
bad day 2

But it's a bad day when does bad day ever end with any good things? With nothing to entertain himself with Ian waited impatiently for half an hour which already felt like forever,but it's not like when you think half an hour it will be exactly half an hour. With no sight of a familiar car Ian sighed impatiently . Maybe just few minutes-

Few minutes turned to thirty Half an hour turned into hour and hour into two. Ian now just want to cry . Biting his lips with eye full of tear he decided to head home. Thinking that Noah might have tried to call him trying to apologize that he couldn't come . Ian walked faster . After he reached home the first thing he did was to go to his room and charge his phone . Impatiently waiting for few minutes he turned on his phone.

'Ting' there was a message from Noah

He clicked the message like life depended on it . Two word no explanation no apology no sweet word just "let's break up"

    They say there are five stage of grief. Denial, Anger ,bargaining,depression and acceptance. Ian's hand was typing as fast as possible.


Ian : baby what are you saying ?

Ian : hey is it some kind of joke

Ian : baby its not funny

Ian : ok i got it but the joke is over now

Please reply to me


Ian : hey reply to me

Ian : Noah wtf is going on


The tears were rolling down his cheek as he desperately typed the messages. He didn't know what to even ask anymore other than asking him to reply . Ian wiped the tear and waited for a single reply , just anything at all . But nothing came at all .

Ian was tired of today he couldn't wait for tomorrow to come when it will all be over maybe its just a bad day today . Tomorrow will be all right yeah tomorrow he will go visit Noah then they will talk face to face and it will all be over.


Ian : are you busy ??

Ian: lets just talk tomorrow

Ian : we will talk it out ok ♥️

That's right they just need to talk . Maybe Noah is having doubt about something. A relationship is all about communication any way .

Whether he was still in denial phase or a bargaining phase he still had hope. A relationship of 3 years don't just end over nothing.

Ian then got up and went to the bathroom . He washed his face and looked on the mirror his eyes were swollen it will probably take some time before swelling goes down . So Ian decided take a small nap but can anyone sleep and such conditions. Ian woke up again and went to the kitchen maybe some ice will help .

It was already late. so, his mom and dad were probably already home. He went to freeze and took some ice and went to living room . His mom and dad were discussing something but the atmosphere wasn't quite right. Were they arguing?