
second chance a new choice by (moonbird) a( harry potter fanfiction)

Severus was dying in the shrieking shack, and he did indeed die. However, forces out of his control rendered him the ability to re-choose. going back and choose differently. this story is not made by me the one who made it was (moonbird) https://m.fanfiction.net/s/6343505/1/

injured · Anime & Comics
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chapter 21

Chapter 21: Moving forward

A grumpy James, escorted by McGonagall back to the Gryffindor common room, fumed. That's the second time in less than two weeks I've been caught by teachers. This is not up to my standards.

Technically, I didn't do anything wrong this time. It's not past curfew, but that fight with Snape— He almost growled. Detention with Spinner. Again. Marvelous…

Last time was such a pain. Polishing dark detectors while Spinner babbled about blood purity. "You're a superior wizard, Potter. You've got such a promising future," he silently mocked. Stupid detectors tried to eat my fingers. Or blind me.

Poor Remus. Spinner's stupidity about his Lycanthropy causing him to be shunned by others—it's hogwash! Telling him he should seek more power—protection. Ha! He has all the power and protection he needs right here.

McGonagall accompanied James through the portrait hole.

Can this day get any worse?

On the other side of the common room, Sirius turned away in time to avoid McGonagall's gaze, but James caught his disheveled, dirty clothes, face filled with bruises and crooked nose. A nasty shiner already framed one eye and his bottom lip swelled.

McGonagall gathered everyone's attention. "You will be happy to know the school is now troll-free."

Stupid thing. Two flicks of McGonagall's wand, and it was out. I knew she was good, but that was… impressive. What was the troll doing so close to our common room, anyway? It took three other teachers to help haul the thing off campus.

McGonagall continued, "You'll need to stay here for now as we have no idea how the troll gained entrance to the school. Classes will resume in the morning. Until then, good night to you all." She gave everyone a stern glance and retired to her room.

James slipped through a knot of students and found Sirius sitting in the far corner. "What happened to you?" He took the chair next to Sirius and propped one foot atop his knee.

"The first person in the office—it was Regulus," Sirius hissed.

"No, it wasn't. I couldn't see who went in, but Snape came out."

"He got in through the wall," Sirius said.

"Regulus and Snape were in there? Who else could squeeze in? Would Hagrid fit too?"

"Your sense of humor never ceases to amaze me," Sirius grumbled. "Regulus got there first, and we both hid under the desk when someone else arrived—Snape, we realized. I wanted to do my part, but Reg wouldn't let me—wanted to help his pathetic Slytherin friend."

"Snape came out with the book, but I grabbed it," said James. "We fought—he threw the book to a girl who ran away while the teachers caught us. Snape wouldn't let go of me."

"Tough luck, mate." Sirius nodded, but seemed more grumpy than sorry.

"Where's Wormtail?" James checked the common room but didn't spot Peter anywhere.

"Probably still in Spinner's office," Sirius said. "At least he stayed out of the way."

"And Moony?"

"No idea. Saw him while running from that idiot, Regulus, but I'm not sure where he is now."

"What about your brother?"

"With Lily," Sirius hissed with a glare toward the stairs. "I couldn't just leave them to fight alone—not with a troll outside." He cursed quietly. "But, those two seemed pretty chummy to me."

James blanched. "Regulus and Lily? Why would they be friendly? They're in that blasted tutoring group, but still."

"Mate…" Concern clouded Sirius' eyes. "I… think it's time you got over her."

James raised one brow.

"Her and Snape—she said they were… together."

"That's a lie!"

"Whoa. Easy, mate. Those weren't her exact words, but they're pretty close. She… really admires him. You can barely catch them apart. It can't be denied anymore, Prongs."

James hid his face.

Peter chose that moment to tumble through the portrait hole and scamper to his friends, but one look at their faces kept him quiet.

Remus arrived a while later. "Whoa…" he said upon seeing Sirius. "That doesn't look good, mate." He sat in front of Sirius and checked him over. "You okay?"


"Oh." Remus cleared his throat. "Want me to fix some of that for you? I don't think a broken nose is great for your image."

Remus' early training in healing magic and private lessons from Madame Pomfrey helped him recover after each full moon, but those skills came in handy other times too.

"If you don't mind." Sirius glowered at Remus.

With a few practiced wand swishes, Remus fixed Sirius' nose and lessened the bruising around his eye until even the faintest hint of blue disappeared.

"Anywhere else you're hurt?" said Remus.

"Everywhere," Sirius groaned.

"In that case, you might want to visit the hospital wing in the morning. I'm not Madame Pomfrey."

"Why didn't you help me back there?" Sirius hissed. "You just stepped aside!"

"What did you want me to do? Hex your brother? Should've bound the both of you," Remus replied, tired. "It looked like a family affair, anyway. I didn't want to get involved."

"Moony, you're my friend, but you need to decide whose side you're on." Sirius said.

"No!" Remus stood and wagged a finger at Sirius. "You need to realize there are no sides."

