
Second Chance? Then I Will Live As Free As I Want

Warning!!!!! This is a harem, massive harem R-18 novel, so smut, and lemons will be scattered all over the place, the MC is also very OP since I hate slow pace and your cliche weak-to-strong trope. I have warned you, so if you still want to continue to read then you take your own risk, just one advice from me, don't read it at your office or school ----- The MC is an unfortunate kid who has to live his entire life in a hospital accompanied by so many strange doctors and male nurses who always tell him about their bizarre story. However someday, his suffering comes to an end when he gets called by a very strong being that wants him to spread her influence or concept. Join the journey of our MC who got corrupted by the perverts in the hospital where he was treated.

Enima_gaming · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

System reincarnation?

 When he woke up, the young man looked around and found only big trees, and soon he was surprised by the voice that suddenly appeared in his head.

 [System has been activated. .....]

 [Welcome the host 'Conqueror System' has been fully connected]

 'Ehh? System? Like in those movies? Really? Cool, what can I do with you system?'

 [Answer: the host is free to do anything by utilizing the system, the main ability of the Conqueror System is to conquer, be it inanimate objects, living objects, animals, plants, humans and even the world itself.]

 'Wow, did the goddess really give me this great system? Very nice of her, by the way what are the features available?'

 The system then returned to answer the young man's question.

 [Answer: The system has several features, the first is 'status' which is used to view the status of the host and the progress of the host.

Then the second is 'shop' where the host can buy anything in the multimesta by paying using a currency called 'chaotic token' which can be obtained by doing various things in the world.

Then the third is 'inventory' which functions to store whatever the host chooses.

And there are still other functions that are only open when the host has achieved an achievement. ]

Hearing that simple function, especially with the absence of the mission function at the beginning meant that he didn't have to care about the strange things that usually appeared in missions from the system.

Then he remembered that the goddess gave him a bonus, and he immediately looked into his storage and found a gift.

[Gift box from 'destruction': a gift box given by 'destruction' to the person who gets its attention, this gift box is also endowed with 'luck' and 'order' so it is impossible to cheat to get the desired gift]

Seeing such a simple description, the young man finally knew that the goddess was the personification of destruction, but that didn't scare him, instead he wanted to thank her for being given the opportunity to live freely, because even if he didn't do anything destruction would definitely overtake all creation, so actually he himself was not restrained by 'destruction' maybe that's why the goddess said to live as she pleased.

The young man took out the gift box and immediately opened it, and inside he got some luminous orbs just like the goddess gave him, and spontaneously the young man put the orbs into his body.

[Congratulations! You have obtained the 'self-designed devil fruit']

[Congratulations! You have obtained the 'asauchi']

[Congratulations! You have obtained the 'Dimensional Farm']

[Congratulations! You have obtained 'Castle in the Sky- Laputa']

[Congratulations! You have obtained 'Machinery Knowledge']

[Congratulations! You have obtained the 'Arc of Embodiment']

Seeing the various gifts he got, the young man was sure that the goddess really gave a lot of bonuses, just from the first gift alone it was very valuable, because he remembered in one of the film series he had watched that devil fruit was a very valuable treasure, and by being able to make his own devil fruit it meant being able to choose the desired power.

Not wanting to waste any time, he immediately looked up how to use the gift he got, and after finding it, he started thinking about what kind of power he wanted from the devil fruit.

After spending a few minutes he finally remembered that zoan was the most suitable type for him, and he remembered very well that there was a very powerful creature in a game told by the nurse.

A black dragon sealed away for its terrifying power, the dragon of origin that symbolized the sky, the empyreal dragon, Bahamut.

With the young man's wish, the demon fruit slowly transformed into an apple-like shape but had horns and wings and a strange dark red halo floating above it.

Without further ado, the youth ate the fruit and forgot the fact that the devil fruit had a very disgusting taste.


And sure enough, after just one bite he immediately vomited, fortunately the power of the demon fruit had been successfully obtained.

The reason he chose Bahamut was because it was a symbol of the heavens, but it was sealed, which made it ironic just like him, but also because he wanted to experience the free sky as Bahamut had seen it.

He could feel his body filled with immense power, as if he could crush a mountain with just a punch.

But he did not act arrogant, and all he did was look at his status.


With that command, a bright blue board appeared before him explaining his status.

[Name: Sora

Race: Primal Humanoid

Level: 1



-The ruler of the sky

-Lost Magic


Seeing a simple status board made Sora a little happy because he didn't like complicated and complex things.

After being satisfied seeing the various features of the system, Sora immediately tried to transform and slowly his body enlarged, then black scales began to appear all over his body, two wide wings stretched across his back and a very long tail also began to appear.

Slowly but surely Sora was now taking the form of the sky lord Bahamut, but Sora felt like his current form was not the pinnacle of Bahamut's form, in his memories an even more majestic and charismatic giant form could be clearly seen, but for some reason Sora instinctively refused to use that form at this time.

Not wanting to linger in delusion, Sora quickly darted into the air and began flying as if it had become a daily habit.


Sora flew to his heart's content through the clouds, even to the boundary of the atmosphere, he could clearly see the planet that became his new home.


Inside the forest, a green-haired woman with orange accents on the ends of her hair, as well as wearing a headband that is the symbol of a shinobi is currently severely injured and surrounded by several masked men with fog symbols that are a sign of special forces or commonly known as anbu from the mist village.

"How sad that Pakura of the sand village, a hero betrayed by her own village, fell victim to the politics of rulers hungry for authority and fame." 

One of the anbu mocked and tried to break Pakura's mentality, but Pakura only replied.

"What an honor to be hunted by an army of anbu troops, usually only jonin are involved in something like this."

Realizing that it was impossible to break Pakura's mentality with just words, the squad leader immediately ordered his men to finish him off.

But that never happened, because right before they could move, something huge fell right on top of them and turned them all into tomato sauce.