
Science and Technology Library (Edited)

I am merely a translator of this novel I enjoy, without any credits to this work. You can find machine-translated versions elsewhere, but if you wish to read this novel without much difficulty, I recommend reading my version. ---------------------- Science and Technology Library: The supreme pinnacle of science lies in theology. Through an accidental rescue, Chen Mo gains access to a technology library that houses an infinite collection of technological knowledge. Thus, the story begins...

Eky_Riyadi_8592 · Urban
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36 Chs

Xiao Yu

Binhai Hospital. Chen Mo was startled awake, his eyes wide open as he lay in the hospital bed, bewildered by what he had experienced.

Was it all just a dream?

Chen Mo felt a slight headache. He realized that there was a lingering memory in his mind—the information about the "Low-level Human Potential Development Technology."

Could it be that the science library was real? Chen Mo closed his eyes again.

Once more, the 100-meter-tall gate materialized before him, engulfing him in white light. When Chen Mo opened his eyes, he found himself back in the familiar library, where bookshelves stretched endlessly, like mountains and seas of books.

It wasn't a dream!

Exiting the technology library, Chen Mo's face beamed with joy. The scent of disinfectant water wafted into his nostrils, grounding him in reality. He turned his head and surveyed his surroundings.

It was the hospital ward. His head still throbbed, and he reached up to find a bandage. As he pressed it gently, a sharp pain shot through, causing Chen Mo to suck in a breath.

Suddenly, Chen Mo felt a weight on his right arm. He looked down and saw a girl kneeling on his arm, fast asleep.

The girl from the library?

Chen Mo recognized her instantly. She was the girl he had encountered in the library, the one he had rushed to help.

Careful not to disturb her, Chen Mo remained still, allowing her to continue resting on his arm. As he observed her peaceful figure, a gentle warmth spread through his long-closed heart.

After a while, Chen Mo noticed a slight movement in his arm. He glanced down and saw the girl looking up at him.

"You're awake," she said, quickly releasing his arm with a shy expression on her face.

"Yeah," Chen Mo smiled and nodded. "How long have I been unconscious?"

"Almost three days. The doctor said you had a mild concussion, but nothing serious. Thank you for saving me in the library."

"It's nothing," Chen Mo replied.

He glanced at the girl, her tired face tugging at his heartstrings. "Have you been taking care of me for the past three days?"

"Yes," the girl shyly nodded. "Your teacher came to visit. The doctor said you'd wake up soon, so they didn't inform your family. They didn't want them to worry, so they asked me to take care of you."

"Thank you," Chen Mo's eyes softened.

"It's the least I could do. After all, you saved me," the girl said. "My name is He Xiaoyu."

"I'm Chen Mo."

The two of them faced each other, and Xiaoyu's face grew even rosier as she became momentarily flustered.


The rumbling sound of his stomach interrupted the subtle atmosphere, and Xiaoyu smiled. Chen Mo's face turned red, feeling a bit embarrassed.

The rumbling sound of his stomach broke the delicate atmosphere, causing Xiaoyu to smile. Chen Mo's face turned red, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"You've been on a glucose drip for the past two days and haven't eaten anything. I'll go buy some food for you," Xiaoyu said as she got up and left.

Chen Mo looked at his grumbling stomach and couldn't help but feel frustrated. He hated himself for not being able to control his hunger.

Not long after, Xiaoyu returned with a bag in hand. "You've just woken up, so you shouldn't eat anything too heavy. I bought you a bowl of porridge. If it's not enough, I'll get more."

"Thank you." Chen Mo reached out to take the bowl, but then he realized that his left hand still had an IV needle inserted.

"I'll feed you," Xiaoyu said.

She picked up the spoon and carefully scooped a spoonful of porridge, bringing it to Chen Mo's mouth. Her gentle actions gave him a sense of being cared for, as if she were a girlfriend taking care of her boyfriend.

Chen Mo felt a sense of happiness, although he hadn't expected to be treated like this.

Xiaoyu continued to feed him spoonfuls of porridge, and Chen Mo noticed the envious glances from the neighboring beds.

Their eyes occasionally met, and Xiaoyu's face would blush.

It was the first time she had taken care of someone of the opposite sex, and she had been doing it for three consecutive days. She would rub his body, giving him massages with her own hands, which made her feel tired.

The nurses must have thought they were in a relationship.

But Chen Mo had saved her, and with no family around, she had no choice but to take care of him. Thinking back on the past three days, when she had touched every part of his body, Xiaoyu couldn't bring herself to meet his gaze directly.

