
Second Chance Soldier

Sergeant Alex Thompson dies heroically on the battlefield, only to awaken in a world of warriors and magic, reincarnated into the frail body of a young boy. Struggling with his newfound weakness, Alex discovers a mysterious system that guides him on a path to strength and mastery of arcane arts. As he navigates this perilous new world, Alex forms alliances and confronts formidable foes, driven by memories of his past life. With each battle, he uncovers secrets about his reincarnation and the war that claimed his former life. Determined to protect his new friends and redeem his past, Alex embraces his role as a Second Chance Soldier, striving to forge a future where courage and justice prevail. In the crucible of war and magic, he learns that true strength lies in the choices he makes today.

Zenki_Chan · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 4 - Mentorship

There was something suspicious about Thal. Alex knew it. His senses had been honed during his time as a soldier. He could tell when people were trying to fool him or weren't telling the whole truth. It was a skill he had developed the hard way.

Still, keeping suspicious people close was better; you could observe them more closely. Luckily, he wouldn't lose much—in fact, he would be earning. A stable way of gaining money is knocking to his door, who wouldn't want that? 

What made Alex wary of Thal was that an Elf, as he knew, wasn't typically a burly dude.

At least that's what he had in mind. Elves should be elegant and good-looking. Yet Thal not only worked in a tannery but was also burly and very manly, his voice deep. Alex decided to give him the benefit of the doubt since he had been so good to him.

Alex looked around the small village and found a store that sold weaponry. Looking at the prices and the salty face of the store owner, Alex knew he would not find a good deal here.

When Alex asked for a price, he received an annoyed reply from the store owner. The man looked down on him, which was expected, given Alex's ragged appearance.

In the end, Alex bought three arrows and a bow and left the store, feeling the owner's suspicious gaze on his back. The store owner seemed unconvinced about how Alex had the money to afford that, suspecting that Alex lived days by eating stale bread.

And he wasn't wrong, at least not entirely.


Alex brought with him a piece of meat; he had hunted a rabbit on his way out of the village. Though he was not an experienced archer, his marksmanship was still top-notch. The only difficulty he faced was the bow tension, his garbage strength being the cause of it.

Surviving in the forest was tough, but Alex managed. He set up a small camp, using his soldiering skills to make a rudimentary shelter out of branches and leaves. Each morning, he would head into the woods, bow in hand, searching for game. His aim was precise, though the tension of the bow still strained his weak muscles.

Days turned into weeks. He became more adept at surviving in the forest, learning which plants were safe to eat and which could be used for medicinal purposes. He found a reliable water source, a small creek that ran clear and cold. He used his soldier's instincts to stay hidden, avoiding larger predators and dangerous creatures.

Occasionally, Alex would return to the village with his game. Each time, Thal greeted him warmly, inspecting the quality of the meat and hide before making the transaction. Their interactions became more familiar, though Alex still kept his guard up. Thal's deep voice and burly appearance always struck him as odd for an Elf, but he chose not to question it for now.

With each successful hunt and completed quest, Alex could feel his body slowly gaining back some of its strength. The system reflected this progress:


Strength: 20/100 

Stamina: 27/100]

His regular quests varied but were all geared towards helping him rebuild his body and skills. From gathering herbs to hunting specific animals, each task contributed to his growth.

In the village, people began to notice the change in Alex. The once frail young man was now gaining shape, his muscles becoming more defined. He was no longer seen as just a refugee but as a hunter who regularly brought game to Thal. Villagers would nod in acknowledgment or offer a few words of encouragement as he passed by.

One evening, after another successful hunt, Alex brought a particularly large deer to Thal. The Elf inspected the game with his usual meticulousness, nodding approvingly.

"You're getting better at this," Thal remarked, examining the hide. "Ever thought about settling here permanently?"

Alex shrugged. "Maybe. It's peaceful enough."

