
second chance a new choice by (moonbird) a( harry potter fanfiction)

Severus was dying in the shrieking shack, and he did indeed die. However, forces out of his control rendered him the ability to re-choose. going back and choose differently. this story is not made by me the one who made it was (moonbird) https://m.fanfiction.net/s/6343505/1/

injured · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

chapter 15

Chapter 15: Spinner Spins

At breakfast, Severus' nerves frayed as he waited for Lily's reaction to Penelope's idea. Will she say no? Hesitate?

Lily clapped and beamed, excited. "Oh, Sev, what a wonderful idea!"

"You think so?" Can't say I'm completely sure about it myself.

"Of course, I do! We should ask Remus if he wants to come. He loves to help people with schoolwork, and he'd hate me forever if I didn't tell him about an opportunity like this."

"Opportunity like what?" said Severus.

"To help people get along, of course." Lily bobbed up and down in enthusiasm, and her chair uttered a soft rattle. "We should ask him right now. Look. There he is!" She pointed toward the Gryffindor table where Lupin laughed with his friends.

"Couldn't we wait until Ancient Runes?" And avoid the Marauders.

"That's tomorrow, silly," she said.

Potter eyed him and Lily. Black whispered in Potter's ear and earned a smirk. Pettigrew giggled, and Lupin wrinkled his nose in disgust.

"I suppose I could ask him later in the common room," Lily muttered.

After breakfast, as Severus and Lily entered Defence Against the Dark Arts, all four Marauders were already in the classroom.

Severus approached his usual seat, snagged the concealed stink bomb and tossed it at Potter. "I believe this is yours."

Potter caught it. Two seconds later, the bomb burst, and slime covered his face. "Wha?!"

Black tried to hide a smile, and Lupin did his best to choke back a laugh. Even the little rat chuckled.

"What are you laughing at?" Potter growled as he wiped slime from his eyes.

Lupin laughed so hard he clutched his stomach. "You sure had that coming!"

Potter shot Lupin a scowl, but his lip quirked as the situation's comedy registered.

Even Lily joined them with her sweet, light laughter.

"It's not funny." Potter fought a laugh, but when he noticed Severus laughing at his expense, his smile vanished. "It's really not."

"But you'd have thought it hilarious if I'd been the victim as intended," said Severus. "That is not a good sense of humor, Potter. Not at all."

"Shut up," Potter hissed.

"In fact, I believe it's equivalent to being a bully." Severus ignored Potter.

"I told you to shut it."

Severus' smirk grew dangerous. "An immature, spoiled, inconsiderate prat."

"Scourgify!" Potter bellowed as he whipped out his wand.

Severus threw a Protego with ease, and Potter's spell disappeared.

"Wow," said Black. "I didn't even know he had his wand out."

"It's rude to talk like I'm not here," Severus sneered.

Black's eyes burned with hate. "Like you're one to teach manners," he spat and drew his wand, ready for a fight.

Severus stood still, wand loose in hand. "I doubt you'd listen even if I tried."

Lupin tensed and took a step away from Potter.

"Expelliarmus!" Potter lit into the fight.

Severus cast another Protego with a bare flick of his wand.

"Immobulus!" Black added without effect.

"Impedimenta!" Potter shouted.

To which Black chorused, "Levicorpus!"

"Guys, stop," Lupin protested. "This is pointless! You won't get anywhere if he just keeps using Protego. You could go on like this forever. Besides, I don't think Severus is going to attack." He looked to Severus. "Are you?"

Severus shook his head. "No, of course, not. I hardly see this lot of children as worth it."

"Take that back." Black scowled.

Severus smirked. "Make me."

"Sev, that's enough!" Lily's small hand gripped his shoulder. "You said it yourself." She gave the Marauders a grumpy glower. "They aren't worth it."

A slow, stout clap echoed from the other end of the classroom.


"Sir." Potter's face flushed between glops of slime when he saw their teacher.

