
Screw being a hero, I want my slacker life!

"I just want my slacker-life, is it that hard?!" When an overworked to death university student gets another chance in life in the BNHA universe, but doesn't want to become what everyone else wants to be; a hero --- Bakugou Hitori is the only kid in the world who despises the thought of wanting to be a hero. Wanting nothing more then living in riches and their slacker life, Hitori doesn't need anything else to please them, that includes romance. So why do they keep getting caught in the middle of conflict!? And why is everyone praising him like a God!? --- "Why would I want to be a hero, when I could slack off all day?" [Story also on Wattpad under the user @DrunkenXLupin]

BlackLupin · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 7

The car drove down the dimly lit city road, its windows partially obscured by the veil of night with the city lights casting a kaleidoscope of colors on the streets. The urban landscape sprawled in every direction, a sea of lights competing for attention against the canvas of the dark, cloud-covered sky. 

The moon's glow softly muted by the clouds, cast a pale silver sheen upon the city below. The city was still lively even at this time, with cars driving by and people walking down the sidewalks with friends or just enjoying the night. 

Hitori leaned lightly against the car window, his face partially shrouded in the play of city lights that reflected on his porcelain skin. The colors danced upon his features, accentuating the contours of his face.

"We're here, young master!" the driver announced as the vehicle came to a halt.

Hitori raised his head from the window, taking in the sight of his surroundings, more so, the XXXX mall. It stood as its many levels illuminated by a myriad of lights that beckoned visitors. People flowed in and out of its entrances as XXXX mall was very popular day and night for everything from food to entertainment.

The driver hurriedly got out of the car to open Hitori's door. But as Hitori took a step out, he suddenly recoiled, his hand instinctively covering his nose and mouth. He lowered his head, concealing his expression as metallic liquid trickled from his nose and slid down into his palm.

'Fuck, drawbacks...aigoo'

He thought to himself with slight annoyance.

Hitori's head began to spin, and the bright mall before him blurred into an indistinct haze. He remained in his hunched position for a few more moments, one leg still outside the car. Blood continued to drip from his nose and seeped from his lips. The taste was bitter, the sensation nauseating. The pain in his head was like a relentless drumbeat, pulsing and unrelenting.

Chunks of blood threatened to spill from his mouth, and he clamped his lips shut to prevent the gruesome display. The metallic taste of blood filled his mouth, its bitterness adding to his discomfort.

But these were all minor consequences he accepted in exchange for using his quirk, a small price to pay in the grand scheme of things. 

Nothing too serious.

When he noticed the driver's concerned gaze fixed upon him, Hitori pulled out a small, black handkerchief with intricate gold patterns from his side bag. He wiped away the blood from his nose and mouth, also swallowing down the urge to vomit up the blood that threatened to escape.

"How disgusting..." he muttered under his breath, his tone a mix of disdain and self-disgust.

But he swallowed it up as Hitori knew that allowing the blood to flow freely would only complicate matters, both in terms of the mess he'd have to clean up and the explanations he'd owe to the driver. He took a breath in and raised his head, revealing his usual stoic expression. He nodded at the concerned driver.

"Just a little dizzy from the ride," Hitori reassured the driver.

He stumbled slightly as he stepped out of the car but quickly regained his composure

'I'll just deal with all this shit later'

He adopted his usual posture and walked out of the vehicle.

Hitori caught sight of his classmates waving and smiling in his direction, all dressed for a special occasion with their faces beaming with enthusiasm. However, their eagerness was short-lived. As they rushed over to greet him, their expressions shifted from excitement to bemusement. 

The Bakugous' wealth had always been known to them, from both brothers being dressed well and having lots of money to spare, but this was on another level entirely.

Hitori's attire exuded a quiet elegance that spoke of a refined taste, a stark contrast to the casual attire of his peers. It was as if he had stepped out of the pages of a fashion magazine, a living embodiment of luxury.

