
second chance a new choice by (moonbird) a( harry potter fanfiction)

Severus was dying in the shrieking shack, and he did indeed die. However, forces out of his control rendered him the ability to re-choose. going back and choose differently. this story is not made by me the one who made it was (moonbird) https://m.fanfiction.net/s/6343505/1/

injured · Anime & Comics
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chapter 19

Chapter 19: Planning and mischief

Remus John Lupin dragged James by his collar toward the Gryffindor dorm. His gut whirled, and every emotion possible fought for his attention in a jumbled hurricane of sadness and disappointment. Why didn't I do something about this sooner? I knew it was coming.

After Spinner released them, James tried to barge into Severus' and Lily's conversation in the hall, but Remus' grip on his collar proved more ferocious than James' stubbornness.

"Moony, what in Merlin's name?!" James gasped when Remus hauled him around a sharp corner into a dead-end hall lined with empty offices and stood between him and the exit.

"What in Merlin's name?" Remus mocked. "You're the one who shot a hex at me!"

Regret burned James' face. "Sorry…"

"Well, I hope so. I can't believe you! Don't you trust me?"

"Course, I trust you. It's Snape–"

"Oh, shut up about Snape for a moment and use your head."

Wormtail popped out of James' pocket.

"Peter! You can turn back now. We're alone," Remus scolded.

James checked the hall anyway before placing the rat on the floor.

Peter reverted to his human shape and regarded Remus with nervous, tear-glazed tears. "I'm… I'm s-sorry."

"Good! You should be! Why'd you follow me? Couldn't you have just asked? I would have told you."

James and Peter shared an embarrassed glance.

"So… why didn't you tell us before?" said James.

"Why do you think? Look at the way you reacted. You tried to hex me! Why can't you accept that Severus isn't out to kill you?"

"Because it makes no sense," James retorted. "Remus, I know you think you're in his debt because he seems to accept you—despite your furry little problem—and I know how it must've seemed to you when we was there for that little girl this past summer, but don't those things seem a little convenient?" said James. "He swore to kill you last August. We all saw him do it. He was serious!"

"He changed his mind," said Remus.

"But that's just it, Moony. Why? Why?"

Remus shouted, "I don't know!"

Thick silence filled the hall, so heavy the walls threatened to cave and hold Remus and his friends hostage forever.

Remus tried again. "I… don't know… but I trust Severus. There's more to him than you think."

"So, he has you convinced he was always a good guy?" James spat.

"No," said Remus. "He admitted he wanted to join You-Know-Who, but he's different now. He decided not to do it."

"What's up with the… Life Defenders, or whatever you're calling them?" said James.

"Let's take this up to the dorm," said Remus as a few students passed them in the cross-breeze. "I'm sure Padfoot wants to ask the same questions, and Lily will want to be there too." He headed toward the dorm. "You coming?"

James and Peter followed, reluctantly.

When they entered the common room, Remus settled into his favorite armchair in front of the fire. He rested his chin in his hands, still furious.

As soon as James and Peter realized Remus had no intention of moving until Sirius and Lily arrived, they occupied the sofa across from Remus, but fidgeted every five seconds like kids caught stealing candy.

Sirius arrived first. He made wild gestures and tried to speak at least ten times, but no sound escaped.

"What did you expect when you were eavesdropping on Severus?" said Remus.

Sirius stopped and gaped.

"I was with Severus when he caught James and Peter spying. Then James tried to hex me," Remus said.

"I said I was sorry!" James blurted.

"And you think that means I'm done with you?" Remus hissed without bothering to look at James.

Sirius sat and pointed to his mouth, insistent.

"Fine," Remus grumped. "If you promise not to dump a waterfall's worth of rambling on us."

Sirius nodded.

Remus pointed his wand. "Finite Incantatem."

Sirius harrumphed, but found his voice returned, and lit in gladness only to adopt his friends' glowers the next moment. "You tried to hex Moony?" He asked James.

James' cheeks reddened even more.

"Oh, Merlin, you did," Sirius groaned. "Why?"

"Apparently he thought I was being brainwashed," Remus said. "I'm acting like I don't have any free-will—or so Prongs tells me. James, look at me when I'm talking to you!"

James looked.

"Have I acted like I'm brainwashed lately?"

James shook his head.

"And other than spending some time with Severus and Lily once in a while, have I acted any differently than I used to?"