"Clearly, there are," James spluttered.

"Only because you're making them! Severus just wants to be left alone. You're the ones attacking and spying on him."

"See, you're taking his side again!" Sirius protested.

"I am not!" Remus growled.

"Yes, you are!" James' voice rose.

Remus shoved a finger in James' face. "Are you seeing things that aren't there again? Last time you insisted Severus brainwashed me—now you say I'm taking his side deliberately, to hurt you? What is wrong with you?"

"I think the question is, what's wrong with you!" James shot back.

"I've had enough of this." Remus turned to the stairs. "Calm down and think, James. Or, Merlin forbid, grow up! Same for the rest of you." Remus nodded to Sirius and Peter. "I'm going to bed. See you in the morning." He left.

"I can't believe this!" Sirius' fingers bit into one armrest.

"Me neither," James muttered. "Merlin, I can't wait 'til we figure out this mess."

"Look. Here comes Prince Sleazy now," Sirius sneered as Regulus came down the stairs. Sirius glared at his brother as he headed to the exit. Regulus' black eye matched Sirius'.

"Looks like you got in some punches too," said James.

"Yeah," Sirius said, satisfied. "This is the closest we've ever been." He chuckled. "I guess I like him like that—proves he has a spine after all. He didn't threaten me with Mum and Dad like usual—not even once." Sirius propped his chin in his hands. "And his aim isn't bad."

"Your way of thinking will forever be a mystery to me, Padfoot." James sighed.

The next day, in the hall, James spotted Severus' friend glasses girl, wearing green robes and all. "Hey!" He hurried to catch her. "Hey, you!"

She saw him, huffed, and walked faster.

"Hey, you, wait!" James fished for her name. "Penelope!"

She stopped and glared. "That's Pauperitt to you, Stag Boy."

I don't fancy this girl—at all. "It's James Potter." He stopped in front of her.

"I know, Stag Boy."

"Don't call me that!" James hissed. "Someone might hear you."

"Don't be paranoid, Stag Boy." Penelope rolled her eyes then mocked, "Prongs."

James gritted his teeth. Okay, I really don't like her. "About that… Have you told anyone?"

"No," said Penelope. "I haven't told a single soul, and I'm not going to, so save your breath, Stag Boy."

"Good." James raised a brow. "But… Why? You could."

"Because Severus told me not to," she said.


"I don't know." Penelope frowned. "Apparently, he thinks you and your friends will be valuable in the future fight against You-Know-Who. He said even though you all are idiots, we shouldn't have you thrown out of school too soon."


"Anything else you want to add, Stag Boy?" She tapped her foot impatiently.

"Yeah. Stop calling me Stag Boy," James snarled.

"On one condition."

She looks harmless with those big brown eyes. Even that glare borders on adorable. And she's at least a foot shorter than me. Heh. Maybe she's related to an elf or something. I could dump her on her bum with one push—if it weren't for her… association with Snape I'd do just that. And laugh while I did it. "What condition?"

"Stop calling Severus that name," she hissed.

"You mean Snivellus?"

"Yes!" Penelope growled. "I have no idea why anyone would call him something so—so childish."

"Who are you to decide what I can and can't call Snively?" James snorted.

"I swear, if you don't promise I'll be your new shadow and stalk you yelling 'Stag Boy.'"

"You're not serious."

"Stag Boy!"


"Stag Boy! Stag Boy! Stag Boy!"

"Okay, okay!" James surrendered. "I get it. I won't call him that anymore. Deal?"

"Good." Penelope nodded. "If I catch you doing it, I'll be on you like a hawk, Potter." Her eyes softened. "If you want, you can come to one of our meetings. We're open to anyone. Just treat us nicely."

James gaped as Penelope left at a half-jog to catch up to her friends. She almost tripped in her hurry.

Those Slytherins… they're getting more unpredictable every day. He shook his head. Cornered by a girl—a Slytherin girl years below me and half my size. He snorted. And we didn't even draw wands. I think I hate her already. But… if she weren't Slytherin… I might… admire her.

Severus read his morning letter, brows furrowed.

"What is it?" said Lily as she spread a thick layer of butter on her bread.

"That old man," Severus grunted, annoyed. "He's one of the most stubborn people I've ever met! He refuses to see facts. Why won't he understand that using mandrake juice for the defrosting potion is better than sliced mandrake pieces? It's obvious, isn't it?"

Lily chuckled. "I'm glad your relationship with your grandfather is growing. And I'm glad you like him so much." She smiled and laid a hand over his.

At a surprised scream nearby, Severus snapped around. Lily too.

A handsome fourth year Hufflepuff dumped Penelope on her rear and towered over her, laughing. "Like I would ever go out with a snake like you," he mocked.

Penelope wrestled tears. "I'm—I'm sorry," she sobbed. "What did I do? What can I do?"

The Hufflepuff's shadow nearly drowned her. "Stop being a slimy Slytherin," he sneered.

"You know I can't," Penelope cried. "Why would I have to?"

