
second chance a new choice by (moonbird) a( harry potter fanfiction)

Severus was dying in the shrieking shack, and he did indeed die. However, forces out of his control rendered him the ability to re-choose. going back and choose differently. this story is not made by me the one who made it was (moonbird) https://m.fanfiction.net/s/6343505/1/

injured · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

chapter 25

Chapter 25: Attack on Hogsmead

Restless, Severus waited in the quiet darkness of the dormitory for sleep. The nightmares from his old life came seldomly now – though he definitely still had them, but each of the past three nights, they barred him from getting any sleep.

The worst nightmare was always that girl… the one person he'd ever killed in cold blood. In the past, every detail was crisp and clear and lingered long after he woke. But now… those details had faded. The only one that still hung on was the pleading in that girl's terrified face.

Why am I not relieved? That horror has plagued me since I was young the first time. Why should it escape me now? Severus rolled over with a weary sigh and closed his eyes. He focused on the surrounding darkness.

Anger – rage! Fury at such incompetence raced into him.

What sort of idiots are serving me?!

At Severus' feet cowered the idiot, Malfoy. His task was so simple. Yet he failed! "Face me, Lucius."

Malfoy's terror-stricken gray eyes obeyed. He shook. His light blond hair hung in dirty strands around his pointed face.

"You disappointed me," said Severus in a dangerous tone. "And I don't like being disappointed. The task was simple, was it not? Yet you couldn't manage. He'd have been ours already. What happened?"

"Master." Lucius groveled. "I would never disappoint you! I don't know what happened, but I swear, if you'd have asked only a year ago, he'd have said yes without hesitation! He still might. He's not foolish, and he knows what he wants."

"You're pathetic, Lucius!" Severus snapped. "Pathetic! You must learn!" Severus raised his wand. "CRUCIO!"

Lucius screamed and writhed on the floor – to Severus' amusement.

But I don't like the Cruciatus. It's beneath me to use such a vulgar curse. I don't even use it in nightmares. These aren't my thoughts! Not my mind! Must get out!

Severus gasped and shot upright in bed. Was I… inside Voldemort's head? How?

He searched for hidden magic. There! It pulsed under the bed. He leaned over and retrieved the small diary. Dark magic drenched it beyond anything Severus was used to.

"Open it," the book whispered. "You know you want to. I see into your soul. We're alike. So alike."

Severus shut his eyes and shut out the book with Occlumency. Wait. What is that? A strand of magic – no, four, hidden behind the book's whispers, led in different directions – connections to places – to items the Horcrux desired to merge with. If I wasn't as good at Occlumency, I'd never have noticed these over the book's overwhelming personality.

The strongest of the four strands drew Severus. Must lead to the object closest. Judging by the strength of the strand, it could be very close.

Severus donned a robe and then let the book pull him, out of the Slytherin dormitory and toward the southern end of the castle.

Since it was the middle of the night during Christmas vacation, he hoped no one was out looking for stray students. Hopefully this works the way I think it does. He gripped the book as it directed him toward the other soul pieces. I have to be sure. I must find those other Horcruxes!

The diary led Severus to a door he'd never noticed. He pushed it open cautiously. Its quiet squeal filled the corridor.

The room beyond was a mess. Filled with all sorts of useless trash covered in thick layers of dust, the centuries-old dumping ground smelled of must and old garbage.

The diary pulled harder. Severus followed the prompting and crawled over several revolting piles before he found it. A silver crown, set with sapphires, pulsed and sang in delight to meet the diary.

With great care, Severus picked up the crown. It hissed, longing to join the Horcrux he held in his other hand.

Severus lowered his Occlumens shield just a little. Voldemort's presence crashed through, and Severus immediately shut out the Horcruxes again.

He considered both diary and diadem. The three other strands seemed stronger now with the two Horcruxes together. Two down. Three to go before we can kill Voldemort.

The strands faded and both Horcruxes' energy lessened. Guess Voldemort's cooled down.

Something in the room struck him as amiss.

Near the wall he saw it. A huge cabinet. He gave it a grim smile. Found you. I only saw your twin in my last life. Draco wouldn't let me help repair you. Now, he'll never need take the trouble. Severus flicked his wand, and the cabinet combusted into a pile of ash.

Wand still raised, Severus checked the room once more. Nothing left to do but get back to bed, I suppose. He shut the door and sneaked through the cold halls.

"No, Master, I can do it!"

Severus flattened against a side corridor wall. Spinner? Why's he out this late? And what's he so frightened of?