Again, James shook his head.

"So, where did such a crazy idea come from? Honestly, James! You're better than that."

"What happened exactly?" muttered Sirius.

"Didn't I already tell you?" Remus groaned. "Severus, Lily, me, and some others were having a private conversation—in a locked room—when Wormtail appeared in the corner. Severus recognized him and confronted Prongs, who was outside, hiding under the invisibility cloak. Then, Prongs went crazy and tried to hex me!"

"Really?" Sirius looked lost. "Why would you hex Moony?" he asked James, brows knit in concern.

"It was stupid," James muttered. "It was just—the circumstances…"

"It was all stupid, James," said Remus and threw up his hands. "Merlin, you're unbelievable!"

"I—I–" James said.

"Be glad Severus didn't reveal Peter to everyone. 'Cuz he could've."

"Wait, he recognized Wormy in his rat form?" said Sirius,

Peter nodded. "I thought… I was gonna die," he whispered. "He grabbed me and went for the door, but all he did was throw me at James."

Remus warmed toward Peter a little. Guess I can't imagine how it must've been—to have to face Severus' wrath as a rat… He was mad—furious even. Everybody was a little scared until we found out why he was so mad. And we weren't even the object of his anger. Peter was probably terrified, squished in Severus' hand and hauled across the room like that. He's been punished enough. But, James, you've got more coming. Remus turned to Sirius. "What happened to you?"

"Well… Okay, I was eavesdropping too… I hid behind a bush, and Snape somehow knew I was there, so he sent everyone else away and confronted me." Sirius shifted in his seat.

"Then what?" said James. "Did he attack you?"

"No," Sirius muttered. "Not really. I… attacked him, and he deflected it. He threatened me, said if I laid a hand on Lily, or some other girl—Penelope, I think—he'd make me pay. And if I tried to sabotage whatever they're building he'd make all of us pay."

"So like Severus to lose his temper." Remus sighed.

Sirius shot an annoyed glance at Remus. "He is not innocent. He cast that spell on me, made it so I couldn't talk. And he body-bound me, so I wouldn't follow him."

"I'd say you got off easy," said Remus. "Padfoot, what were you thinking? What were all of you thinking?"

"That we don't trust Snape," said James. "This has been on my mind for a while, and the only conclusion I see is he's not Snape." James lowered his voice and continued, "It's not him, Moony. This person we're targeting—it's whoever's impersonating him. I don't believe that's Snape—not for a second."

"Oh, for the love of–" Remus swore under his breath but held back his anger. Well… I suppose I thought the same thing at one point. "Severus weathered some tough situations. They changed his perspective."

"When?" James challenged. "During holiday? That wasn't a lot of time."

"No, before that," said Remus. "I'm not really sure when, or how. He might tell me some time, but he hasn't yet. If he does, I'm not sure I'll tell you. It's personal." He met each one's eyes. "Trust me on this… please?"

"Are you going to tell us what you've been doing?" said James.

"We're hosting a tutoring group," Remus said. "That's it."

"Called the 'Life Defenders'? Funny name for a tutoring group." James raised a brow.

"Yeah, and one where you send small girls flying into desks?" Sirius added.

"So? They're learning how to survive Professor Spinner's classes. He's not hexing students at random in just our class, you know."

"That still doesn't explain the name," said James.

Remus waved him off. "They wanted a cool name, so they made one up. A lot of the Slytherin students are lonely. They just wanted to feel a part of something, and the name helps that sense of belonging. The point was it's also the opposite of a Death Eater. Why are we Marauders?"

"Just a tutoring group?" James said, skeptical.

"Yes. Lily, and everyone else in it would tell you the same," Remus said. "It's a tutoring group anyone can join, as long as they don't compete with each other or treat anyone else—including Slytherins—badly. That's why you weren't invited. To ask you to come would invite trouble for the younger Slytherins who want an opportunity to prove themselves. I'm just helping them feel more accepted by the other houses."

Even after Remus' assurance, James still looked doubtful.

It's only half a lie… The Life Defenders tutors for self-defense, but it's so much more—a refuge for those with nowhere else to go, a source of friendship for people no one listens to. It's—it's life-altering. I was alone too when I was kid… That feeling—like you're stuck in a desert, alone—I'll never forget that. These three chased that feeling away. They're… the best friends I'll ever have, so I guess I can't be mad at them for long, even over this.