The car he had gotten out of was a Toyota Century and a driver had even been at his service, a level of extravagance that most of his classmates had only seen in movies or dreams.

Whispers of awe and disbelief rippled through the group.

"Is that... a designer bag?" one of the female classmates asked in admiration. 

"Who arrives at the mall with a personal driver?" another classmate asks with slight weariness. The car was worth more than his own life, actually, all their lives. "And in a T-toyota Century...!?"

"I knew the Bakugou's were rich, but this... this is something else."

Hitori's classmates couldn't help but feel a mix of admiration and envy, but the envy part quickly dispatched as this was the Bakugou Hitori they were talking about. Their Goddess must have all the best things he could want and need..!

"Hello," Hitori stated bluntly, breaking the tension that had momentarily settled in.

"Ah—! Yes! Hello, Bakugou-kun! I'm glad you could make it!" The male classmate who had invited him to the party in the classroom answered, a touch of relief in his voice.

"I'm glad I was not late," Hitori replied calmly. "And thank you for inviting me, Haru-kun."

"Ahaha! No need to thank me for this, it's a whole class party after all, everyone in the class is invited!" Haru replied with a flustered smile, ruffling his hair as he tried to ease his nervousness.

More of Hitori's classmates began to gather around him, striking up small talk and creating a lively crowd at the entrance of the mall.

The driver, aware of Hitori's aversion to physical contact, considered stepping in to intervene, but Hitori said, "You can go back."


"It's fine. I'll call an Uber to go home, but thank you for the ride."

With his young master's orders, the driver reluctantly complied and drove away, leaving Hitori to contend with his classmates.

Hitori watched as his classmates began to encircle him, his fingers twitching involuntarily as the pain in his head intensified, and the sensation of nausea became more pronounced. Just as he felt the pressure building, someone forced their way through the crowd and separated them from Hitori, giving him some space.

"Looks like the star of the show is here!" 

Hitori's expression remained stoic, but his eyes seemed to brighten as he caught sight of the mop of black hair making its way through the crowd. 

The tall figure was defined in an outfit with broad shoulders and a commanding presence that drew attention effortlessly and hugged their figure. Jet-black hair that framed their sharp features and a pair of piercing emerald eyes that radiated confidence. 

"Hello to you too, Kiyoshi," Hitori greeted.

The mop of black hair, or Kiyoshi as Hitori introduced, brushed the others aside to stand in front of him. He looked down at the blond boy and flashed a wide grin. 

"Brighten up honey, it's a party!" Kiyoshi beamed before casually draping an arm around Hitori's shoulder.

Hitori didn't react to the physical contact, maintaining his deadpan expression. "I thought it was only going to be my class, what are you doing here?"

Kiyoshi feigned hurt, placing a hand over his chest and adopting a teasing tone. "Ah, don't be so mean, honey! Don't you want your senpai here with you?"

Hitori's expression shifted to one of mild disgust. "Never do that again."

Kiyoshi paused, chuckling at Hitori's reaction. "Alright, honey," he agreed, lightly pinching Hitori's cheeks and teasing him. "But smile a little more. It's your graduation!"

"From middle school."

"It's still graduation!"

"Mhm..." Hitori pushed aside Kiyoshi's hands off his cheeks, rubbing his face lightly which now sported a faint blush and slightly stinging. "But answer me, why are you here? Don't you have somewhere to be, Mr. Highschooler."

"Humph." Kiyoshi huffed, mockingly offended. "Why can't I be here and celebrate my honey's graduation with him?"

Hitori regarded Kiyoshi with an unchanging expression and sighed again. "You better not have skipped any classes or assessments for this."

"I promise I haven't, honey! No assessments, homework or anything." Kiyoshi confirmed with a salute. 

"I guess it's fine then."

Kiyoshi's smile brightened after seeing Hitori give in, and he slid his arm around Hitori's waist, which was small enough for Kiyoshi to have his arm wrap completely around. Hitori remained unfazed.