"I can't convince him to join by myself. He's just as stubborn as the older one seems to be, but we can arrange for him to come to you. Maybe then he'll join. He is still young. Just imagine what a valuable servant he would be. But you only need one of them, my Lord! What if you took them both, held them hostage? One of them would give in, surely. They are both Slytherins – and of old blood. That should count for something."

Severus glimpsed Spinner passing his hiding place. The man spoke into a two-way mirror, shoulders hunched, his thin back bowed.

"I promise, Master. I promise, I'll have him soon! Then you can use them against each other. One must cooperate sooner or later," Spinner said before he disappeared around a corner.

Who was he talking about? A Slytherin student, of course – with a close relationship to another. Family members maybe? But who? He secreted back to his dorm.

The near encounter with Spinner stuck with Severus the rest of the holiday, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't figure out who Spinner was talking about. Since he'd sworn to share everything with her, as soon as Lily returned, he told her what he'd overheard, but she didn't know who Spinner could have meant either. Her knowledge of Slytherin's purebloods was too limited to afford her a decent chance at a guess.

Unease filled them both.

The group's next visit to Hogsmeade fell on January ninth, Severus' birthday. Lily was excited, but Severus begged her not to spread word of the day's significance. He couldn't bear the thought of any more celebrations. Though he enjoyed Christmas, he couldn't take any more gifts of gratitude so soon – or any more crowds of people. Lily understood, said she wanted to have him to herself for once, anyway.

Her comment bewildered him. Who else would he be with?

Severus didn't get his way – not entirely. Lily insisted on giving him a present – another wizard robe, this one currant red. Upon Severus' raised brow, Lily said, "There are other colors besides black. Anyway, it suits you."

At least she had good taste and knew his preference for wizard robes.

Unfortunately, Lupin discovered Severus' secret too and offered sweeping congratulations and the gift of a book.

Severus' muttered thanks weren't half as bitter as they'd have been were the gift something impractical. At least Lupin had some good sense.

Remus got a terrible idea while they were in Hogsmeade – one of his worst ideas yet. At the Three Broomsticks Inn, he introduced Lucy to his friends.

James, Peter and Sirius already sat around a table when he ushered Lucy inside. She tucked halfway behind him as he cleared his throat. "Ahem. Guys, you know… I've been hanging out with someone else these last few weeks. I told you it wasn't Severus, but it was…" Remus turned to Lucy.

James and Sirius exclaimed, "A girl?!"

"Moony, you prick! Why didn't you just say so?" Sirius laughed and introduced himself to Lucy. "Sirius Black." He said it a little too loudly and Lucy stumbled back a step.

"Easy, Pad." James chuckled. "Hey. James Potter. Nice to meet you." He smiled.

"Peter Pettigrew," came the last quiet introduction.

Lucy peered at the three boys as Remus chuckled. "It's all right. They don't bite."

She frowned and pointed at Sirius. "You're Regulus' brother… And you," she turned to James. "You're mean!"

James' face fell, to Sirius' amusement.

"They're not so bad, really they aren't," said Remus.

Lucy didn't seem to believe him.

Probably should've seen that coming, what with the Life Defenders always talking about what big sods the Marauders are. Comes up at least once every meeting.

"I… erhm…" Peter gulped. "I… like your hair. It's really cool."

Lucy's hand flew to her unruly orange mop. "Thanks."

"Like butter beer?" said James. "My treat. Have a seat and tell me what on earth you and Moony have been up to." James indicated the vacant chair across from him.

"Moony?" said Lucy as she slowly took the seat.

Remus cleared his throat. "We gave each other nicknames. 'Moony,'" he pointed to himself, "Padfoot, Prongs, Wormtail," he indicated everyone in turn. "We did it some years ago, and they just stuck, so we kept them."

"Carrot!" Sirius laughed and pointed at Lucy.

She glowered.

"Her name's Lucy," said Remus. He stood behind her and laid both hands on her shoulders. "Be nice. You guys are scary enough as it is."

"What?" said Sirius. "No!"

"Come on, Lucy. Tell us about yourself," James said.

Lucy blushed as everyone's attention shifted to her.

Remus intervened. "Lucy's parents have a magical animal farm. It sounds super neat."

"Whoa! Really?" said Sirius. "So, you have, like, buetrolls and stuff?!"

"No! Those live in the wild," Lucy said. "They're in the area though. Me dad and I goes out to collect buetroll bark every March. Gotta be real careful, or they'll bite ya!"