It's… what—the second time I've been mad at them? The second time I've confronted them about something. Should've done it sooner… I just couldn't risk losing their friendship. But if they're real friends, that relationship will survive an argument.

"After everything you did today, you owe me," Remus said with a piercing glare at James. "At the very least, just stay out of it."

"I can't promise anything," James replied.

"Oh, yes, you can! Here's the deal. Lily and I are prefects. Cause the tutoring group any trouble, and we'll go to McGonagall and make sure you scrub the hallways with toothbrushes. For a week."

"Ouch, Moony!" Sirius moaned. "But… I guess it's fair…"

Remus shook his head. Chances are that threat won't make a difference, but maybe since James owes me big time, things'll settled down for a while.

"One more question," James said. "What was that book Snape was so interested in?"

"Book? No idea," Remus replied.

"Aren't you curious?"

"James Potter, you leave that book and everything else Severus does alone. You hear me?" Remus hissed. "You're not going after that book. It's Severus' business. And don't forget, you owe me."

Severus sat across from Lily at breakfast three days later. "I've got to get that Horcrux," he said so only she could hear him.

"Then go get it." Lily cut a wedge of pancakes.

"It's not that simple," Severus said. "I should've taken it when I had the chance. Spinner's so paranoid he's cast a mountain of protective wards around his office. When he's not there, I can't get in without setting off alarms. He has traps, alerting charms, and other secret spells in and around the office."

"Sounds like you need a plan," said Lily after another bite of her breakfast. "I could help you."

"No. You'd better not," he said. "There's less danger with only one person."

"But I want to help!" Lily pouted and stuck her fork upright in the rest of her pancake stack.

"You are," he assured. "Just by being here, you're helping more than you realize."

"Hogwash!" She slammed the syrup on the table and sticky globs sprayed her robes. She didn't seem to care. "I. Want. To. Help."

"If I need help, you're the first person I'll ask. You know that, don't you?"

Lily gave a slow nod.

"I still can't figure out how to get to it, anyway." A bitter edge lined his tone.

"Quite a bother, isn't it?" Lily dug into the rest of her pancakes.

At dinner, Penelope sat with Regulus.

He was so great about the house-elves. Penelope scooted her chair a little closer to Regulus. He has such respect for them. And it was wonderful to hear about his house-elf, Kreacher. Poor Regulus… I can't believe no one but Kreacher listened to his problems before we met… But I'm glad we're friends now. I suppose… he's my first actual friend here. I'm glad he feels the same way.

She tasted her beans and dusted them with some salt.

Severus is nice enough, but he's so… superior—like a mentor, or teacher. I don't feel I can call him my friend—not until I prove I'm worthy to, anyway.

She pushed a bite of potato from one side of the plate to the other. Severus brushed me off when I asked him about that book… I'm not just some dumb girl! I thought he respected me, but that was… like biting into a bright red apple, only to find it sour.

"You still don't have any idea what that book is, do you?" said Regulus.

"No… Severus still won't tell me anything, but I'm certain it's important."

"Pen, shouldn't we just let it be?" said Regulus. "I'm sure Severus doesn't want us to mess around in his business."

"I just wish we could help. I know not being able to get to that book annoys Severus."

"Well, if he can't, how can we? He's probably the most powerful student in school."

"I know." Penelope twirled a salted bean around her fork. "But just because you have power doesn't mean you're omniscient. He could've overlooked something."

Later that night, in the Gryffindor dorms, Sirius and Peter sat with James on his bed. Remus was notably absent.

That book Snape was so interested in—it's got to be the key to answering some questions. James tucked sock feet under his knees.

"You know I'm with you, mate," said Sirius as all three boys huddled together. "But, what do you want us to do?"

"We should get that book," said James. "Snatch it out of Spinner's office."

"Intriguing." Sirius smiled, always up for a good prank. "How do you reckon we do that?"

"Spinner's got wards up around his office, but that's nothing. Let's be thankful we have the gift of the Marauders."

Sirius grinned. "And all its advantages."

"You won't make me spy on Snape again, will you?" Peter shrank. "Because if you do… I'm out."

What? Peter's never said he wanted out of something before. "No, but your rat form is pretty handy." Then James added in a mutter, "Why am I stuck with such a useless form? What's a stag good for other than running around in the woods?"

