
Second Chance Soldier

Sergeant Alex Thompson dies heroically on the battlefield, only to awaken in a world of warriors and magic, reincarnated into the frail body of a young boy. Struggling with his newfound weakness, Alex discovers a mysterious system that guides him on a path to strength and mastery of arcane arts. As he navigates this perilous new world, Alex forms alliances and confronts formidable foes, driven by memories of his past life. With each battle, he uncovers secrets about his reincarnation and the war that claimed his former life. Determined to protect his new friends and redeem his past, Alex embraces his role as a Second Chance Soldier, striving to forge a future where courage and justice prevail. In the crucible of war and magic, he learns that true strength lies in the choices he makes today.

Zenki_Chan · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 3 - The System

After a whole morning of intense cursing and a bit of exercise, Alex found himself in a river taking a bath, fully naked. Not showing an ounce of shame, he paid no mind to the fact that animals upstream were probably staining the river brown.

His mind was full of thoughts, particularly about the system. It had given him a detailed description that explained a bit of his situation.

[Name: Alex] [Age: 28] [Status: Refugee] [Rank: None]

[Skills: Determination (Passive) - Enhances endurance, mental fortitude, and perseverance in the face of adversity, aiding in achieving goals and overcoming challenges.]

[Attributes: Strength: 10/100 Stamina: 12/100 (100 in every stat is the limit of the human body)]

[Quest: Daily Quest (1) Hunt for food. Reward: 1 Silver.]

[Description: Alex, reborn into a frail body in Eldoria, retains memories of his past life as a soldier. Physical appearance: Thin, weakly, brown hair, dark eyes. Strong will, strategic mind.]

[Remarks: Trash physical attributes, "meh"-level mental fortitude.]

There was a lot of information given to him. First of all, the system was as real as it could be. Next, there were his stats. The fact that his strength and stamina were just 10 and 12 respectively was the definition of trash by human standards. If he had rated his body before, it would have been 40 and 50, that was his peak.

In this world, people were able to achieve more physical strength because they hadn't evolved into lazy pieces of crap and weren't typing on keyboards relentlessly every day. Their bodies had built up a lot more potential than in his previous world.

The fact he was just a tenth of a peak human in terms of physicality was just crap. Not even talking about other races. As he saw before, there was a diverse variety of races. There were Elves, Orcs, Demi-Humans, and some races he couldn't even recognize from the small knowledge he had from fantasy books.

He could get killed if he angered any of those superior races. Heck, he didn't even know if there were destructive races like dragons and demons here, but by the look of it, the probability of it being true was as high as the sun at noon.

He could only sigh. He thought he would be able to live a stress-free life. Alas, someone had better plans for him.

Even a basic task such as finding food for himself had become a challenge. Luckily, as a soldier, hunting for food was quite normal; he wasn't a stranger to this task. After his quick bath, he went to the woods outside the village. It was peak noon.

The heat outside couldn't melt an ice cream, unlike his previous sh*tty world that felt like a living hell just being outside of your doorstep. Clearing his mind from these worrisome thoughts, he found himself in the warm forest of woods he knew nothing about. There were birds chirping, and he could hear animals rustling in the bushes as well.

Luckily, animals here weren't as strange as he thought they would be. There was still a resemblance to his previous world, aside from the fact that every docile animal seemed to look very feral.

In hunting, he needed a weapon. Scanning the area, he noticed a fallen branch that seemed sturdy enough. He picked it up, testing its weight and balance. It wasn't perfect, but it would have to do. Next, he needed something sharp. His eyes landed on a cluster of rocks by the riverbank. After some searching, he found one with a relatively sharp edge.

Using the rock, he began to fashion a crude spear. It was a slow process, his lack of strength making the task even harder. He worked methodically, stripping the branch of excess twigs and leaves and sharpening one end as best as he could.

Time passed, and the sun started to dip lower in the sky. Finally, he had something that resembled a spear. It wasn't much, but it was better than nothing. Now, he had to test his makeshift weapon.

Alex moved cautiously through the forest, listening for any signs of prey. His heart pounded in his chest, a mix of excitement and anxiety. He spotted a small animal, a rabbit-like creature, grazing a few meters away. He steadied his breathing, raised the spear, and threw it with all his might.

The spear flew through the air, landing with a dull thud several feet away from his target. The rabbit-like creature bolted, disappearing into the underbrush. Alex cursed under his breath. This was going to be harder than he thought.

Undeterred, he retrieved his spear and continued his hunt. Hours passed, and the forest grew darker. Just as he was about to give up, he spotted another creature, this time a larger, deer-like animal. It was drinking from a small stream, unaware of his presence.

He crept closer, careful not to make a sound. When he was within range, he took a deep breath and threw the spear again. This time, it struck true, hitting the animal in the side. It let out a pained cry and stumbled before collapsing.

Alex rushed forward, his heart pounding with adrenaline. He had done it. He had succeeded in his first hunt in this strange new world. As he knelt beside the fallen animal, he couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. This was just the beginning. He had a long way to go, but for now, he had food and a glimmer of hope for survival.

[Quest Complete: Hunt for food. Reward: 1 Silver.]

The system's notification brought a small smile to his face. He hoisted the deer onto his shoulders and made his way back to the village. His body protested, but he pressed on, driven by the promise of a reward.

Upon entering the village, he headed straight for the tannery he had noticed earlier. The shop was run by a burly man named Thal. Thal took one look at the deer and raised an eyebrow.

"Not bad for a first-timer," Thal said, a hint of curiosity in his voice. He inspected the deer more closely, checking the condition of the hide and the quality of the meat. "Where'd you learn to hunt like this?"

Alex shrugged, trying to downplay his former life. "Picked up a few skills here and there."

Thal nodded, still examining the deer. "The hide's in good shape. No major damage. The meat looks fresh too." He glanced up at Alex, his eyes calculating. "I'll buy it off you. How much do you want for it?"

Alex thought for a moment. "Whatever you think is fair."

Thal named a price, and Alex accepted without hesitation. As Thal handed over the coins, he gave Alex a considering look. "You're new around here, aren't you?"

"Yeah, just trying to find my way," Alex admitted.

Thal rubbed his chin, still scrutinizing the deer. "You did a decent job for someone fresh. Tell you what, I've got a proposition for you." He paused, as if weighing his words. "I'll buy not just the skin, but the meat too. Exclusively. You bring me your game, and I'll make sure you get a fair price. What do you say?"

Alex raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Why the special treatment?"

Thal chuckled. "I have a good eye for talent, and I see potential in you. Plus, a steady supply of quality game benefits my business. It's a win-win."

Alex thought for a moment. Having a guaranteed buyer would make things easier. He nodded. "Deal."

Thal grinned, extending his hand for a shake. "Good. See you around, hunter."

As Alex left the tannery with a pocketful of coins and a new ally in the village. His journey was just beginning, and it's slowly looking good for him.