Thal nodded thoughtfully. "Well, if you ever need anything, you know where to find me. Keep bringing in game like this, and you'll do just fine."

As Alex left the tannery, he couldn't shake the feeling that Thal knew more than he let on. But for now, he was content. He had food, a place to sleep, and a small but steady income. It wasn't much, but it was enough to survive. And in this new, unpredictable world, that was all he could ask for.


Alex's routine became more established. Each morning, he'd venture into the forest, and each evening, he'd return to the village, his game strapped to his back. The villagers started to see him as a fixture in their community. They'd greet him with nods and smiles, some even offering small trades for herbs or meat.

One day, as Alex handed over a particularly well-prepared deer hide, Thal gave him a long, assessing look. "You've come a long way since you first arrived," Thal said.

Alex nodded. "Feels good to be getting stronger than I was."

Thal rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "You know, I've been watching you. You've got potential. More than just hunting."

Alex raised an eyebrow, intrigued but wary. "What do you mean?"

Thal paused, as if weighing his words. "You're not just some refugee trying to scrape by. You've got the skills of a soldier, even if your body isn't suitable right now. You don't have the body, but you have the mentality of a warrior."

"I don't know what happened to you or why you are weak. But I can sense a warrior inside you."

Alex's eyes narrowed slightly. He had always suspected Thal was more perceptive than he let on. "What are you getting at?"

Thal leaned in slightly, lowering his voice. "I can train you in swordsmanship. Help you get stronger. If my hunch is right, I can make you into the warrior you used to be, maybe even beyond that. I see potential in you, Alex. Potential that could be useful."

Alex was taken aback. This was not what he had expected. He had thought Thal might be up to something nefarious, but this offer was genuine, and it caught him off guard. He felt a mix of suspicion and excitement.

It was strange how Thal managed to figure out his past. From the start, he had been very suspicious of Thal. His senses screamed when he was with him. Not because he sensed danger, but because they always told him to stay on guard.

And Thal was able to see that. He had been observing him from the start. How could a young man with a body as frail as his kill a deer almost as big as he was? It was also a clean kill at that.

"Why would you do that?" Alex asked, genuinely curious.

Thal's expression grew serious. "The world isn't as peaceful as you might think, Alex. There are dangers out there that you've yet to encounter. Brutal and deadly threats that make your past experiences look tame. I've seen men who thought they could live quietly, only to be swept up in violence they weren't prepared for. You have a chance to be ready for whatever comes."

Alex's mind raced. He knew that with the system, he would someday serve his purpose in this world. He literally had the chance to be the strongest with the help of the system. But every day, he kept trying to deny it.

How long exactly could he avoid it? Just from the quests he was getting every day that seemed to get harder and harder to complete, and the unknown consequences that bothered him whenever he felt like he couldn't accomplish a quest.

Even with all of that, he was still hoping for a peaceful life, a rest from the chaos he had experienced. But Thal's words struck a chord. He knew the world could be harsh, and he didn't want to be caught off guard, unable to defend himself.

Still, he hesitated. "I came here to escape all that. To live quietly. I'm not sure I want to go back to a life of fighting."

Thal nodded, his expression understanding but firm. "I get that. But consider this: being prepared doesn't mean seeking out conflict. It means being ready if it finds you. And trust me, in this world, it will find you. Better to be prepared than caught unawares."

Alex stood there, processing the offer. It was a plot twist he hadn't seen coming, but it made sense. Maybe Thal wasn't just a burly Elf working in a tannery. Maybe he was much more.

"Alright," Alex finally said, meeting Thal's gaze. "Let's do it."

Thal nodded, a glint of satisfaction in his eyes. "Good. We start tomorrow."

As Alex left the tannery, his mind raced with the possibilities. This was the beginning of a new chapter, one that held the promise of growth, strength, and perhaps, answers. He had wanted peace, but perhaps a measure of strength was necessary to secure it. Thal's offer was unexpected, but it might be exactly what he needed.