

"Chained by societal expectations and betrayed by those she trusted, Florence, a young woman raised in the nobility, finds herself unjustly condemned and abandoned in a perilous unknown land. As she faces the brink of death, her resolve strengthens. Determined to forge her own destiny, she renounces the shackles of her past and embraces a newfound determination to live for herself. However, when she unexpectedly wakes in familiar surroundings, rescued by an enigmatic figure, Florence confronts the painful truth of her origins and the harsh realities of her existence. Now, torn between her past and her newfound freedom, Florence must navigate the intricacies of her fragmented memories and the complexities of her relationships, all while seeking to unravel the mysteries of her existence and reclaim her agency in a world rife with deceit and betrayal."

Akane_Satsuki · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

Before the world came to be, only two forces existed. Light which sought to create, and Darkness which sought to destroy. These forces were in constant opposition. Over time their hostility formed worlds, stars, and galaxies. One world, in particular, stood out to them for it was a world born with creation and destruction; "Zoe 'Ares". This world symbolized perfect harmony. The forces ceased their fighting and decided to rule over it as Gods of life, and death, bestowing all its inhabitants with their power. After many cycles, the two forces disappeared from the world. Returning to their original forms in symbiosis, leaving only one final gift. The Saint, a being born to have the power to create and destroy. Only awakened when the world is set to meet its end. Only the Saint can decide the fate of the world. 

"BANISH HER TO THE FORGOTTEN LANDS AT ONCE" The anger of a king silenced the room. 

With a heavy decree, a single knight stands and pleads his ground. 

"My KING...I Charles Dragwig, captain of the First Order, ask you the greatest son of our kingdom to rethink your order," the knight kneels barring his arms; a knight's soul. 

"Charles your blatant flattery does you no good" 

"But my king, this decision shouldn't be rushed" 

"Sir Dragwig, you may be the captain of the First Order but don't think for a second, you're irreplaceable. Question my judgment again and it'll be your last" 

"But sire the young knight may be correct, we are making a hasty judgment here, What of the church?" 

"Royal advisor, you dare think that I should fear the authority of the church" 

"No…of course not but we can't overlook their influence" the royal advisor who seemed to be more afraid of the church, over the king he bowed his head to.

At the center of all this one sole woman stood trial for a crime unbeknownst to her. 

Why am I here? 

Why do I have to prostrate myself in front of all these gazes? 

They said I had to be brilliant. I studied as hard as I could. They said I must be elegant and courtly. I followed every rule I was told. They said I must be pretty. 

I smiled. 

They said I must be selfless. I gave up everything. Those faces who always criticized me, wearing masks. 

"Florence from now on you must be a noble who no one can look down upon," the words of a man who was her only hope. 

Father, did I not do as told, did I not meet every need, did I not act as you instructed? So why 

My king, did I do something wrong? 

So why... 

Did I offend you? 

So why… 

Did I not give it my all? 

So why…. are you all looking at me like I'm filth. 

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME, I GAVE UP EVERYTHING FOR THE KINGDOM LIKE I WAS TOLD, FOLLOWED EVERY RULE, EVERY ORDER, EVERYthing to a T so why" with every fiber of her being she shouts looking up towards the one who looks down on her the most. 

"Why you might ask, it's simple..you a dare peasant overstepped your bounds in noble society and must now be punished," an answer so convoluted that her rationality was shattered. 

I see so even after all that my origins are the reason why I am here. No matter how hard I try, I can never escape the chains they put on me. All my efforts to fill the role were for not. Even in this crowd, not a single warm face seen. Not even Father is here. 

"Take her away" 

As she gets dragged away all she hears is whispers of contempt by the very people that smiled at her face. 

(Finally, the so-called saint is being strung away…good riddance she thought she was high and mighty because she has holy powers…I bet the duke never loved her as his own child…I heard she often visited the slums) 

I see now that I'm no longer useful, the fangs that were once hidden are now barred. Their icy scorns are colder than death. My eyes are too heavy to even see, yet my ears, stabbed by their whispers. I'm surrounded by so many people, yet I feel so alone, this darkness that visits me every night is back again. 