"Then," Kiyoshi addressed Hitori's classmates with enthusiasm, pointing at XXXX mall's entrance, "Let's get going, shall we, my dear underclassmen?"

"Yeah! Follow Kiyoshi senpai!" The classmates cheered in unison.

Hitori allowed himself to be led forward by Kiyoshi, who gently guided him forward. He noticed that all his classmates obediently followed Kiyoshi, like little ducklings following their mother.

Kiyoshi had left a lasting impression even after graduating a year ago. He was widely admired and liked by both teachers and students alike. An academically successful student with straight A's. He had an impeccable reputation and a powerful quirk that was not only powerful but also versatile, making him a highly respected figure at school. His charismatic personality and genuine kindness endeared him to all, and he had the respect and admiration of everyone who knew him.

Kiyoshi led Hitori toward the entrance, with his little ducklings following behind him, the atmosphere buzzed with cheerful chatter and laughter. Hitori's expression remained as impassive as ever, but Kiyoshi's attention drifted from admiring Hitori's face to the necklace hanging around his neck, particularly the red jewel crafted into the silver chain.

A sly smirk curled on Kiyoshi's lips as he leaned down beside Hitori's ear, his warm breath tickling Hitori's skin. 

"That's a very pretty necklace, honey," he whispered, taking the necklace in his hand and bringing it closer to his lips. 

With a playful glint in his eyes, he planted a gentle peck on the jewel before trailing his fingers up to Hitori's earlobes, adorned with matching earrings.

Hitori glanced at Kiyoshi with his usual stoic expression but subtly shifted his head away from Kiyoshi's touch. "I just wore it because I could," he replied, pushing Kiyoshi's hand away.

"Mhm," Kiyoshi replied with a knowing smile. "But aren't these the ones I gave you? I remember crafting them a few years back," he smugly replied, recalling that memory clearly in his head.

"I...I don't know what you are talking about."

Hitori averted his gaze, struggling to maintain his composure. He tried to bury the emotions bubbling within him, but it was challenging when someone like Kiyoshi kept poking at him.

"No? I remember very clearly, you wanted me to show you my quirk, and I did. And you kept them? Aww, I'm flattered honey."

"Just, get inside."

Kiyoshi chuckled at Hitori's reaction and hurried to catch up with him as he stormed into the mall.

"Well, they're really pretty! You look gorgeous today, honey!" Kiyoshi called out to Hitori with his hands clasped around his mouth to amplify his voice. 

Hitori hated how Kiyoshi could tell that the gemstones adorning his jewelry were the same ones that he had created years ago with his quirk.

Kiyoshi's quirk, as far as Hitori knew, allowed him to create gemstones or any crystalline objects from surrounding particles in the air. These creations could enhance his physical abilities or form powerful weapons, depending on his knowledge of the material he wanted to create. The more he knew about the substance, the stronger and more versatile his creations could be.

Kiyoshi was someone who had suddenly appeared in Hitori's life from nowhere. The upperclassmen would find Hitori everyday, in school and out. He seemed to find Hitori intriguing and took it upon himself to peel away the layers of Hitori's stoic mask. He coaxed out emotions and reactions that Hitori had carefully hidden - anger, embarrassment, and so on. Kiysoshi loved seeing all of them and Hitori assumed he just wanted to see him suffer, or had a weird kink. 

Yet, despite Kiyoshi's relentless teasing and the headaches he caused Hitori on a daily basis which he disliked, but never truly hated Kiysoshi. Instead, Hitori found himself strangely drawn to Kiyoshi's awfully bright personality. It wasn't overly obnoxious like Izuku, Kiyoshi wasn't the righteous hero that believed in true heroism. He was mature and his personality never came off as blindly hero-like. 

Despite this, Kiyoshi seemed to enjoy dragging Hitori to everything, parties, events and whatnot. introduced him to countless people, coaxing him out of his comfort zone and into new experiences and showing him everything he could enjoy.

