
Scientist of Grand Line: One Piece Revelation

In a world untouched by human presence, a brilliant scientist finds himself inexplicably transported from Earth into the mysterious realm of "One Piece." Here, amidst the backdrop of uncharted adventures, he grapples with the shocking disparities between his advanced technological knowledge and the primitive gadgets of this unfamiliar world. Hungry and bewildered, he stumbles upon a peculiar devil fruit, unlocking extraordinary powers and binding him to the vast seas of the Grand Line. As he embarks on an epic journey of discovery, guided by a mystical proficiency panel, his quest for understanding may hold the key to a revolution the world has never known. But what will he uncover in this boundless universe, and how will it shape the destiny of "One Piece"? The answers await those who dare to sail alongside him.

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24 Chs

Self-Imposed Exile

The events of the chaotic clash on Sabaody Archipelago had left an indelible mark on Arjun's psyche. He couldn't shake the feeling of responsibility for the destruction and loss of life that had occurred, even if it had been an unintended consequence of his ship's defense systems.

Arjun spent sleepless nights reflecting on the power of the technology he had created and the potential harm it could bring. He had always sought to use his inventions for the betterment of society, but he now questioned whether he had inadvertently become a source of danger.

Driven by guilt and a profound sense of responsibility, Arjun made a decision that would alter the course of his journey. He resolved to deactivate the "Innovator's Hope" and transform it into an island, away from populated areas.

Using his advanced technology, Arjun began the process of deactivating the ship's offensive capabilities. The ship's defensive systems were dismantled, and its arsenal of weapons was rendered inert. The once-formidable vessel was transformed into a stationary island, a testament to Arjun's commitment to preventing further harm.

With a heavy heart, Arjun left the now-immobile "Innovator's Hope" and boarded a smaller vessel. He set a course away from the transformed island, his destination uncertain. The chapter ended with Arjun sailing into the horizon, leaving behind the site of the tragedy that had haunted him.

Unbeknownst to Arjun, a conspiracy was brewing in the shadows, a plot that sought to exploit his absence and the world's growing apprehension about his technology. The chapters that lay ahead would test Arjun's resolve and lead him deeper into a web of intrigue and danger.