"I'm sure Wormy would happily switch," said Sirius. "And Moony would be ecstatic to trade with you."

"Ha-ha. Very funny," said James.

Over the next two days, Severus made and scrapped more plans than he could count. Finally, he settled on the one that seemed most reasonable.

After classes, when he and Lily were alone in the library, he whispered, "I've got a plan, and I suppose I will need your help after all."

Lily shut her book. "What is it?"

"Halloween night everyone will be in the Great Hall," said Severus. "We have that grand tradition of pranks on Halloween. I can't get into the office without setting off some wards, but the teachers will be too distracted to catch me. I only need to be in the office a few minutes—long enough to duplicate the book and get out. Spinner probably has no idea what it is. Voldemort never trusts his servants with such vital information."

"I'm with you so far."

"I'll distract the teachers by letting a troll in the castle."

"You're what?!" Lily's outburst earned a dirty glare from the librarian, so she continued in a harsh whisper, "Are you nuts?"

"Just a small troll, large enough to make sure Spinner won't get back to his office for at least ten minutes," said Severus. "I need you to alert everyone in the Great Hall while I get to the office."

"Sev? You sure you're all right? This plan is… insane."

Severus took her hand. "Nothing is more important than getting that Horcrux. It's a matter of life and death—war and peace."

"O… kay…." Lily nodded. "I'll do it."

"Thank you."

The next day, as they left Defence Against the Dark Arts, Penelope caught Regulus' sleeve and led him to a quiet corner beside a tall pillar. "I've got a plan."

"You're really going after the book?" Regulus whispered.

Penelope nodded. "But I'll need your help."

Regulus leaned against the pillar and rolled his eyes. "What's your plan?"

"With Halloween coming, everyone'll be in the Great Hall—Spinner too—so, if one of us distracted him, the other could go get the book."

"And how do we do that?"

Penelope slid her glasses up her nose. "What about… loosing Doxies at the High Table? I could conceal a cage behind Spinner and dissolve it once you're in the office."

"Wait, you want me to take it?" Regulus straightened.

"Please, Reg? For me?"

"You'll be my death, Pen." Regulus shook his head. "Fine…" He left Penelope standing alone in the corner. But at least he'd agreed.

"I've got it!" James grinned as he huddled around the common room fire that evening with Sirius and Peter. "How to get the book."

"What's your plan?" said Sirius.

Peter fidgeted at the mention of the book.

"Halloween is too good an opportunity to pass up." James waggled both eyebrows. "We always pull a prank that night, but this time, it'll be a grand distraction."

"What do you suggest, mate? Let a mountain of fireworks loose in the Great Hall and sneak down to the office?" said Sirius.

"Yup!" James offered a high-five to Sirius.

"That is…. The most fantastic idea I've heard all month!" Sirius clapped James' hand enthusiastically.

"Sounds okay…" Peter murmured.

James crowded closer. "We… can't include Moony. If he finds out, he'll be madder than Spinner, so don't even tell him we took the book, okay?"

Sirius and Peter nodded.

"Self-starting fireworks would be smartest. And we'll miss the party, but the book is more important. Sorry, Peter, no feast."

Peter's face fell, but he nodded.

"We could put Wormy right outside the window beforehand, and he could crawl into the office and let us in. Opening the door from the inside should be enough to trick most protective wards, but one of us has to keep guard."

"That'd be you, mate," said Sirius. "You've got the invisibility cloak. Plus, dogs aren't very good at doing magic. That'd definitely make people think something's up."

"Right," said James, disappointed. "Then it's settled."

"Absolutely!" Sirius almost fell out of his chair.

Peter agreed too, but only after a long silence.

This chapter has been edited by Dtill359

AN: Just a bit of self promotion, if some of you guys like the Marvel movies like I do, I just finished writing two different fics about Loki, I mean, now we are on the subject of black haired, British, to smart for their own good, kind of anti heroes going through a redemption arch and stuff.

Sadly these two fics has not been edited so there will be errors in them due to me being Danish. How-ever, they are completed fics!

One is called. "Lokis Return." and is basically, what if Loki popped up alive again by the end of "End Game."

The other is called. "Mischief on Midgard." which is about Loki facing a similar punishment as Thor after the first Avengers movie and is stripped of his powers then send to earth and you know, have to figure things out from there.