
Seas of Wonder

Silas was born to one of the top clans of the dragon race, the Audric clan. Due to his disability he was kicked, literally, off of the the mountain where he was born. He was then met with his master who taught him everything about life and trained him to be independent in this tumultuous world. Even though he is blind, Silas wants to encounter the wonders of the world. Hello, please enjoy this book, this is my first ever piece of work I have a definitive plan on even if I don't really have an ending in the works, only the first part. I really wanted to craft the story around a blind person and what it would be like. This was kinda retconned after the drafting due to mana but it is still important to the character. I also really wanted to build a world around pirates. I'm greatly inspired by one piece in terms of story telling and world building, as well as the pirates of course, but I wanted to kind of create it like that. I'm going to try to create the cover for the book but I'll be using a place holder for now. If I can't figure out how to do so then oh well it is what it is.

Candor · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Lightning Strike

About 2 weeks later, Silas was awoken by his master who said to him, "Now it is time for your actual last lesson." Something that Silas really didn't want to hear again. He was still getting flashbacks to their last "final" lesson. The young dragon did not want to go through something like that again.

Master Luis then summoned a figure next to him that looked like a young human in its early teens. It had short cut black hair and was taller than the average human, around 6 foot 3, and a handsome appearance. Luis placed the figure in front of Silas and said. "I want you to send your mana into this puppet and learn it's body structure. After that you will then turn into the human form, which you can now do with your awakened bloodline. I awakened the bloodline in you that would have laid dormant for another 5 years without special inheritances."

Silas stood there, shocked at the suddenness of it. "Turn into a human like you master?" He felt excited at the prospect of being just like his master. He had never heard of anything like this from him before.

"No, not a human, just it's form. You will still be very much a dragon in mind and body, you'll just be able to blend in with the inhabitants of this world better. Dragons aren't very common. You will be hunted by many people for being a dragon if you aren't strong enough. Even then there will still be fools coming after you." Master Luis said, correcting Silas. Silas had no experience outside of the forest and had an innocent naivety towards it.

"I am not weak, Master, you are the one training me!" Silas yelled back indignantly.

"Ho ho, there is an indefinite amount of being stronger than yourself in this world. Even I am not the greatest in the... ahem."

Master Luis scolded him. Luis did not want the dragon to become arrogant nor big headed about his strength. He then got Silas focused back on the task at hand.

Silas shut up immediately and went towards the puppet injecting his mana into it and feeling its structure slowly and thoroughly. He sent his mana through the four limbs and the head before circling back through the center. About an hour later he had finished inspecting it and turned to his Master, "So how am I supposed to turn into this?"

"If you focus, you should be able to feel a new power inside of you, most mythic creatures have the ability to grow larger or smaller once they reach adulthood and some can even transform into different bodies. Your human body will be weaker than your original form but you will be in tune with the other elements of the world, rather than just fire and wind which you are accustomed to. You will still be the strongest in fire and wind, however." Master Luis started to info-dump again. "You can also perform a partial transformation and have wings and claws on your human form but I would advise not to do that in front of others."

Silas then meditated, looking for the new source of power in himself. He found it inside of his Orenda cavity and sent his mana to the center of it. Once he locked onto it he injected some of the mana into it in order to see what would happen. Then the orb of power started sucking in his mana at a frightening pace and worry overcame him. He was scared of getting sucked dry. "Master... something is happening."

The orb continued to suck out his mana and the young dragon started to change. The orb then finished off all of the dragon mana and Silas contorted in pain. This pain wasn't as severe as before but it was still uncomfortable. Several minutes later there was a young man laying on the ground with no clothes on.

Master Luis stared calmly at Silas.He then let on with a chuckle. "Well, I guess dragons have a natural instinct for endowment." Silas looked up confused at Master Luis, "What do you mean?"

"Nevermind boy put these on." Master Luis said as he threw clothes at him. Silas struggled with the tunic and loose pants, especially the belt he had to tie around his waist. "Now take this, and get ready." Master Luis threw a Saber and the nearly dressed young man.

Silas grabbed it without a thought and instinctively dodged a strike sent at him. "Parry boy, parry." Master Luis sent another strike at him and Silas clumsily tried to block it only to have a cut appear on his arm. "Strike back boy." Master Luis lunged again, aiming for the heart.

Silas stepped to the side and sent the sword down at the outreach arm but was met only with the sound of metal against metal. Master Luis then sent out another slash towards the dragon.

By the end of the day, Silas was laying on the ground from exhaustion, full of cuts and bruises. "This body is so hard to control Master." Silas complained in a strained breath. "There is no balance without my tail and wings."

"Practice me boy." Were the only words that Master Luis said before retiring to the cave.


Another two years had passed and Silas was now used to this new body of his and could match his master for almost a full day of fighting, though they didn't let up on his other training either.

Master Luis then brought Silas close to him and sat down next to him staring right at the young boy. Silas was now 17 years old, still very young for a dragon, but old enough to be on his own. He sat there with a sigh and a grunt and had a look of love and sadness in his eyes. "My boy, I can feel my time coming. You are going to have to face a vast world on your own, meet new people and discover great places. The wonders of this world are yours to find." Upon saying this he handed Silas a necklace with a ring attached to the end. Thunder rumbled in the distance for the first time in years. "Take this and once you are powerful enough, you should break the formation and use what is inside." The necklace was silver and the ring was golden. The golden ring was carved with many strange lines that Silas couldn't make sense of.

"Master, does that mean you are gonna leave me here?" Silas asked, having an ominous feeling. He had never been separated from his master his entire life. Silas couldn't even remember a time he went away for more than a day. Another rumble of thunder was heard.

"No boy, I'm going to die, return to dust, never to be seen again. Remember all my teachings and you will be fine." Master Luis said with a smile. He had no sorrow about dying and faced it with a smile. Upon saying this a massive cloud appeared above their heads covering the forest and as far as Silas could perceive with his mana sight. It came out of nowhere and the forest was plunged into darkness.

"Good bye Silas. Make me proud." Master Luis sent Silas flying through the air with his palm. He flew through the air and crashed into the dirt. He spat out the dirt that had flown into his mouth.

"Master no! Don't leave me!" Silas roared out, tears falling from his eyes. He desperately tried to get up and move towards his master, his caretaker, his father. He was more scared than ever. Thunder rumbled once more, louder than anything Silas had heard.

Then a lightning bolt ten times thicker than any tree Silas had ever felt before struck down, the next second a loud roar was heard, making the young dragon deaf for a while after. He crawled his way over to where he last felt the mana of his father. All he found was charred earth and dust.

Silas sat there in grief, crying the most he ever had in his life. The pain he felt in his chest was worse than any he received while training or awakening his bloodline. He sat there gasping for air and finally his body couldn't take it any more and it shut down, passing out.


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