
Second Chance: Make it Count!

Read the first 2 chapters and let me know what you think! ~ LadyLunar

LadyLunar · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

Glancing outside I sighed as I watched the rain dancing across my bedroom window.

I really hate thunderstorms. Sighing once more, I glance back at my computer screen noticing the blank word document, as if mocking me.

'Ugh, I just cannot do this anymore,' I groan internally as I lean my head on the desk. The deadline for the work proposal was due in three days time and I have barely made an introduction.

I am so going to be fired.

Recently, I began working at Titan Research Facility as a newly assigned research assistant for one of the company's biggest researcher. However, due to some unforeseen circumstances I find myself in this current situation.

'Am I truly this unlucky,' I thought to myself. Stretching my arms, I lean back in my chair trying to figure out where things went wrong. Noticing something glowing on the side I turn to see my cellphone with a new message. I scoffed as I looked at the name that appeared on the phone.

Yep. This was probably where my string of unluckiness started with.

Trisha Wells. My beloved little sister.

Rolling my eyes, I open the message on the phone.

Sis! Look at where I am at! I miss you, wish you were able to come to Paris with me and Danny. Don't worry, I'll make sure if I were to find any cute French men to send them your way *winky face* ~ Trisha.

Ha. Of course. While my sister is having the time of her life, I am here working. Even more so, doing the work that was initially meant for her!

Recently, my sister who also works with me in the same research facility — I know, already a warning flag — was experiencing a strain in her relationship with her high school sweetheart of eight years and came to me sobbing and tearful not knowing if they were gonna last.

Me, of course being the awesome older sister that I am suggested maybe they needed to take some time off and go for a couple's retreat.

I regret everything.

As soon as I suggested the idea, it was as if a spark was ignited. One thing lead to another, and here I am.

Alone. On a Friday night. Doing work.

A sudden bright light and a loud clap of thunder startled me as the sound resounded throughout the whole room.

Did I mention I did not like thunderstorms?

Shuddering I turn to close my curtain only to be enclosed in complete darkness.

Eh?!? What happened.

Turning around I noticed my lights and computer were turned off.

Oh great, a power outage. Just my luck.

Suddenly, my computer screen abruptly turned on.

Well, that's not ominous at all, I thought to myself as I glanced at the screen. Looking closer, I noticed weird texts glitching on the screen until it finally stopped.

<Start Over?, Select Yes/No>


Lord please don't tell me this is some cliché transmigration story plot that if I click yes I would be transported to a new world.

Or it could just be my computer restarting? I reasoned.

Who am I kidding, I thought to myself. Might as well just avoid such troublesome thing. I hurriedly clicked on <No> only to find the area in grey.

You have gotta be kidding me.

Spamming on the mouse I clicked <No> as if my life depended on it but sadly there was no change in the text.

You can't tell me I can only select <Yes>?

Hesitating slightly I hover the mouse on the yes to only note that it was also in grey.

What is with this computer?

I clicked on the <Yes> just to confirm if there was a problem with my computer only to see that it worked.

It worked. It worked. It actually worked.

All of a sudden, an extreme wave of dizziness hit me as I collapsed on my desk.

As I started to fall unconscious, I saw my phone light up with a new message from my sister. It was a picture of her and her boyfriend in front of the Eiffel Tower with him kissing her cheek while she was holding a peace sign towards the camera.

Yep. My beloved unlucky charm. I began to chuckle to myself only to soon fall unconscious.