
Sealed omnipotency

Takudzwa_Muperi1 · Others
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12 Chs


[Host has reached the nearest world , prepare for descent.....]

"What do you mean descent you mysterious wannabe?"

As soon as he finished the sentence his whole body started glowing unleashing a golden aura which enveloped his whole body.

"if I knew that this is what all dead people have to go through, I would have valued my life more?"Jaden said .Seeing everything that had happened to him after his death, he couldn't keep his calm and started to regret letting his guard down and getting killed.

If there was medicine for regret , he surely would've downed a whole bottle of it but unfortunately for him there wasn't.

As he was busy thinking and regretting , he suddenly felt a strong pressure pushing him down, he started bullet speed descending towards a big unfamiliar planet which looked at least 6times big than earth in Jaden's eyes but what he didn't know was that the planet was actually 2 times bigger than he had estimated.

"kwaaaaaaaaa!" he screamed with a high pitched voice like a little girl as the speed of his discent increased ultimately reaching the speed of light.


He got slammed on the rock hard ground and a giant crater formed because of the impact, JADEN tried to move himself but his whole body was in pain and he couldn't even feel his limbs.

[COMMENCING HEALING 10%>40%>80%>100%]


AS soon as the count reached 100%, Jaden could feel his whole body again. Feeling happy, he hopped off the ground and started doing exercises and flexing but he had a feeling that something was different about his whole body for example , his height was almost like that of a 14 year old.

"Weird ...,"his voice also sounded different from his former one. "Hey system lady what's going on with my voice and body...no..whats going on with everything?"he asked while checking himself out.He had already accepted that everything was real and not a dream after feeling the pain from his fall.





[Huh, new appearance you say?.....eh,"it suddenly dawned on him that he was killed ,so how come he is still alive?"Hey system woman.... I'll just call you Siri (iphone SIRI) cause you two are both weird and confusing.How come I'm still alive,I clearly remember being killed by a nail?"

[First of all I'm not some weird lady. Second, the name SIRI sucks like f**k . Thirdly I don't know what happened to you ,I only know from when you created me?.]

"What the #&%#, you could understand and answer all this time yet you kept on telling me weird stuff and not answer when I asked, what kind of system are you?!"

Although Jaden wasn't an otaku, he still knew a bit about the systems thanks to a colleague of his who always dragged him to watch anime and play some games with him. Of all he knew, systems are supposed to be subservient to their masters and they also don't talk like normal humans ,rather, their voices are mostly mechanical but the one he had was a special case who neither talked like a robot not was it subservient.


Seeing that the system kept silent when he wanted it to answer his questions, he decided to apologize .

"Please say something,I promise not to shout please "

[Give me a better name first,I don't like being called system lady huff]

Jaden's eyes lit up seeing that the system wanted to talk to him again and the only requirement was to give it a name ,so he thought of a name and only got one after thinking for 40seconds.

"OK what about Sharon?"

[no no no, I need a name filled with affection not a name of some geek crush you have...]


[It's true right?]

"Of course everybody had his or her own crush in highschool" Jaden felt humiliated by the system even though he couldn't see it. What the system had said was true, during his high school years he had a crush on a girl named Sharon which was absolutely normal for every high school students. It would definitely be abnormal for one not to have a crush during high school years.

[Give me a name that will make me feel your love for me]

"Who said anything about loving you ?!,"Jaden snapped. The system was a pain, first moment it insults him and then the next it asks him to give it a heartfelt name filled with love 'impossible '.

[But I'm the closet friend (girlfriend) of yours]

When the system kept on insisting , he suddenly thought of something .

"If I could create you then it's possible for me to destroy you too am I right " Jaden said with a calm yet scary voice. Although it sounded crazy and made him feel stupid since he didn't have any supernatural energies, he said it anyway .


"It's true ,so all I have to do is find out 'how' right"Smiling evilly.

[Ok, but I need a name]

"OK your new name shall be Saira.".

[I like it]

"Hehe"Jaden showed an arrogant smile which seemed to say 'of course you would like it'.


"What's going on , where am I and why am I in a kid's body?"Jaden threw a barrage of questions at the system and of course the system disappointed him .

[You'll find out soon]. Was the only answer he got.


Jaden sighed frustrated and started walking towards a pond that was only a few metres ahead , he didn't want to keep bickering with the system, he knew that no matter how much you asked a system a question it won't give an answer if the information is confidential no matter how much one asks.

He arrived at the pond looked at it only to be surprised, the pond looked magical with weird vapor coming out of it even though it was cold.

What surprised him the most was his otherworldly appearance reflected in the water which looked nothing like his previous one. It looked like that of a god, or even a vampire from an ancient legend. His lips were thin and pale white while his nose, as sharp as a blade, stood out against his fair white skin which would make any woman jealous. Dreamy silver eyes shined bright with intelligence, complementing his hair which was also silver in color. He looked at least 14-15 years with a fair height of 175 cm.

As Jaden was busy admiring his new look, he heard a movement sound behind him.


"Who's there?!" he asked why facing the sound direction but what he saw made him develop cold sweat all over his body.


Author : next chap in 2 days