Remus grinned. Got that conversation going the right direction.

Lucy was eager to talk, and Sirius seemed interested, undoubtedly thinking of ways to use this information for future pranks.

Everything's going to be fine.

Lily and Severus stopped in astonishment as Lucy passed them, walking with the Marauders as though she'd been friends with them for years.

"So… to attract a niffler you need garlic, right?" said Sirius.

"No!" Lucy looked horrified. "Why would ya think that? Poor thing would get a tummy ache. Cranberries. They adore cranberries."

After the group passed, Severus sighed.

Lily mirrored Severus' concern. "I don't like the idea of Sirius having access to nifflers. Lucy seems to be doing okay though."

Severus nodded absently.

"I'm a little worried though. You think she might be trying to avoid thinking about her dad?" Lily said.

"No idea. People deal with such things differently. Let Remus handle it, he seems to be doing fine with her. I'm no good at figuring out things like this anyway," said Severus.

Lily nodded and held his hand.

They had just come from the restaurant where Lily gave Severus his second birthday surprise, a nice dinner, just the two of them. She chose the restaurant because it had a small, private section where she and Severus could hide from curious eyes. The evening was wonderful. Lily even wore the silver necklace Severus made her for Christmas. It was a beautiful piece, and she was proud to showcase it as they walked hand in hand through Hogsmeade.

Severus tensed as Spinner turned a corner ahead of them. Why's he with Travers? Severus recognized the bitter old man immediately.

Spinner saw Severus and nodded to Travers who turned to stare.

"Let's go," Severus whispered in Lily's ear.

Too late. The two Death Eaters approached.

"Mr. Snape," Spinner said in his annoying screech. "Can we have a word?"

Severus' grip on Lily's hand tightened as he exchanged a hesitant glance with her before they slowly accepted the pair's invitation.

"What a nice robe. Is it new?" said Spinner.

"It's a gift." Severus' tone could have chilled the Sahara.

"It's his birthday," Lily added.

"Oh, is it?" Spinner's grin split his face like an ax through dead wood. "That's marvelous. We should celebrate!"

"You really don't need to bother, sir." Severus pulled Lily a step closer.

"Oh, but you're my favorite student," Spinner said. "You're turning seventeen, aren't you? A big day for any young wizard!" Spinner grabbed Severus' shoulder and dragged him several feet. "We really must celebrate!"

"No, thank you, sir." Severus ducked out of the grip skillfully. "I think not."

"But you must," Spinner persisted, faking disappointment.

"As I said. No, thank you, sir," Severus hissed.

Spinner's face twisted in anger. "You will come with me!" he commanded and then added softly, "It's just a glad of butterbeer. Is that so hard to accept?"

Severus backed away and whispered to Lily, "Run!"

He and Lily dashed away.

"Come back here!" Spinner bellowed. "Get him!"

Dark figures swarmed them from the shadows. Each one wore black robes and a Death Eater's skeleton mask.

"Lily, when I tell you, run the opposite direction," Severus instructed as they dodged two Death Eaters.

"What? No way!"

"They're after me, and they want me alive. You – They'll kill you!"

More shadows melted from the darkness, blocking Severus' and Lily's path.

"I don't care!" Lily nearly shouted. "You always leave me out when there's trouble!"

"That's because I care! If something happens to you, I don't know what I'll do, so just do as I say, little Miss."

"Don't you dare talk to me like that, Mister!"

This is ridiculous! Having a fight here? Now? But she won't budge. Neither will I.

The first hex flew at them, and Severus deflected.

Now we're surrounded… We'll have to apparate—

Penelope and Regulus burst out of a nearby candy shop. "Expelliarmus!" Penelope hexed the nearest unsuspecting Death Eater and his wand flew from his hand.

Of course, someone else just had to get involved. Can't leave now. Severus shielded Lily, and himself then shot a Sectumsempra at another Death Eater who was about to curse Penelope while she wasn't looking.

More students thundered in.

"Lily!" James Potter and his friends, including Lucy, ran toward the commotion, wands drawn.

Lucy hurled Confringo at a bulky Death Eater to her right. It blasted him out of the way. Lucy's eyes shone, hungry for revenge.

Severus lit the ground on fire to slow two more Death Eaters but had to dodge another hex. He pulled Lily with him.

Another assessment: Penelope lay unconscious in the street, Regulus standing over her protectively; Sirius cradled an injured arm; and Potter's glasses lay shattered, so he couldn't aim correctly.

Another wave of help arrived – Life Defenders, enough to outnumber the Death Eaters two to one.

