
second chance a new choice by (moonbird) a( harry potter fanfiction)

Severus was dying in the shrieking shack, and he did indeed die. However, forces out of his control rendered him the ability to re-choose. going back and choose differently. this story is not made by me the one who made it was (moonbird) https://m.fanfiction.net/s/6343505/1/

injured · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

chapter 17

Chapter 17: Life Defenders

Is Pauperitt mad? Or a genius? Perhaps both. Severus stood in the front corner of the old classroom turned meeting hall. They all came back.

Slytherins chatted and laughed in twos and threes, and a few larger circles hung nearer the room's middle.

Penelope greeted Lily and a friend from Ravenclaw she'd brought along. The new girl's reluctance melted into an easy smile as she talked with Penelope.

Instead of introducing themselves this time, Penelope directed the set-up of a more advanced version of Exploding Snap. Three rounds passed, composed of tapping and two teams which cheered wildly for each other.

Just like the last meeting, many hung back at first, reluctant, but before one round ended, the room filled with laughter. Even Severus participated.

I must look a fool, bumbling about like an idiot and, Merlin forbid, laughing. This might be… the first time I've ever felt like a child. He dashed to tag a teammate and tripped. On instinct, he grabbed for the nearest surface and caught Lily's arm. The pair tumbled over each other, to the amusement of the whole group.

How did it come to this? The joy—the genuine welcome in the eyes of near-strangers—it's overwhelming. Here, the outsiders have found their haven, and a teenage girl discovered it.

As curfew neared, the group's levity tanked. Though they accepted each other for a few hours on Thursday evenings, that acceptance didn't yet reach beyond the old classroom walls. The outcast Slytherins still dared not seek out each other or speak their scathing views on blood purity or "good" ancestry openly. Fear of the ruthless few still silenced them.

As Severus, Lily and Lily's friend left for their common rooms, a few Slytherins sneaked into corners with new friends to tuck in one last conversation for the night.

They've been doing that all week, ducking around together when they think no one's watching. Why, Pauperitt and Regulus Black spent a whole evening together a few days ago. Jugson greets me before Charms and Defence Against the Dark Arts now—and tells me "Good morning" when she happens upon me in the common room before breakfast. Not to mention her secret winks at Lily in the halls since they teamed up in Herbology. Perhaps Pauperitt's notion will do more good than I first thought.

Severus bid Lily and her friend goodnight and headed for the dungeons.

A few days later, Severus and Lily enjoyed one of the last warm evenings of the summer by taking a stroll by the lake.

"I've never seen you this happy," Lily said with a chuckle.

"I've never been this happy," he said. For the first time, I'm at ease—with myself and my situation. I've truly made a difference—and they respect me for it, not just Lily, but Remus too, and other Slytherins. The world is lighter now that I feel… worth something.

"It suits you," said Lily.

Severus snorted. "As if anything could ever make this sad picture more appealing." He swept a hand down his skinny frame.

"Well…" Lily stopped and tapped her cheek. "Happy people are attractive people, you know." She appraised him. "Tall and slim—that's a big plus… but still too thin. Though there is a sort of foreign, mysterious sense to you." She brushed the hair out of his eyes before circling him.

Severus almost turned the circle with her.

"Girls like foreign and mysterious." Lily stopped in front of him. "Why, Sev, I believe you're an eight."

"Eight what?"

"You know, on a scale where one is horrific and ten is perfection?"

"You measure every boy you meet like that?"

"Sure." Lily grinned. "It's a game. Remus is a six, Potter a seven. Avery's definitely a one."

Severus chuckled.

"What do you think I am?" Lily spread enthusiastic arms to welcome his answer.

"Ten," he said without hesitation.

Lily slumped in a pout. "You only say that because it's what you're supposed to say. Be honest."

"You're perfect the way you are. What answer did you want?"

Lily's face flushed so red her cheeks matched her hair, but she couldn't hide the wide smile as she stared hard at the ground. "You're too nice to me," she murmured. Mischief glittered in her eyes, and she mustered the nerve to tiptoe over and plant a kiss on Severus' cheek.

He traced the spot in wonder.