How comforting. 

"MY KING! Before I leave, let me say that I did not once harbor any hatred towards the sun that leads the kingdom…farewell". Yes, this is how it should be, I've always been alone even after my adoption. This scorn is something I face every day and night so why should it bother me now? As these walls close behind me I will not cry for this is how things should be, yet why is it that I can't help but give in? 

Time has passed and it is now time for her departure never to return. 

"Hey how long till we reach the spot" 

"I don't know the coachman said it won't be that long" 

"I see and what will we do with the body" 

"We can just leave it there after all nobody is going to come look for it". 

Why does it feel like an earthquake is taking place? Was it always this dark? Wait why can't I move, was I tied up? Did they drug me? What did they mean by body? Were they talking about me, am I going to die, but the king said to banish me. Why would he kill me, I know I offended him in some way but to kill me. I really believed I'd be set free, to think I still hadn't learned. 

We stopped. 

"Hey, do we have to kill her; I don't want divine retribution striking me down you know" 

"We could leave her here; she'll either starve to death or be attacked by a demonic beast. Let's take the horses and the couch man." 

Left alone in an unseen place surrounded by dangers her eyes could never see. 

Wait, are they planning on leaving me, without untying me? I can't scream, I can't see, I can't move. I can't cry. What if no one finds me? What if a demonic beast shows up, what will I do? I lost feelings in my arms and legs, and my stomach is hurting. I don't have any mana left to even break free, is this how I'll die? Is this the end? … I'll have to die alone. I don't want this. I don't want to die yet; I still haven't even lived for me yet. It's not fair, why do I have to suffer this much? Why did I have to be born a saint candidate? Even father, why couldn't he love me? I just wanted love, I wanted to belong, I wanted…a family. 

Family? That's why I did all this. That's why I put up with these cursed atrocities, and for what; a father who never showed me an ounce of love, nobles who think their status makes them better than others, a king who is nothing but an idiot with wealth. And me who believed that I'd be accepted. I was born as a saint candidate, the fate of the world rested in my hands, yet they dare treat me like this. I swear on the name of Florence Rose Dallion, I will not bend to anyone, if there is no place for me then I'll create one, if there is no love for me then I'll make them, I will live for me, and me alone. 

"I see, then we'll grant your wish". 

Left in a familiar area forgotten by memories she awakes. 

White curtains laced with gold, I see, I must be dead. Guess even after all that I died in my sleep, but what was that voice I heard? Some reaper granting my wish, the pure thought of it is ironic. Only after death does my wish get granted. 

Wait, am I in bed right now? Not only that, this bed and this room are mine. Is this supposed to be my afterlife? 

With a knock at the door, the story unfolds.  

"Excuse me..miss…the duke would like a word with you". That voice sounds familiar but why would it be here in all places? Why does my memory seem so foggy? 

"Excuse me miss...but I must come in and get you ready to see the duke" 

A figure from the past stood before her, the body moved before the mind.  

"ANNE!" I don't know what's happening but whatever this is I'm happy to see Anne once again. 

"Exc..Excu…Excuse ME… miss but if you…C..Co.. could lift off of me," an embarrassed housekeeper unaware of what she meant to the girl. 

"Anne, cease your formality, call me Flora as you used to," Unknowing of her situation, a sense of formality is brought up. 

"Miss… I am not too sure about how you know my name… nor if we have ever met, but right now you have to get ready to see the duke" 


"MISS! you mustn't call the duke with such informality or disrespect" 

"Have I said something wrong, why should I show them an ounce of respect after what I have gone through" 

"Miss the duke was the one who saved you, I don't know what happened before you awakened but know you are safe," with reality finally settling in, her surroundings become clear. 

Safe? Is this what she calls being safe? 

"Anne are we not dead," a statement void of emotion silenced the room leaving the maid shocked. 


Abandoning the arms of the one she sought, she runs towards the one thing that will reveal the truth. 

This untamed silver hair, this malnourished body, and pale skin closer to death, than life. A body born from the slums of the city. I understand now. This day that changed everything, this day that I cursed and begged for, this cruel reality.