"Mr. Potter." Spinner gave him a cold stare. "If you were just a little more incompetent, I'd have you thrown out of the class. And Mr. Black." Spinner squinted. "Your blood is much better than that. Your little demonstration was pathetic. But, Mr. Lupin," Spinner's thin lips spread in a smile, "knew exactly what was going on the whole time. And, Mr. Snape." His smile grew into a grin that showcased both ragged canines. "He drew his wand and used it like a professional. His posture off-balanced his opponents, deceived them into thinking he wasn't ready, or dangerous. That made their spells sloppy and allowed him to formulate a defense freely. But, most importantly, he kept a clear head. He probably knew I would have to give you detention if you threw hexes in my classroom. Besides, I'm sure Mr. Snape has better things to do. Plus," Spinner gave Severus an approving nod, "he has such a way with words, wouldn't you say?"

Severus met Spinner with freezing eyes and no smile.

Spinner's face twisted into an unnatural display of razored teeth but dissipated into a smirk. "Detention, Mr. Black, Mr. Potter. My office—next Thursday."

Black's and Potter's faces fell.

"But, Sir," Potter said, "that's when Quidditch practice is! Couldn't we have it another evening?"

"If you don't want any more detentions, take my advice. Don't cast hexes in class unless instructed. Do I make myself clear?" said Spinner.

Potter swore under his breath; Black echoed the sentiment, but both boys gave sullen nods.

Guess Potter's team will be missing their captain—and keeper if I remember Black's position right.

"Class, sit," said Spinner. "Clearly, you need a lesson in defending yourselves. First, always keep your guard up—be ready to take the upper hand and be cleverer than anyone else." Without word or warning, red light shot toward Severus.

He deflected with little effort.

No one spoke, but Spinner almost salivated with delight.

A second streak hurtled at Potter, crashed into his chest and threw him backward.

"Sloppy," Spinner barked as Potter moaned and fought to sit up. "Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy! Potter, despicable. Mr. Snape dodged my first hex. You should've been ready for the next one."

Potter groaned and rubbed his chest before sending Spinner a glower.

A third shot, this one directed at Black, emerged from Spinner's wand. Black fared better. He couldn't deflect it but managed to evade.

"Not as good as Mr. Snape," Spinner muttered, "but better than Mr. Potter. I guess your blood comes in handy after all."

"What does blood have to do with anything?" Black scowled. "And, even if that's the case, Snape is bloody Muggle-raised!"

Everyone, except Lily and Lupin, gasped and stared at Severus. Even Spinner was shocked. "Is this true, Mr. Snape? Are you Muggleborn?" A sneer overtook his voice.

"I'm a half-blood," Severus said. "But I must agree with Black. I don't see how it matters."

Spinner wandered the classroom in thick silence before he stopped in front of Severus. Danger gleamed in his eyes, and his thin lips pursed. "Is either of your parents a full-blood?"

"Does it matter?" said Severus.

"Just answer me," demanded Spinner.

"My mother was," Severus barked as he shoved down boiling anger.

"Which family did she come from, may I ask?"

"Prince," Severus sneered.

"Oh?" Interest sparked in Spinner's eyes. "That's a good family. Too bad the name is dying out." Another stunner darted for Lupin.

He leapt clear.

"Good thing you're in Slytherin," Spinner continued to Severus. "Your house indicates your good blood overrules the bad."

"Sir," Severus frowned, "I fail to see how my blood or house has anything to do with how I perform in class."

Confusion shadowed Spinner. "So, you'd rather be like the rest?" His tone turned sinister.

"I'd rather be judged on my own merits," said Severus.

Spinner grinned. "And so, you shall. Class! Get up and find a partner. We're going to practice deflecting spells today, and by the end of this class, I want you to do it as if it were a reflex!"

Stools clattered as students stood.

Severus grabbed Lupin. "You're with me. You're quick, and I need to shoot something after that. I won't have to hold back against you."

"What about Lily?" Lupin said.

"I don't want to hurt her."

Lupin chuckled. "But you're fine with hurting me? Okay, you're right. I'm fast. And since you're the one who said it, I'll take it as a compliment."

Remus sat with the rest of the Marauders in the Gryffindor common room that evening. Shouldn't have said "yes" so quickly. He rubbed his shoulder and knee. This is almost as bad as the morning after the full moon.

