
bad day 1

Has it ever happened to you that the day you have been waiting for starts terrible from the first thing? 15 year old Ian was very excited for the day.

Today he is meeting his boyfriend Noah of 3 years after 2 months. Yup they started dating at 12 and are still together.But that's not the point the point is they are finally meeting after forever.

Ian and Noah met through their parents. Ian' mom and Noah dad were colleagues which started their friendship which later turned into romantic relationship.

Anyway back to present, it was Friday so he was also planning to stay over at his place. Not so morning person Ian woke up way early today .

He lazily slid off his bed and went to bathroom He looked at his reflection in mirror to see his hair looking like bird nest , his curly dark hair wasn't alway great but it was especially bad today. He took his brush,squeezed toothpaste into it and wet it only for it to drop . Ian scratch his hair annoyed and put it again properly and brushed his teeth. He smiled showing his freshly brushed teeth. Looking at his reflection he decided to take a bath , good thing he woke up early. After taking a bath and drying his hair, he dressed up in plain blue t-shirt and jeans . He looked at his phone to find it on 6%.

SHITT he cursed inwardly and put it in charge as fast as humanly possible.

He came out of his room and went downstair

in dining room where his dad was already seated. The air around his dad was really weird,it was like he was confused, conflicted, sad, angry all at same time. Ian isn't a smartest guy but he sure was good at reading room.

"Dad are you okey" Ian asked genuinely concerned. Ian was a single child and was close with both is parents.

"Hmm....? Yeah it's nothing " His dad replied giving him small smile.

Just at that moment his mom brought two plate of pancakes, seeing Ian at time and not late as always she was surprised.

"Wow Ian you are early today " she paused for second and said again "your breakfast is in the kitchen can you bring them yourself "

Ian said yes and brought his share of breakfast. All of them had breakfast in silence. After breakfast his father left and he helped his mom with dishes.

His mom also had work so she was also getting late. His mom offered him ride but he rejected since he was going with Eric , his best friend and school was just few blocks away anyway. He went upstairs to bring his bag and phone . He looked at his phone and it has charged up to 20%. Thinking good enough he went downstairs and saw his mom leaving.As he waved his mom goodbye he texted Eric.

Ian: Text me when you are near my house

Eric: I don't think i am going today, i have really bad


Ian : WTF bro

Ian cursed inwardly and his mom had even offered him ride now he have to walk alone. School wasn't great either. Since he was only a freshmen and he wasn't that used to there. Eric was his best friend from middle school thats why he wasn't that lonely but of course he had to miss school that day. If only it was the end, he forgot his pen , he fell out of nowhere and hurt his leg only to run for PE class and just as school was finishing he decided to text Noah just for his phone to die.

'Just fucking great' Ian cursed inwardly as he was already at last straw. Ian took a deep breathe and calmed down. The only thing that can save his day is when he meet his Noah and hugged him tightly.

They had decided to meet outside his school cause it was near to Noah's house. Noah can't drive so he always comes with his dad to pick him . He might need to wait for half an hour or so since they aren't particularly close, in fact it's in the opposite direction .

Ian went to nearby bus stop and sat there, since he don't want to stand in sun for half hour and the worst part his his phone is dead. He can't help but curse himself for forgetting to charge his phone last night wait maybe its not even his fault its Eric's fault, who told him to share everything about the cute girl from his history class and if he liked that girl so much why didn't he came to school today to see her .At least he would have someone to talk to while waiting . Ian know how stupid his thoughts were but he seriously didn't know how he was going to spend this half hour and blaming his friend for everything sounded best.