

"Chained by societal expectations and betrayed by those she trusted, Florence, a young woman raised in the nobility, finds herself unjustly condemned and abandoned in a perilous unknown land. As she faces the brink of death, her resolve strengthens. Determined to forge her own destiny, she renounces the shackles of her past and embraces a newfound determination to live for herself. However, when she unexpectedly wakes in familiar surroundings, rescued by an enigmatic figure, Florence confronts the painful truth of her origins and the harsh realities of her existence. Now, torn between her past and her newfound freedom, Florence must navigate the intricacies of her fragmented memories and the complexities of her relationships, all while seeking to unravel the mysteries of her existence and reclaim her agency in a world rife with deceit and betrayal."

Akane_Satsuki · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

"You Hethen, rats like you should just stay in the slums with the rest of your kind" 

Before the story even began, only a nightmare exists. Chased by death, even the heavens shield their eyes. 

"Capture her, she stole from my shop" 

"Hey, I think she went over here" 

"I swear when we catch her, hunger won't be a problem ever again," words spoken by a hematic man. 

Left alone in a barrel, hidden from pursuers lay a sheath of a person. 

How long has it been? Since it was just me. Two, Three, or maybe five. When was the last time? I can't remember. 

"Mom... did I have one…." I hate this. 

"Was she kind…" I hate this. 

"Was I happy…" I hate this. 

I hate this. 

I should find a place to sleep, it seems like rain will fall soon. 

Hands clutching on whatever is left, balancing between life and death she searches. 

The place over there seems to be abandoned so it should be a good resting spot. 

"Hey is anyone here…no answer." Guess tonight I'll be alone once again. 

Sleep helps one forget their pain, but the scars will always remain. 

I can't sleep. My stomach won't let me rest today either. I should eat whatever's left of the bread from that shop. A fire would also help me keep warm. 

I wonder why this place is abandoned, there are traces of artwork along the walls. Maybe some Nobel didn't want it anymore and just threw it out. It disgusts me. How grand it must be to live a life full of pleasure and no worries. To stair up at hanging diamonds connected by gold, now just rusted whole. To walk upstairs that cost the same as a piece of land, now crumbled by time. A kitchen once filled, empty. It all disgusts me. 

"I hate this, I hate this, I hate this…I hate it all…," be it jealousy or envy her pain only brings sorrow. 

I shouldn't cry, my tears will be nothing. If it hurts ignore it, if it bleeds wrap it, if it rumbles swallow anything, surviving is what matters. 

I should get back to making the fire, wonder if those thugs are still looking for me, I hope the shop owner forgets about what happened, not like I wanted to do it, but I must live. 

Why do I have to suffer, I didn't ask for this. All because of her, why did she even have me? Why have me just to leave me alone? This world is cruel, heartless, and cold. So why bring me into it, selfish. You had me yet left me, type of joke is that. You knew it would all end up pointless so why even try? 

"I hate this." 

"Hey, I think I heard something from over here and I think there's a light". You gotta be kidding me they found me, why are they still looking for me? I only stole a piece of bread. It's not fair. 

"Hey, you sure you saw a light in here" 

"Of course I am, look a fire was lit here wasn't it" 

"She mustn't have run too far, find her, that silver hair would sell greatly in the slave market". Slave traders? When? How? 

I must hide. 

"It's all thanks to that stupid Duke, we're left with no choice but to hunt riff raff like this" 

"If it wasn't thanks for boss we'd probably end up behind bars" 

"Right so let's catch that kid and bring her to boss as thanks." 

Duke? A noble? I'm being hunted because of a noble. Is this a joke? Because they are being hunted for their hunting me. I hate this. 

She runs. 

"Hey, she just ran that way from behind the planks" 

"After her!!!" 

"Don't chase her, she just ran in the boss's direction." Boss? But there's clearly nobody over here. 


"How could y'all idiots let such a pipsqueak escape" 

"But boss she was small and fast." 

Funny, why does it feel like I've stopped running? 

"It's whatever we caught her in the end." 

That's weird, the outside is right there, yet I can't move. I'm nearly free, yet I can't move. I need to survive, yet I can't move. I need to escape, yet I can't move. I can't move. 

"Hey kid you nearly gave us the slip there, but we still managed to catch you so behave ok, tie her up and bring her with us." I was caught? Is this a joke? Why is there a blessed one after me? How was I even supposed to escape that? Was I even supposed to escape? This is a JOKE RIGHT. I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO GET CAUGHT, I'VE NEVER BEEN CAUGHT, NOT POSSIBLE. I've always escaped, I've always survived, I've always…just survived. 

Tears fall.  

"Aww boss she's crying" 

"Good, means she's given up and accepted her fate, now finish the job" 

"Ugh boss she's biting and kicking, are we sure she's a human" 

"Hmm you right Looking at her she might be nothing more than an animal of the slums so let's treat her, accordingly, beat her until she resists no more, and avoid the face" 

Settings change and hope is lost.  

Beaten, chained, and starved like an animal. I think they must have broken something; my head is pounding, vision is blurry. Where am I right now, I think I'm moving, am I in a carriage but where are we going? It can't stand or move at all; it hurts too much. I want to cry, why did I have to be born a peasant, why did mom have to die, why did dad leave, it's so unfair. If I'm going to be sold as a slave, I'd rather die. 

Please someone end this suffering of mine. The carriage stopped but why? 

"Hey, how long do we have to wait?" 

"I don't know. The boss said to wait here until the shop owner shows up and picks up the kid, is she still asleep?" 

"Yeah, from the looks of it but why did he only send us two and not the new guys" 

"He said he wants to make sure this one gets sold". I see so I'm where they sell salves at. 

"Ight well Ima go use the bathroom until it's time" 

"Wait, I'm coming with gotta take a leak too". So, I'm alone now. 

"Duke the preparations are done, we're ready to begin the operation as soon as you give the go-ahead" 

"You may begin the operation at once Hildrike, and put an end to this disgusting practice." Did I hear something about a Duke, that's a noble right, the one who protects the rule of the kingdom. Is today just full of jokes, am I supposed to be saved by a so-called noble? To crawl to him in my weakened state and beg for him to save me? 

My body is chained and bruised, my mind is tired and wants to rest for eternity, and now my pride is to be left behind for another day of this life. Tell me God's why am I to suffer this fate? 

Her words, mistaken as prayers, had only one answer. 

"Child we are not the cause of your suffering neither are we the saviors, your pain is anguish to your soul. We'll grant you a chance to save yourself, whether glory or ruin happens is up to you. Your ropes are gone and will alleviate your pain so go now while you still can

As though to answer their message, she carries herself to the edge, mind wilting but body resisting. 

I don't know who is there, neither if I'll see this light again, but please "Save Me."