"Forget about them. We only need him!" A familiar screech leaked from one of the masked Death Eaters. "Grab him!"

Despite their numbers, the Life Defenders proved inadequate.

A bunch of students, thirteen at the youngest, versus seasoned Death Eaters…

A hex barreled toward one of the younger Life Defenders. He dodged.

They're not bothering with ceremony. People – students – could die. Enough! "All right!" Severus stowed his wand and raised both hands in surrender. "You want me? Here I am."

"Sev, no!" Lily tried to pull his hands down.

"Don't worry. They won't kill me for now," Severus reassured. "I'm worth too much."


Lovely… She's here.

Bellatrix Lestrange melted through the circle of Death Eaters. "He's a smart one. He's giving himself up."

"You too," Severus commanded the other students. "Stop."

"S-Sev…?" Lily whispered. "Promise you'll come back to me."

"Lily, I…"


"I will always try to come back to you," he whispered back. "There's no other place I'd rather be." A Death Eater grabbed Severus by the arm and disapparated.

A loud plop followed the sudden transport as the rest of the Death Eater entourage followed.

No… Lily fought tears. That wasn't an answer, Severus Snape! Not an answer at all! "Always try to come back"? You stubborn idiot! You aren't even sure you'll be able to get back!

Other students groaned and gasped in the street. The uninjured helped the wounded.

Lucy spat insults mixed with curses after the Death Eaters, and her accent thickened so much Lily could barely understand her. Which wasn't all bad. "When I get me 'ands on 'em, I'll boil 'em in their own fat, I'll do!" Lucy shook her fist. "With mint leaves and stinkin' oil 'a garlic!"

Sirius raised a curious brow. "Mint leaves and garlic?"

"Hurts them demons – and prolongs their suffering," Lucy said so evenly Lily couldn't tell if it was a joke or not, but the hatred in her eyes precisely mirrored Lily's sentiments.

If I had something to throw, I would! A void of terror squeezed Lily's stomach, but the anger remained.

"What happened here?!" McGonagall arrived, several other teachers on her heels.

Lily wanted to burst into tears, but anger reined them back. He left me behind… Again! I'm not a child – I can handle myself!

"Ehem…" James cleared his throat. "Death Eaters… They – they took Snape, Professor."

Every teacher regarded James with shock so intense they only noticed the injured students when one near McGonagall groaned. Several of the wounded didn't move at all, but whether they were dead or only unconscious, Lily couldn't tell in most cases.

"Students, back to the castle!" ordered McGonagall. "Those well enough, help with the injured."

Lily hoisted one of the younger Slytherins, a second year girl. She was pale and wide-eyed – shell-shocked.

Regulus carried Penelope, and James supported Sirius while Jugson helped up a fellow Slytherin boy. Diane Diggory levitated an unconscious Hufflepuff.

Lucy took two steps and stumbled, but Remus came to her aid only to pull up wincing.

"Ya dope," Lucy mumbled. "You're bleedin'." She pointed to Remus' leg. "Stand still now." She ripped a good six inches from the edge of her cloak and wrapped Remus' wound. Her eyes filled with care as she finished. "We'll help each other back, all right? Come on. One step at a time and breathe. Remember to breathe."

Lucy and Remus braced one another and slowly merged into the group of students, Lily and the second year close behind.

"Careful now. Take care of yourself," Lucy whispered to Remus. "I wouldn't know what to do if you suddenly… Just… get well. I wouldn't know what to do without you."

The pair stopped. Lucy pressed her forehead to Remus' and gave him a soft, fond smile.

Lily started to go around them, but that instant, Remus looked stricken – as if something horrible just happened. He jerked away from Lucy and hissed in pain.

"Remus?" Lucy reached for him.

"I'm fine." Remus waved her off. "I can walk okay by myself. Go help someone who needs it more."

"You're… you're sure?"

Remus nodded. "Yes."

"Well then, I'll meet ya back at the castle," said Lucy.

Remus nodded again, and Lucy quickly found another student in need of assistance. When she started forward again, this time with a new partner, Remus was already gone, disappeared into the crowd.

McGonagall and the other professors levitated several more unconscious students and surrounded their charges on the way back to Hogwarts, just in case of another attack.

Lily struggled to concentrate; her thoughts focused on Severus. That battle wasn't half as gut-wrenching as this horrid uncertainty! My stomach feels like a whole nest of doxies just tried to escape from it. Oh, Sev… please… be all right…

Edited by Dtill359