One day when the two were hanging out after school, Hitori decided to ask Kiyoshi, if he could, demonstrate his quirk, as he had never witnessed it in action but everyone around him - who were close to Kiyoshi in school and were friends - all said his quirk was amazing, beautiful and rich. 

Surprisingly, Kiyoshi agreed without questioning or hesitation and showcased his quirk before Hitori, forming crystals in his palms. These crystals transformed into vibrant red gemstones, reflecting Kiyoshi's thoughts at the time and the memory he recalled fondly. 

He created ruby gemstones from nothing but air, and he didn't even look troubled in the slightest. Hitori was somewhat impressed, and had when he asked Kiyoshi what they should do with them, he simply stated,

"Do whatever you want." And shrugged.

So, Hitori kept them. And to this day, still has them. 

As they entered the mall, the interior revealed itself with polished marble tiles stretched out in all directions, reflecting the bustling crowd of shoppers and partygoers. Massive glass elevators gleamed like crystal spires, shuttling patrons between floors. High-end shops with dazzling window displays lined the walkways, beckoning visitors with designer clothing, jewelry, and other extravagant items.

Haru took the lead, guiding the class of 20, along with Kiyoshi, towards the party venue. They had reserved a spacious area on one of the mall's dedicated party levels, a haven of entertainment that offered everything from gourmet food and drinks to karaoke and arcade games. This was why they decided they all met up at XXXX mall, given its versatility in accommodating various forms of entertainment.

In smaller groups, they piled into an elevator and soon arrived at their designated floor. After signing in with a staff member at the front desk, they were led to their party room. The worker offered a warm farewell, reminding them of the check-out time at 8:30 am the following day.

"Understood. Thank you for guiding us here!" Haru expressed gratitude to the worker.

The worker merely responded with a slight bow, "No need. Enjoy the stay with your friends." And left.

Eager to start the celebration, the students didn't need to waste another second and used the access card provided to open the door, revealing a lavishly decorated room. The space featured a dedicated karaoke corner, a stunning city view through expansive windows, comfortable seating arrangements, a pool table, arcade games, and a kitchen stocked with delectable food and drinks. Additionally, they had the option to order other things if they wanted.

Excitement surged as the students flooded into the room, instantly transforming it into a lively party atmosphere. Friend groups scattered, some heading to the karaoke machine, others gravitating towards the kitchen for food and drinks, and others began to group together around the pool table to play.

Hitori just stood there at the entrance, slightly confused.

'They're...fourteen, right? You know what, anime logic'

Eventually, Hitori moved towards the kitchen area, seeking a quieter space away from the crowd. However, he couldn't escape Kiyoshi's company, who still had an arm draped casually around his waist.

"Why aren't you leaving?" Hitori questioned with a hint of confusion. His puzzlement deepened as Kiyoshi simply hummed in response, seemingly ignoring his question.

Kiyoshi maintained his casual demeanor and leaned in closer, as if Hitori's confusion hadn't even registered. He mentioned with a light tone, "You know, honey, there is still some blood smudged on your chin."


Before Hitori could fully grasp the situation, Kiyoshi's thumb brushed gently across his chin, taking off the remaining stains of blood.

Hitori's expression hinted at the truth of Kiyoshi's words, causing him to sweat slightly. "I can explain—"

Kiyoshi, however, didn't wait for an explanation. He pulled Hitori up from his chair and started leading him away. Some classmates glanced in their direction, prompting Kiyoshi to assure them that he was taking Hitori to the bathroom, leaving Hitori befuddled.

Kiyoshi found the men's restroom and pushed open the door, ushered Hitori inside and walked over to the sink and turned the tap on.

As water flowed, he commented, "Let me guess, you were the one in the news today? The sparks."

Hitori affirmed with a quiet hum as Kiyoshi began using the water to clean his face.

"Don't tell me you swallowed the blood?" 

Hitori nodded.

Kiyoshi sighed and dried his hand on a hand towel and wiped Hitori's face with some tissues. "Throw it up. Don't swallow blood."