And I couldn't get one hit on Severus. Didn't even come close for that matter. The odor of charred cloth still stung his nose. Pretty sure he grazed me though. And James, Sirius, and Peter are mad—not to mention confused.

"Moony, I don't know where you stand!" James blurted.

The tension between the four tightened.

"What do you mean?" said Remus.

"What's up with Snape? Who are you with? Him? Or us?" said James.

Sirius' nod punctuated James' string of questions.

"You're my friends," said Remus. "You know we'll always be friends, right?"

All three nodded.

They don't look very sure about that. "It's just… I don't think you realize Severus is on the same side we are. We want the same things, and the reason you fight with him is because of your old pranks. Maybe it's time to stop?"

Sirius sneered. "He hates everyone who isn't pure-blooded Slytherin," he spat. "He's just like my family. They're all the same."

"Yes, Slytherin might carry that reputation, and once, I thought he shared their opinion, but he's changed," said Remus.

"Trust me, they never change," Sirius muttered.

"Not to be rude, but you did," said Remus. "You are a Black, after all."

Sirius turned away and shifted in his chair.

"Didn't you hear him today? He said blood doesn't matter, even when Professor Spinner praised him for his family. The old Severus would've been proud, but… he didn't care."

"I hate it when you make good sense…" James muttered after a long silence.

The group's tension remained.

Remus sighed. "This isn't just about Severus, is it?" he said as fatigue set in. "Come on, mates. Spit it out."

The other three exchanged uncomfortable glances.

"Moony, I just…" James shook his head. "I'm worried about you. You've drifted, and… well…" He chewed his lip. "Things are changing."

"But you're my friends." Hurt tinged Remus' words. "I need you, so much. I'm still terrified of the full moon more than anything else, and I'm not sure I'd be able to face it alone."

James, Sirius, and Peter evaded his eyes.

"Please, don't act like that," Remus said. "You're the best friends I've ever had, or ever will have, and I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Don't turn this into a soap opera, Moony," Sirius said.

"You started it."

"Aw, come here!" Sirius lunged for Remus and pulled him into a headlock as he mussed his hair.

"Padfoot, stop that!" Remus laughed as he tried to shove Sirius away.

"Keep going, Pad!" James joined in.

"Go, Padfoot!" urged Peter.

Remus wriggled free after a minute-long struggle, smile intact. "Speaking of which, I need to tell you something."

"What?" said Sirius, now sprawled on the floor.

"I'm afraid it's about Severus again," said Remus. "He knows your Animagi forms."

"What?!" exclaimed all three.

"How does he know?" said James. "And how do you know he knows?"

"He told me."

"Did you tell him?" said Sirius.

"Do you really think I'd do something like that?"

"No, I guess not," Sirius hung his head.

"But how could he have known?" Peter squeaked.

Lupin shook his head. "He won't tell me."

"How long has he known?" said James.

"Since last school year at least," Remus said.

James' breath staggered. "If he tells, I'll strangle him. And I don't care who'll be mad at me."

"Easy, Prongs," Remus coaxed. "If he was going to tell, he'd have already done it."

The others froze.

"Why not tell?" James managed.

"So, he can blackmail us?" Sirius wondered aloud.

"If he wanted that, he'd have told you he knew." Remus sighed. Do I have to spell out everything to you lot?

Peter was the most confused of everyone and said with a waver, "What does he want then?"

"Has it occurred to any of you that he doesn't want anything?" said Remus. "He just wants to be left alone."

"Then why'd he attack me?" James pouted.

"You attacked him first," Remus countered. "You put that stink bomb at his desk. He just threw it back to you. Then you tried to hex him. All he did was protect himself—without trying to harm you."

"You're taking his side again!" James' annoyance bit into Remus.

"I'm not taking anyone's side. I'm just stating facts."

"Why'd you team up with him?" Sirius glowered.

"Look. It was me or Lily, and he wanted a challenge—someone he didn't have to hold back against, or… so he said."

Sirius chuckled. "You mean he wanted you as a punching bag?"

