
SCP:6000 Jeff The killer

Ok this story is paused for now since I need to focus on my star wars and gravity falls fanfics afterwards I will replace star wars with my noragami fic once it is done. So worry not none of my stories are dropped Ok short amd to the point Jeff the killer is in the SCP universe essentially he has some differences hes not completely insane for say he is mainly when his rage consumes him like in the original story before he was burned. Next SCP 2000 something will not be in here most likely it is the alien space craft that apparently can and will destroy humanity and has antimatter weapons, yeah as of right now no reason to add it. 001 will in fact be in the SCP revords in this story dilue to the fact its dormant and might mot wake up I see no reason to include this one as of RN but it will exist amd finally there will be more and there will be very descriptive scenes of this gore well as descriptive as i can get and finally Jeff will have some new powers or will gain powers.

deadly_orange · Others
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"Come on why don't you put on a happy face, FREAK!"

And then I felt something impact my body and then several more and felt a constant stabbing pain in the areas after what felt for forever and all the while my vision began to become distort I started to see crimson and then the world began to shake.

"This is what sick freaks like you deserve, animal killer."

I heard that word before... but where was it... where was it... I remember now it was the adults and alot of the kids from a few years ago... they called me a freak for my fascination in takings animals and insects apart bit by bit....

And then there was the pain... pain of betrayal all their disgusting repulsing colors...

That's where I remember but why do I see such a beautiful color but then there is all these ugly ones..

"Just die already you FREAK!"

I felt several sharp pains in different sections of my body.

"This should be enough soon you will join your family and then you can be freaks together right boys."

"Ya....o.. boss" The voices started to fade out, but in those moments my eyes that were beginning to close snapped open the tiredness that began to set in was burned away by a raging inferno that was my emotions.

...Mother....f...f.. Father... are you r..really dead... did .. did they ki..kill you.. they ... killed ..you...they ... are saying mean things...

'Then rip their tongues out of their dirty dirty mouths and then shove it down their throats if you don't like their words..'

What do you mean...

Kill them...

Burn them...

Eviscerate them..

Cut them to ribbons...

Kill them all...

Your the predator and they're the prey...

Your a wolf... and they are the sheep...

Show them what they are...

The voice urged me one last time and then I felt a sudden strength surge through my body I began to rise..

All I saw was red and three dark shadow like figures

A grin began to make it to my ears..

'Make them pay'

I brought my hand to my thigh and ripped something out and started running. then I felt the warmth I desperately wanted once more.

"This warmth I need more... yes more."


As avoice screamed out in fear but they were seemingly ignored by all.

I then threw something at towards the annoying voice as my vision slowly went to black, I just wanted the voices to shut up already.

Then I woke up in a white room with some weird equipment that I saw my father use before.

Suddenly a tear went down my face..


"Well that's enough story time since you seem to be rather bored, afterall you want to hear the juicy details for example the origin of my powers right Doctor."

"That's right afterall noone really cared about your family life it's simply not important to pur goals I don't want to hear anymore about your psychotic household full of freaks we only wanted to confirm your date of birth, and the origin of your anomalous powers."

My eye began to twitch my smile began to get wider until it went to both of my ears.

And then I slowly walked towards the guards preparing for my escort, the staff knew when I wanted to leave or not and they also knew as long as I am content their would never be a problem. But everyone in the room knew what was going to happen to the doctor but the doctor himself, it appears he decided to skim through parts of it and may have missed important parts of information but he was only a C class personel in the end.


I hope everyone enjoyed I wrote most of this a while back in my older writing style this is a small chapter for those who've been waiting and since my music isn't working and I'm exhausted enjoy I'll seeya all later