Severus and Lily were just about to come to her rescue when someone else pushed the Hufflepuff away.

"What're you doing?!" Regulus bellowed at the boy. "What has she ever done to you?"

"Reg, stop!" Penelope pleaded from the floor, face in her hands. "I didn't mean it to be like this. We shouldn't fight with the other houses!"

Regulus hesitated, looking from Penelope to the Hufflepuff. He opted to glare at the boy and crouch to embrace Penelope. "You okay? Did he hurt you?"

"Only my dignity." Penelope's attempt at humor fell flat as she cried on Regulus' shoulder.

"Everything all right here?" Lily left the table and knelt beside Penelope. "That berk," she muttered.

"Don't… please? I really like him," Penelope said, her eyes now red and glassy from crying.

"They met during summer vacation—outside of school," Regulus explained. "He didn't know she was a Slytherin, and when he found out, he stopped talking to her."

"He was really nice to me." Penelope sobbed into Regulus' shoulder again. "No one's ever been so nice to me before." She hiccupped. "I th-thought maybe I could show him j-just because you're Slytherin, it doesn't mean you're mean or evil, since I'm obviously n-not. And, Severus, Lily, you're doing it."

"Well, he wasn't nice to you now, was he?" Regulus rubbed her back to soothe her crying and the still-present hiccups. "Please, just forget him. He's not worthy of you."

"You're… just… trying… to… be nice… to… me." Penelope hiccupped again.

Severus stood beside Lily. Glad I don't have to deal with any of that. I'm horrible at that sort of thing. I'd probably yell so much my head would come off.

Lily and Regulus helped Penelope up and out of the aisle.

"How could I have been so wrong?" she sobbed. "It was all for nothing… I should just stop trying…"

Severus' anger flared, and he blocked Penelope's way. "Penelope Pauperitt," he hissed. "Shut up! Don't you dare say another word!"

Penelope stopped, startled, tears still in her eyes. "But—but—"

Severus shook his head. "You have no idea what you've accomplished, do you? When we started this tutoring group at the beginning of the year, could you have imagined we'd come this far? I, for my part, couldn't." I'm terrible with words! But there's so much to say. Her creation is wonderful. I could never have done anything like this on my own. That she prevailed where others couldn't—where they didn't even bother to try… She's magnificent! His eyes softened, and he gave her a small smile. I've already said more than I usually would anyway…

Penelope looked away, embarrassed.

"It was a slip—I realize that," Severus said. "Perhaps your reasons for starting this were because of that boy, but what you accomplished is so much more than that. Come on, I have a place I want to show you. It might be a good location to move the Life Defenders."

Dust lay in thick layers over the room and swirled every time Severus, Lily, Penelope or Regulus moved. But it was enormous—just what they needed.

"It's brilliant," Penelope said as she whirled through the dust, creating a storm of bright, little flecks. "We just need to spend a weekend cleaning it and it'll be perfect!"

"Thought you might like it," said Severus when Penelope and Regulus went to explore the other end of the huge room.

"Sev, this is amazing." Lily grinned and wandered the room. "I don't think even the Marauders will bother looking for this place."

"Thank Merlin." Severus sighed. "They've become quite a pain lately, if you don't mind me saying so."

"Not at all," Lily said. "Poor Remus. He spends half his time angry at them and the other half feeling guilty that he's scolded them. For his sake, I hope they'll grow up soon." Lily stopped inches from Severus. Lavender dominated the air, and the slight heat of her presence warmed him. She draped her arms around his neck. "Sev, last summer… I asked you what you wanted, but… you never really answered."

The sudden awareness of how close she was washed over him. "I… recall… I said I wanted to do the right thing."

"And you're doing it," Lily said softly. "But that doesn't tell me what you want. Being a completely selfish human—what do you really want?"

Severus wrapped her close. Words flooded him in a messy jumble, but nothing came out.

Lily's green eyes filled with intense innocence. "Tell me," they demanded.

I can't— I don't know how— What can— The thought refused to form and without conscious effort, he pulled Lily close.

Her hand sneaked into his hair and drew him to her. She met him in a kiss.

Severus' insides melted and awareness of everything else vanished. Only the scent of lavender and Lily's soft warmth enveloped him while his head spun and gladness exploded in his chest, spread like an electric charge through every inch of him. He stroked Lily's hair, held her close.

Only one word existed to describe how Severus felt—love.

He caressed her chin and gently combed her hair before stealing one more kiss.

So enamored was he, Severus didn't notice Penelope and Regulus chuckling when he left hand-in-hand with Lily. And, for the first time in the recorded history of Hogwarts, he arrived late to class. He wasn't embarrassed but felt a little sheepish as he and Lily entered Potions, still holding hands.

Had he been a teacher, he'd be furious, but Severus didn't care. Slughorn was, if anything, delighted.

Potter looked as though he'd just bitten into a lemon as Black patted him on the shoulder sympathetically.

This chapter has been edited by Dtill359