"Actually, yes, and I swear I'll be sore for the next week." He rubbed his neck. "He couldn't hold back just a little!"

James chuckled. "Then remember not to team up with him next week. I don't think it'll be good for the wolf if you're sore. That makes it grumpy."

Remus shook his head. "Wolfsbane potion. Remember? It's not a problem anymore. Well, at least I won't tear you apart just because I'm grumpy. Not until school's over..." Should I tell them Severus made Wolfsbane? No. I suppose not. Severus wouldn't want that.

"Oh yeah," Sirius brightened. "That's cool! We're so going to do some real Maraudering next week!"

"I still hate the full moon," Remus muttered. "I swear, even if by some miracle they find a cure, I'll hate it 'til the day I die."

"Then I guess we'll just have to make the best of it," said James. "And we swore we'd always be there at full moon, remember? I guess that means after they find a cure too." He smiled.

"James, we talked about this. There is no cure. People have searched for over a thousand years. Still nothing."

"Until this summer nothing was easy for werewolves. At all. Now, that's changed," James replied.

I guess he's right. There was never anything like Wolfsbane potion before… At least, not in recorded history.

"See? A cure's possible, and we'll stick around until it's found. And even after that. You'll never have to go through a single full moon alone again. We promised."

James can be an airhead. He doesn't take my condition seriously at all. But… this optimism is infectious. "Sounds awesome." Remus offered a thankful smile.

"Imagine everything we can do now that we don't have to worry about your wolf's instincts!" Sirius said. "We could scare some girls."

"Please, no," said Remus. "We still don't know what'll happen if something goes wrong with the potion. And we're not sure if I'm really that stable. I am still contagious. Let's stay away from people for now, okay?"

"Whatever you want, Moony," James assured.

What a group we are… James, the unofficial leader—and Sirius, his shadow, or adopted twin, I'm not sure which. If one ever lost the other…

Then there's Peter, the one who never questions. And me. I guess I never questioned James and Sirius either—until recently. Maybe, I'm the older brother now, the responsible mediator.

And the wolf. Lupin shivered. Ever since those three started to keep me company in Animagi form, the wolf claimed leadership of the pack. The Animagi tend to its every demand to keep it happy.

It's always a role-reversal. James becomes the level-headed one, and I—well, the wolf—is a despot. Even if that weren't so, I trust them enough to believe they wouldn't do anything reckless—not when it's that important to me. Remus flashed his best reassuring smile.

"Oi, look! Evans!" James ruffled up his hair and peered over Remus' shoulder. "You think she's finally come to her senses?"

"If you mean she's coming to accept your offer to be your girlfriend, keep dreaming," said Sirius.

Remus rolled his eyes as Lily approached. "Hey," he greeted.

"Remus." Lily smiled at him but ignored the other Marauders. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure." Remus started to stand.

"How come you never put in a good word for me with her?" James muttered just loud enough for Remus to catch.

"I do," Remus whispered. "All the time. But you don't give me much to work with."

James glowered as Remus and Lily put fifteen feet between them and the rest of the group.

"What's up?" said Remus.

"Some of the younger Slytherin students want to start this wonderful project," Lily said.

What's this now?

"They don't support blood-purity, and You-Know-Who, so they're starting a tutoring club. Between you and me, it's really for socializing and to help strengthen themselves and their relationships with other houses. Severus and I will act as tutors, and I thought you might be interested in joining."

"I'd be delighted! That's brilliant. Whose idea was it? Severus'?"

"Nope. A Slytherin fourth-year, Penelope Pauperitt. She's putting it all together."

"I'll have to talk to her."

"So, you're in?"


"Though… could you be quiet about it to your friends? Since it'll be mostly Slytherins in the club at first?" Lily said. "It's for the sake of integrating them with the other houses—it'll give them a chance to prove they're not blood purists. And if they," she tossed a distasteful glance at the other Marauders, "were to prank them, the group might change their minds. Or they wouldn't feel safe on either side…"

"They won't ruin it," said Remus. "I promise. It's about time we gave Slytherins a chance."