"That's for not pointing out my face is too round," she said with a smirk.

"Your face is perfect."


Severus blanked. The urge to run fought the desire to discover what would come next.

After a few seconds Lily chuckled and kept walking, but a faint blush still hinted on her cheeks.

Ah, Lupin! Severus' confusion abated as ahead, Remus sat alone on an old stump and gazed vacantly at the lake. Exhaustion riddled him, and a sick pallor faded his skin.

I haven't seen him look this ill since… well, since my last life. With the full moon just last night, I didn't expect him to be up and about.

"Hey, Remus," Lily greeted too quickly.

Lupin started and blinked twice before his eyes focused. "Oh, hi, Lily, Severus," he said in a near whisper.

"Where're your friends?" Severus peered around the area as if he suspected an ambush.

"The castle, I suppose," Lupin offered a raised brow and a faint, exhausted smile. "I just… needed to be alone for a bit. Severus, I can never thank you enough for that potion. It's a life saver."

"Please, don't mention it," Severus said.

Lupin sighed. "Read today's Daily Prophet?"

"No. That paper's pure hogwash and propaganda," Severus scoffed.

"I know, but it's the propaganda that people read and believe. Here, catch." Lupin tossed the newspaper to Severus. "Page three."

Severus opened the paper with a crinkle. Page three featured a large, black-and-white photo of a shabby, cross group of people who looked more likely to rip the photographer to shreds than pose for a picture. Beside the photo was a second image, this one of angry wolves.

Those are just ordinary wolves, but most won't realize that.

The article title read, "Werewolves Enraged, Won't Listen to Common Sense."

A little over a month ago, the revolutionary Wolfsbane potion was tested and deemed safe for all werewolves. It's a simple potion that ensures werewolves remain in control during their bestial transformation. After this discovery, the Ministry decreed all werewolves must consume the potion prior to every transformation. Yet, many unfortunate associates of werewolves have recently contacted the Ministry to report werewolves not taking the potion as required.

"I'm shocked," says Charlotte Jolie, a botanic witch and mother of two. "At last, I thought my children would be safe from the dreadful beast across our hill. Imagine my surprise when I heard the news! I know he tries to live in seclusion, but that's hardly an excuse not to take all extra precautions. Every full moon I live in fear for my children's well-being. I have to ship them to their grandmother, on the other side of the country, just to be sure they're safe. But what about all the muggles who don't know what he is? I have a neighbor who's the nicest gentleman doctor. He has three children. They're just not safe."

"I, for one, am not surprised," asserts Dolores Umbridge, Head of the Department of Magical Creatures in the Ministry of Magic. "Werewolves are beasts, and as such, they lack human intellect. Truly, many of them must feel robbed of their opportunity to showcase their true selves once a month. We mustn't forget that magical creatures are just that—creatures—who must always be controlled and handled with extreme caution. If werewolves continue this beastly behavior, it may become necessary to exterminate that vile breed…"

I can't read any more of this. Severus crumpled the newspaper and hissed through clenched teeth.

"Hey, let me finish that," said Lily, who'd been reading over his shoulder.

Severus thrust the ruined paper at her, and she struggled to smooth enough of it to continue reading.

The further she read, the paler Lily's face grew. "That—that–" She growled. "What a tramp!" Lily balled the paper and threw it into the damp dirt. "How can she say this? And how can the Ministry go along with it?"

Fury burned in Severus. Why can't anything I do work out for the best? Why should a gesture intended to make the school safer, spiral out of control and become something so horrific?

Lupin stared at the sloshing waves that rolled off the lake.

"Remus, are you okay?" said Lily.

"I'm fine." Lupin shrugged but didn't look at her. "I'm the lucky one."

"If you aren't careful, you won't continue to be," Severus muttered. "When a group of werewolves works for the Dark Lord, as they will, people's fear and disgust will only increase. Umbridge will need just one little reason to start using Ministry force to exterminate werewolves." Severus frowned at the dwindling sun. "I'm sorry I made that potion. It wasn't meant to lead to this."

"Don't be sorry," Lupin said. "That potion's a good thing. It's a blessing, and it'll turn out for the best in the end."

