month Later

Kojiro sighed as he got out of bed before walking out into the temple courtyard. Of course he had found somewhere to settle within three months. While Kojiro didn't know, his "Daily Routine" Had net him quite a lot of contribution points. He yawned as he stood guard at the temple gates with his day's lunch.

He had been wondering around and finally found a place, well more like he did it out of necessity, it took quite a while and some convincing to have it built to his tastes but it was indeed beautiful. It was in between the Arden Valley, to the right of the Arden Fortress. He also had the back garden to the Forest of Denial. Of course he had also made a strange ghost friend.

Very strange, a door that he had found after wondering one day. Inside was a temple and inside where riches that seemed to have been left over after maybe, looting? He peeked inside, after realising that it was a tomb he soon walked straight back out. Until a voice called out to him.

"Why do you not take anything?"

Kojiro hummed before answering "I don't see a need to take them." The voice was soothing and elegant, Kojiro stopped before heading back in. "I take it you are a ghost of the deceased here?" The voice seemed to have frozen as it thought for a bit. "Why do you not run? Why do you not have an eye of greed?" Kojiro chuckled "I simply live by the sword, and well my few desires are something I could easily obtain using a little bit of money. Want one?"

And that had started a friendship of sorts. He would visit there when he had the time of course. But it seems some more nuisances had arrived. A small swarm of parasites larger than the previous swarm that had come. Kojiro's Monohoshizao laid on his shoulder. "I thought you would be learning by now. Try not to destroy too many trees, they make for part of the beauty of this temple."

A few giant insects swarmed him as they were quickly taken care of. Blood splattered everywhere as more soon arrived. Kojiro sighed "Better take care of this quick otherwise Flonecia will be mad. Why would she even take my pocky? I don't even think she can eat it?" A quick stance as Kojiro had soon managed to alter the Hiken- Tsubame Gaeshi to something even better.

[Mind's Eye] (Pinnacle)

[Though process Accelerated, Future Prediction enabled, Greater Evasion]

"Hiken- Tsubame Mure!"

In that instant, instead of three possibilities being acknowledged, he acknowledged every possibility for every target.

One sword strike became many and gave birth to many more through multiplying. An original finite sword became an infinite sword capable of giving birth to many "Correct Answers". He simply acknowledged every correct answer at the same time. In that instant, parasite carnage occurred, blood splattered everywhere.

Kojiro flicked his blade as blood was cleaned off while heading back to the temple to grab a broom.


Teressa was finding it weird that no parasites had been spotted near the other gap in the Arden Valley, instead they had found a temple wedged in between the gap and even more strange, no parasites had even breached the temple yet.

She quickly set out with a small group to head towards the temple. The Forest of Denial seemed strangely peaceful, of course a certain someone was lounging on the temple stairs guarding the gates.

"Kojiro! There's people approaching the temple."

Kojiro nodded "Thank you Flonecia." A small "Umu" was heard as he headed towards the temple stairs. Monohoshizao laid resting on his back ready to be drawn at any time.


Teresa Hussey and her men stopped when they arrived at the bottom of the temple stairs. Teresa huffed as she climbed up the sets of stairs. She was pissed while not exhausting it was annoying. "Who in the world would create a temple with this many stairs?!" A smooth voice replied "I would." The group stopped as a young man with purple hair tied into a ponytail and indigo eyes. He stood at the top of the temple gate while surveying the group.

"And you are?" Kojiro asked the group. Teresa replied and introduced herself "Teresa Hussey, Princess of Haramark, we are here to follow up on the investigation of the lack of parasites breaching this spot of the Arden Valley."

Kojiro chuckled "You have no need for that. I'm fine with staying here. Though I'd advise you to hurry up on with your way back or would you rather be caught up in the parasite carnage soon?" Teresa looked confused. "Parasite Carnage?" Kojiro hummed in reply "They usually come at the same time each day. Those vulgar creatures never learn, though it seems the queen is lacking in elegance and intelligence." His voice never wavered, it flowed smoothly without any flaws. Teresa asked him "Do you have enough space?" Kojiro smirked "Do you have enough cleaning power?" Teresa was stunned "Cleaning power? You mean fighting power?" Kojiro shook his head "I meant cleaning power."


Teresa found herself strangely silent as she and her a small part of her personal army were now sweeping and burning the parasite corpses. One man had taken down a small portion of the parasite army. Especially during the end in which he had taken care of all of them with a single sword strike. Hiken- Tsubame Mure, he had called it, Secret Technique- Swallow Flock, in that instant a single swing became three and then became many more with the sword strikes multiplying in accordance to the enemy.

Kojiro let out a content sigh as he left his temple to the soldiers and princess to clean. He had no qualms with making royalty clean his temple. After all, if they were to drink tea and eat snacks while he was fighting they should be prepared to do some cleaning after right?

The door to the tomb opened automatically as Kojiro joked "So you are a door woman now?" A dark smoke resembling a hand punched him in the stomach as he clutched on without damaging his elegant behaviour. "And you still do not break your elegant composure I see." Kojiro smirked "It's one of my traits." Another punch came this time he didn't let his one hit.

"Mou! Meanie."

Kojiro soon had a lengthy talk and chat before Flonecia had snuck a box of pocky from his pocket as he left and replaced it with a few valuables around the same weight.

Kojiro would not notice this until later when the princess and her small group of soldiers heard an elegant curse come out of his mouth as he revealed some platinum coins in his pocket.

"Damned Saintess, can't leave my pocky alone for even a moment.

He sat down on a chair by the sakura tree has he looked at the sky horizon. Everyone cleaning had a dumb face as they heard him sigh before peacefully stating.

"What a peaceful day."