
Second Chance: Make it Count!

Read the first 2 chapters and let me know what you think! ~ LadyLunar

LadyLunar · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

*Beep Beep*

Groggily, I woke up to an alarm ringing next to my bed.

Hold up. Wait a minute. How did I end up in bed?

I jumped up sitting up on my bed as I glanced around the room. Looking around, I noticed the room was quite small compared to the room I had in my apartment. There was a desk with a laptop still on in one corner of the room, and on the other side held a dresser with a mirror and a clothes rack with a pile of clothes strung on it.

Yeah. This was definitely not my bedroom.

I stood up to check my reflection to see whether or not if I jinxed myself to fall under such cliché circumstances. Glancing at the mirror —to no one's surprise, instead of seeing a face of a mature women with long brown locks and hazel eyes, the reflection showed a young women with short dark brown hair and striking green eyes. Not believing this situation, I raise my hand up only to see the reflection do the same.

The cliché happened. I'm officially apart of the transmigration club.

Suddenly, an explosion rang against in my head as if someone set it up with an explosive.

A whole stream of information and memories started to merge in my mind.

I was able to learn that the original owner was a young woman named Jenna Black who has recently graduated from university and is currently living with her parents and five younger siblings. Jenna had ended up reading late on her laptop that night before falling to bed in exhaustion.

'Poor girl must have died from exhaustion,' I thought as I stared at my reflection.

Based on the new memories curtesy of Jenna, this parallel world is quite similar to the one in which I came from. No super-humans, magic, advanced technology.

Well that's just boring. At least give me some kind of cheat.

Wait, hold on just a minute. Is this where I get some awesome system?!?

Holding my hands together and closing my eyes I wait to see whether I was blessed of receiving the golden finger every protagonist usually gets when dumped in a brand new world.

One minute.

Ten minutes.

Thirty minutes later.

Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

'Well, there goes my protagonist cheat,' I sigh to myself as I turn towards the desk. 'Let's see exactly what was so interesting that you stayed up and died from reading.' On the laptop showed a detective novel in which the main character was a transmigrator who helped solve unsolved cases.

"Huh, a modern day Sherlock Holmes," I muttered. Wanting to read further I started scrolling only to have a message pop up on screen.

[Jenna! Take a look they're holding a talent competition downtown next week. Let's go audition together! ~ Kayla]

Kayla, who's Kay—

Streams of information suddenly emerged. Kayla Falon, childhood friends with Jenna and often known as the more outgoing and charismatic out of the two. Blond hair, blue eyes, Kayla often was able to get away with almost everything. While Jenna on the other hand…

Holding my hands together, I pray for Jenna's soul. She was a really good friend.

Looking back at the link Kayla sent I open it to find more information about the talent competition. Reading the post, a wave of familiarity washes over me.

'Starlight Idol, where have I heard of this before,' I thought to myself as I continued scrolling.

"Wait! That Starlight Idol! The one that created the well renowned girl group of all time SMIZE!" I exclaimed.

"AHAHAHA," I begin laughing to myself.


I Tessa Wells am now Jenna Black, and will be a future fifth member of SMIZE.

That night, I went to sleep with a smile on my face, knowing exactly what my future steps were.

Be ready world.



"Was I just body snatched?!?" I exclaim as I stared down at my body manically laughing in bed.

I would like to officially welcome you to our true protagonist of the story hahahaha!

LadyLunarcreators' thoughts