
Second Chance(Taekook)

Author: Nameless_
Ongoing · 86.8K Views
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What is Second Chance(Taekook)

Read ‘Second Chance(Taekook)’ Online for Free, written by the author Nameless_, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering R18 Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: JK:I cheated.....Tae: oh okJK: ok?? That's it.Tae: Yes... that's itJK: But I hurt you..


JK:I cheated..... Tae: oh ok JK: ok?? That's it. Tae: Yes... that's it JK: But I hurt you..

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About Bangladesh History

Civilisational history of Bangladesh previously known as East Bengal, dates back over four millennia, to the Chalcolithic. The country's early documented history featured successions of Hindu and Buddhist kingdoms and empires, vying for regional dominance. Islam arrived during the 6th-7th century AD and became dominant gradually since the early 13th century with the conquests led by Bakhtiyar Khalji as well as activities of Sunni missionaries such as Shah Jalal in the region. Later, Muslim rulers initiated the preaching of Islam by building mosques. From the 14th century onward, it was ruled by the Bengal Sultanate, founded by king Shamsuddin Ilyas Shah, beginning a period of the country's economic prosperity and military dominance over the regional empires, which was referred by the Europeans as the richest country to trade with.[1] Afterwards, the region came under the Mughal Empire, as its wealthiest province. Bengal Subah generated almost half of the empire's GDP and 12% of the world's GDP,[2][3][4] larger than the entirety of western Europe, ushering in the period of proto-industrialization.[5] The population of the capital city, Dhaka, exceeded a million people. Following the decline of the Mughal Empire in the early 1700s, Bengal became a semi-independent state under the Nawabs of Bengal, ultimately led by Siraj ud-Daulah. It was later conquered by the British East India Company at the Battle of Plassey in 1757. Bengal directly contributed to the Industrial Revolution in Britain but led to its deindustrialization.[6][7][8][9] The Bengal Presidency was later established. The borders of modern Bangladesh were established with the separation of Bengal and India in August 1947, when the region became East Pakistan as a part of the newly formed State of Pakistan following the end of British rule in the region.[10] Proclamation of Bangladeshi Independence in March 1971 led to the nine-month long Bangladesh Liberation War, that culminated with East Pakistan emerging as the People's Republic of Bangladesh. After independence, the new state endured famine, natural disasters, and widespread poverty, as well as political turmoil and military coups.

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HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]

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Le Cœur du Mal

Devoir mener des assassinats pour une grande organisation criminelle est un métier risqué. Aussi, ce n’est pas surprenant que le passé d’Eiji finisse par le rattraper. Ciblé par d’anciens rivaux, il est victime d’un accident de la route. Sa vie aurait pu s’arrêter là, mais les pontes de l’organisation décident de le sauver en volant un cœur pour le lui transplanter. Eiji se retrouve alors terriblement endetté auprès de l’organisation, et dans l’impossibilité de rester totalement neutre. Pire encore, il rate un contrat et est obligé de cacher sa cible chez lui ! Toutefois, ce que personne n’avait prévu, c’était que le cœur en question allait changer la personnalité d’Eiji, pour le meilleur comme pour le pire ! Quoi ? J’ai encore du rouge à lèvres et du vernis à ongles ? Ah, je sens les sels de bain parfumés à la rose ? Non, attendez ! Ça va pas du tout là ! Les gens vont se faire de fausses idées à mon sujet ! Et pourquoi est-ce que parfois, mon coeur me fait si mal ? Qui a tenté de me supprimer ? Pourquoi… Je n’ai pas pu la tuer, elle ? Au même moment, Ogata Kaede, inspectrice de police, jure de se venger et de trouver la personne qui s'en est prise à son ami. Mais elle va vite découvrir qu'être vertueux n'est pas toujours la façon la plus efficace de se rapprocher de la vérité, et que le mal s'est déjà immiscé trop loin pour simplement se reposer sur la loi. L'un a toujours vécu en faisant le mal, l'autre en faisant le bien. Et entre ces deux, une troisième personne avec ses propres objectifs. Qui est donc le véritable vilain de l'histoire? ___________________________________ NOUVEAUX CHAPITRES SUR NEOVEL.IO Version française de l'histoire proposée lors du WPC 204 "Evil Protagonist". Couverture par AreeSensei.

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