"Of course, it will." Lily wrapped an arm around Severus. "Just don't get grumpy about it all day. I thought we were finally getting somewhere with you."

A new light entered Lupin's eyes, and an amused smirk fought through his sobriety. "Oh, James'll be so mad."

"About what?" said Severus.

"Nothing." Lupin left his stump and headed back toward the castle.

Lily rested her head on Severus' shoulder and left her arm around him as if the gesture were just as normal as breathing.

He leaned into her. What was Lupin hinting at? Potter… angry?

Defence Against the Dark Arts, while Severus' favorite subject, became a mixed bag. He enjoyed the class content and the opportunity to watch the continual assault on the Marauders, but he hated Professor Spinner and held a deep suspicion for him. The man constantly flattered Severus and lionized him in every class. Plus, Spinner's continual pontification about the pride of House Slytherin and Severus' right to indulge in such pretense because of his place as heir of the Prince estate was wearisome.

The worst shame was Severus knew pride would have carried him off if he were really sixteen.

At the beginning of Wednesday's class, Spinner assigned Severus to demonstrate effective dueling technique by shooting hexes at other students at random. He found the assignment quite to his liking, marvelous even.

On the other hand, Spinner, far too happy, hovered an inch behind Severus' shoulder through the entire class.

The period ended, and Severus crowded to the door with everyone else.

"Mr. Snape? If you would stay a moment, please," said Spinner.

Wonderful… Severus left the flood of departing students and stood near the door. "Sir?" he muttered once the room emptied.

"Why are you so apprehensive around me, dear boy?" Spinner feigned disappointment. "I only want the best for you, really, I do."

Severus' expression remained blank.

"Why, Mr. Snape, it's like you don't trust me." Spinner's laughable facade held. "I'm so proud of you. I'm honored to call such a fine specimen my student." He circled Severus like a lion about to down a wounded deer. "You're meant for greatness, and you can have it all—will have it all—if you're smart." He gripped Severus' shoulders from behind. Spinner's foul breath traced Severus' spine as he whispered, "I can help you. I can give you the greatness you deserve, and all the power you want!"

Severus didn't flinch. If that's supposed to tempt me, Spinner, you've failed.

The Professor faced Severus again. "It's that mudblood, isn't it?" he said with a sour frown. "She's spoiling you, making you weak."

Severus' anger sparked, and he mirrored Spinner's displeasure.

The Professor gave a wicked grin. "Break loose from her, dear Severus. It will make you strong. Don't you want power? I'm well acquainted with someone who'll be happy to give you all the power in the world if you're willing to do some work—a little service."

Am I… being recruited as a Death Eater early?

Spinner misinterpreted Severus' shock as interest, and his grin widened. "That's right, all the power you can imagine—and all for nothing."

Severus' silence fueled Spinner.

"Choose your friends well." The Professor shook his head. "Do what's right. Do what your blood, house and talent demand. Be the greatest wizard of your generation!"

Severus funneled his fury at Spinner. "I'll never join Voldemort!"

Spinner fell back a step. "How dare you speak the Dark Lord's name!" Spinner sputtered and pointed at Severus. "How dare you!" The screech gnawed Severus' ears like nails on a chalkboard, but Severus still refused to flinch.

"And, I choose my own friends." Severus sneered. "They give me more strength than anything you could give me—more than even Voldemort could ever offer!"

Spinner closed his ears and hummed in his high-pitched, repulsive tone to drown the offensive words.

Severus grabbed Spinner's arms and wrestled them from his ears. "Your kind will fall," Severus whispered. "I'm already the most powerful wizard of my generation, and my friends are stronger than all the Death Eaters, werewolves, giants, vampires and Dementors combined. Your precious Voldemort is as good as dead."

"LIAR!" Spinner screeched so loudly Severus was sure anyone in the hall could hear him. "The Dark Lord is power. Power is everything!"

"Voldemort is nothing!" Severus roared. He let go of Spinner and left the classroom, never looking back. That's… the first time I've said that name out loud—the first time I talked about him without fear. And I'm still not afraid. "Voldemort," Severus whispered. "Tom Marvolo Riddle." That doesn't sound frightening at all. If anything, it's pathetic.

