
Seas of Wonder

Silas was born to one of the top clans of the dragon race, the Audric clan. Due to his disability he was kicked, literally, off of the the mountain where he was born. He was then met with his master who taught him everything about life and trained him to be independent in this tumultuous world. Even though he is blind, Silas wants to encounter the wonders of the world. Hello, please enjoy this book, this is my first ever piece of work I have a definitive plan on even if I don't really have an ending in the works, only the first part. I really wanted to craft the story around a blind person and what it would be like. This was kinda retconned after the drafting due to mana but it is still important to the character. I also really wanted to build a world around pirates. I'm greatly inspired by one piece in terms of story telling and world building, as well as the pirates of course, but I wanted to kind of create it like that. I'm going to try to create the cover for the book but I'll be using a place holder for now. If I can't figure out how to do so then oh well it is what it is.

Candor · Fantasy
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14 Chs


A vast expanse of darkness spread out as far as the eye could see, no speck of light visible. The darkness was all encompassing, swallowing everything around it. Everything except for one place. In the center of this darkness there sat a massive throne. The darkness gave this throne a wide berth, as if afraid of it. Atop this throne sat an equally massive man, he had a frown on his handsome face and his muscles were taut. His otherworldly attire was in perfect condition. He was staring at a certain part of the darkness that had a light slightly start shining through it. Then a moment later the darkness revealed the form of another person.

"So, I assume all your loose ends are now dealt with eh, Alvarez?" The massive man on the throne asked the person who had just shown up in his domain. The man had a look of anger as well as happiness in his eyes. "You know what needs to be done now right?" The man glared at the new arrival.

"Ho ho, your majesty, you're not threatening me are you?" The new arrival, in the form of an old man, smiled at the man on the throne. A moment later and the two were nowhere to be seen. The throne had disappeared as well. The darkness, upon noticing the throne was no longer there, greedily overtook the last remaining bit of light in the world


Silas had awoken from his slumber a few hours ago. He groggily got up rubbing his eyes and sat in a daze at the front of the cave where he and his father had spent the entirety of his life. The thought of his master being gone couldn't gain traction in his brain, he tried to deny the truth to himself. He went around to the various places the two of them would train, the middle of the clearing, the river and the adjoining waterfall. He went to the meditation rocks that sat atop a cliff looking over a part of the forest. At each of these locations he recalled all of the teachings and training that his father had taught him.

Silas spent several days doing this and after going to each of these precious locations he made his way to the spot where Luis was struck down by the heavens. His steps were slow and shaky as if he was scared of the location. He knelt down at the center of the charred earth and clutched the necklace that Luis had given him. He whispered, "father," and then silently wept for a moment and then burst into a full on cry.

He cried for several hours straight until no more tears were produced. His throat stung and he felt too weak to move. He lay there facing the heavens, cursing them, for another few hours before falling asleep.

The next morning he got up, still in a daze and moved a rock to the location of Luis' death. Silas rolled the slightly larger rock, about half of Silas' human form, into the direct middle of the lightning strike. He cried again because he didn't know how to write and put a simple slash in the rock, imbued with his mana. He felt even more useless that he couldn't honor his master anymore than this.

He spent the next several days wandering around in a daze, revisiting the same old spots over and over again, before jumping into the river. The cold water woke him up and refreshed him. He then caught one of the wild animals roaming around and cooked it over a fire he lit from his mana. He had an easy time controlling fire compared to the other elements. This came in direct accordance with him being a dragon.

After his meal he sat in silence for a while thinking to himself. Silas thought over the final things that his father told him about, exploring the world and going on an adventure. Luis also talked about making him proud.

Silas steeled himself and stood up trying to remember the direction in which Luis said there was a town at the end of the forest. This town would be his first ticket to learning how to open the ring that his father gave him before departing this world. He checked over all his belongings, which only included his tunic, pants, and necklace. He then remembered the blindfold that Luis had given him, telling him that when he used mana sense his irises would turn golden and that it would attract unwanted attention. Silas didn't really see much of a problem with this but since it was given to him by Luis he decided he would wear it at all times.

He tied the bandana around his face wrapping it so that it did not obstruct is nose or ears. He was now used to his human form and more adept at tieing the clothes, and bandana in this case, on his body. As he was leaving the area where he spent all of his life he saw his Saber struck into the ground at the point where he would leave for the town. It seemed deliberately placed there that you would not be able to see it unless you were going to leave the area.

Silas smiled sadly to himself and picked it up, putting it through his belt. He knew that his father must've put it there to help guide him to the next part of his life. Luis was still taking care of him even after moving on to the next life.

Silas stood there rubbing the ring on the necklace putting a bigger smile on his face trying to get excited for the adventure to come. He was looking forward to all the things he would experience.

"Let's go!" He finally said with a toothy grin on his face. He couldn't hide his sadness completely but he did his best to put a facade on to live his life like Luis wanted him to.

Happy 4th

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