Hitori understood what Kiyoshi ment and walked over to the toilet. Kiyoshi propped up the toilet lid which Hitori couldn't help but notice that the whole bathroom was spotless, no dirt or germs, which struck him as rather strange. 

'I guess paying for this room wasn't so bad after all, even when it was definitely overpriced'

Kiyoshi held Hitori's hair back to prevent it from getting into his face, and he leaned over the toilet bowl, allowing his nose to bleed along with chunks of blood that he had tried to hold back for hours. The sensation was unpleasant, and his head pounded even more.

With each retch, chunks of red and the acrid taste of iron filled his senses. The sight was unsettling, and the sound of his own discomfort echoed in his ears. The blood stained the water in the toilet, red. 

"How long did you hold the drawbacks for?" Kiyoshi peered at the amount of blood Hitori had puked and his worry increased with each chunk.

Hitori hesitated briefly before answering, "Uh...two hours?"

Kiyoshi's concern deepened, and he let out a sigh. "Do you want me to scold you or tell the pomeranian you're doing that again?"


"Then never do this again, for the nth time."

Kiyoshi continued to stand beside Hitori through the ordeal, and once it was over, they began the process of cleaning up the bathroom so that no one would see the blood mess and they left the restroom like nothing ever happened.

"Wasn't that simple enough," Hitori stated, looking at the spotless bathroom with pride.

"Keep on dreaming, honey. We spent thirty minutes cleaning this place!" 

"And I'm going to ignore that."


Hitori's fatigue became increasingly evident after each minute passed. He swayed occasionally, the physical toll of his recent ordeal evident in his unsteady stance, and Kiyoshi found himself continually stopping him from landing face first into the floor. 

But Kiyoshi couldn't bear to see Hitori like this any longer, and with genuine concern in his eyes, he decided to intervene.

"Hey," he said softly, "Why don't you go home, honey? You're not looking so great."

Hitori retained his stubborn streak. He shook his head, a weak but firm rejection.

Kiyoshi wasn't willing to accept this refusal. In a surprising move, he reached out and gently took hold of Hitori's wrist and slipped his arm around Hitori's waist, lending support to the unsteady figure.

However, Hitori's wrist drew Kiyoshi's focus. His gaze honed in on the area where his fingers encircled Hitori's skin. A red mark, almost like a subtle bruise, marred the pale surface. His expression darkened slightly as he noticed the mark, a silent sign of his worry and the intensity of his grip.

"Honey, if you're not going to go home and get some rest," Kiyoshi implored, his voice tender as he caressed his cheek against Hitori's palm, "Then take some of my energy, or from anyone else here."

The moment seemed to hang suspended in time as Kiyoshi's soft breath brushed against Hitori's skin, his lips, barely inches away.

"I'm good, Kiyoshi. Now if you can let me go—" Hitori started, but before he could finish, Kiyoshi interjected firmly, "You're going to take some, or I'm not letting you go, honey."

Hitori sighed, "Fine."

Invisible lines of crimson aura began to swirl around his figure. Though unseen by others, were tangible to Hitori, who felt them coursing through him like lifelines of vitality. They emanate a gentle warmth, a comforting presence that gradually revitalized him. 

Kiyoshi stayed by his side and once Hitori opened his eyes, said, "You should have taken more, honey."

Hitori brushed off the concern, though the effect of the energy infusion was undeniable. His complexion shifted from an ashen pallor to a slightly healthier hue. "I'm good."

Kiyoshi clicked his tongue.

'Not when you're practically paler than a sheet of paper…'

"Now, shouldn't we enjoy this party?" Hitori said, his fingers wrapping around Kiyoshi's arm as he tugged him into the lively crowd of his classmates.

Kiyoshi couldn't help but to let go of his frustrations and smile as he followed the leading figure of blond.

"Yes, yes we should, honey."

Don't question the logistics of this chapter...

BlackLupincreators' thoughts