Thursday evening, in the old classroom, ten Slytherins, three Gryffindors, two Ravenclaws, and two Hufflepuffs gathered. A good number.

"Your attention, if you please," Severus stood at the head of the assembly. "How many of you has Professor Spinner offered the chance of power?"

A few Slytherin hands slowly rose.

"I want to make this clear," said Severus. "He's lying. Don't even try to listen to him. Professor Spinner–He's a Death Eater. He's trying to recruit you into Voldemort's service."

Gasps and wide-eyed stares filled the room.

"I know many of you are tempted, and I know you all have your reasons, but listen to me. Whatever ideas you harbor about the honor and personal glory of serving Voldemort are absolutely wrong!"

Silence replaced shock, and all present gave Severus their attention.

"He might promise greatness, acknowledgment, respect, but it's a bloody lie! He works alone. His servants are just that—servants. They have no value past mindless service, and he has no compunction against killing or torturing his own should he feel like it. Voldemort is soulless. Even if you grovel, he'll slaughter your children, your family—there is no mercy in his world, only himself. He promises power, but he can't offer any because he's nothing. Nothing! Voldemort. Is. Nothing."

"H-how do you know?" dared Regulus. "How can you be sure?"

"Because I've seen it," Severus said. "Lat summer… well, I suppose all of you must know about my… outburst."

The students exchanged uncomfortable looks.

"I admit it," Severus said. "I once planned to join him, but he can't give me what I want—only what I abhor. However, in the last two weeks, I've discovered you have what I want. We can bring each other greatness."

The students leant Severus their rapt attention.

"A war rages out there. It has two sides—Voldemort, and everyone else, because Voldemort fights only for himself. To choose his side is a mistake, no matter the circumstances. Eventually, others will realize that and turn away from him, but not before making horrific mistakes—and maybe… dying. That's foolish. We're better than that. We are strongest when we stand together. Starting today, we train for the war. To take only Spinner's lessons is foolish—it would leave no surprises for Voldemort—and training together will strengthen our unity and help us learn to cooperate. Who's with me?"

Indecision suffused the group until one voice rose above fear's paralysis. "I'm with you!" said Lily. She stood beside Severus.

"Me too," Lupin declared and took his place next to Lily.

"Count me in." Penelope joined them.

"Never say I didn't want to stand with you people!" Diane Diggory sprang to stand next to Penelope.

"Me!" A third-year Slytherin boy joined next, followed by more. Even the guests from other houses gathered with them.

Regulus stood next to last. "Like I have anything better to do," he muttered.

As every student circled Severus, pride filled him. Some of them will probably still turn… but at least I've done something to prevent it.

"We should give ourselves a name," said Penelope.

"Why?" Severus said.

"For unity and all that." She smiled. "It'll give us something to rally behind. It should reflect what we stand for—that we're open to everyone. We don't pick and choose, isn't that right?"

Severus nodded.

"We're the place for a second chance," Penelope declared.

Several Slytherins smiled sheepishly but hope glowed in their faces.

What would be a proper name for a group like this?

"How about the Life Defenders?" said one Ravenclaw. "Voldemort calls his people Death Eaters. What's the opposite of a Death Eater?"

"That's a great idea!" Penelope beamed.

"Then, it's settled," said Lupin. "We are the Life Defenders!"

"Everyone, join hands," said Lily as she wove her fingers into Severus'. "Form a circle."

The group obeyed.

"We are life-defenders," Lily continued solemnly. "We are the one place where everyone is welcomed, where contests, bullies and cliques aren't tolerated. We stand together to build a future where we all fight the best fight we know how." Her eyes sparked. "We are life-givers!"

"We are the Life Defenders!" the group answered.

"Louder! We are the Life Defenders!" Lily squeezed Severus' hand.

"We are life-givers!" said the rest.

"WE ARE THE LIFE DEFENDERS!" Lily thundered with heart-shaking purpose.

"WE ARE THE LIFE DEFENDERS!" The roar quaked with joy and pride. A sense of belonging spread through every Slytherin as those few words surrounded them all with hope.

Chapter has been edited by Dtill359