After feeding Chen Mo the porridge, Xiaoyu took out a stack of red envelopes from her bag and handed them to him.

"The incident in the library was just a girl who got scared by thunder and accidentally knocked down the bookshelf. She wanted to apologize. She paid the medical bill, and a compensation 10,000 yuan," Xiaoyu explained.

"Okay, setting money aside, you seem tired. Why don't you take some rest first?" Chen Mo said, looking at Xiaoyu's exhausted eyes and feeling a twinge of concern.

Xiaoyu glanced at Chen Mo, unsure of what he was thinking. After a moment, she nodded and stood up, holding the bag.

"Will you come in the afternoon?" Chen Mo asked.

"Yes," Xiaoyu's footsteps faltered, her cheeks turning slightly rosy. Finally, she mustered the courage and walked away.

Watching Xiaoyu's departing figure, Chen Mo's heart swelled with joy, a smile spreading across his face. He couldn't wait to jump out of bed.

From Xiaoyu's reaction, he could sense that there was a chance. It had been a long time since he felt this kind of fluttering feeling in his heart, and Xiaoyu had made him experience it once again.

The hero saves the beauty and earns the affection of the beauty. The old trope was now happening to him.

After reveling in his happiness, Chen Mo lay back on the bed, contemplating the development of human potential.

In the afternoon, Xiaoyu arrived as promised.

Chen Mo had also fully recovered. He underwent another check-up to ensure that there were no problems before being discharged from the hospital.

"Let's go have a meal. I haven't eaten for three days, so I think it's time to treat myself," Chen Mo suggested, patting his stomach.

"I'll treat you. You saved me, so it's a small way to repay you," Xiaoyu said, standing beside Chen Mo, her demeanor slightly reserved. She recalled the moments of taking care of him over the past few days and felt a sense of shyness.

"No, I'll treat you. Thank you for taking care of me for three days," Chen Mo insisted, taking out the money from noon. "The compensation from the girl was a bit too excessive. When you return home, can you give her back the money. We're all students, and every penny counts. Since it was an accident, just the medical expenses are sufficient."

Chen Mo handed the remaining money to Xiaoyu.

Xiaoyu looked up at Chen Mo, took the money from his hands, and her gaze towards him changed slightly.

After a simple meal, Chen Mo suggested watching a movie with Xiaoyu. He felt that an invisible bond was gradually forming between them.

After dropping Xiaoyu off at her dormitory, Chen Mo returned to his own.

Today has been a lucky day for him. He had gained access to the technology library and met a wonderful girl. He believed that his future was looking bright.

As he entered the dormitory, he noticed that his roommates hadn't returned yet, so he simply lay down on his bed.

Not long after lying down, his WeChat on his phone chimed with a message from Xiaoyu. Chen Mo couldn't wait to open it, feeling that his life had become even more exciting from today onwards.

"I have returned the money to the girl. She wanted to apologize to you."

"No need to apologize. Perhaps I should thank her for making my life more exciting," Chen Mo replied immediately. "Are you free tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow is the weekend. I planned to go to the library to catch up on my three-day break homework."

"Perfect! I also want to go to the library. Let's go together."

Chen Mo smiled, genuinely looking forward to it.

Shu Lao had mentioned that studying science and engineering books would lead to acquiring technology. Every 100 books he read would unlock a new technology. Chen Mo was determined to learn and advance in order to gain higher privileges.

"Okay, I'll be there at eight in the morning. You just left the hospital today, so get some rest early."

In her dormitory, Xiaoyu put down her phone, her eyes filled with shyness and her lips still adorned with a joyful smile. Suddenly, her phone was snatched away, and she was faced with a smirking face reaching out towards her.

"Xiaoyu, your eyes contain spring water, your face is full of peaches. Taking three days to take care of your hero, is there something going on?"

"No, no... nothing." Xiaoyu felt a bit guilty. "Give me back my phone, please."

"Hey, you're acting all guilty." The girl smiled mischievously. "The hero saving the damsel in distress is such a classic. Let me see your messages."

"Li Ruoxuan, please give me back my phone." Xiaoyu immediately grabbed the girl's hand, trying to retrieve her phone desperately.

" 'I should thank her for making my life more exciting.' 'Okay, I'll be there at eight in the morning. You just left the hospital today, so get some rest early.' The best catch of our group is about to be taken."

"Ah, just give me back my phone, please."


In a female dormitory at Binhai University, there was a lot of laughter and commotion.