
Science and Technology Library (Edited)

I am merely a translator of this novel I enjoy, without any credits to this work. You can find machine-translated versions elsewhere, but if you wish to read this novel without much difficulty, I recommend reading my version. ---------------------- Science and Technology Library: The supreme pinnacle of science lies in theology. Through an accidental rescue, Chen Mo gains access to a technology library that houses an infinite collection of technological knowledge. Thus, the story begins...

Eky_Riyadi_8592 · Urban
Not enough ratings
36 Chs


The dormitory was empty as everyone had gone to class, but Chen Mo chose not to attend since he had already studied all the courses and found little use in going to the classroom.

After taking a shower, Chen Mo headed to the counselor's office.

The counselor and class teacher was a woman named Li Hong. She appeared to be of average height, not particularly beautiful nor in the category of ugliness, but her best quality was her gentle demeanor.

All the students in the dormitory had gone to class, but Chen Mo chose not to attend because he had already studied all the courses and felt there was not much use in going to the classroom.

After taking a shower, Chen Mo headed to the counselor's office.

The counselor and class teacher was a female teacher named Li Hong. She appeared to be of average height, not exceptionally beautiful, but not categorized as ugly either. Her best quality was her mild character.

Knocking on the office door, Chen Mo sat down opposite her.

"Chen Mo, is everything alright with your health?" Li Hong asked. "Isn't it time for class now? Why are you here?"

"Teacher, I would like to apply for an exemption and request permission for an overnight absence," Chen Mo said.

"Are you planning to pursue postgraduate studies?"

"No, I don't intend to pursue postgraduate studies," Chen Mo shook his head. "I have already completed all the required courses for this semester, and my presence in class wouldn't make much of a difference."

"If you're not going for postgraduate studies, you cannot be exempt from attending classes, and the internship will begin in the second semester," Li Hong explained. "Is it because of your girlfriend that you don't want to go to class? I went to the hospital when you were in a coma, and your girlfriend took good care of you for a few days. Should I inform your parents?"

Chen Mo smiled and replied, "This has nothing to do with my girlfriend, and she wasn't my girlfriend back then."

"Then what does it mean now?"

"Teacher, that's not the point," Chen Mo said helplessly. "The point is that I want to apply for an exemption and overnight permission."

"What's your reason?" Li Hong asked. "The school is very strict when it comes to granting exemptions. If you apply without a valid reason, other students may try to do the same."

"I'm planning to start a business," Chen Mo said, trying to provide a reason.

"Are you seriously considering entrepreneurship?" Li Hong looked at Chen Mo with hesitation. In recent years, many students have used the excuse of starting a business to skip classes, and she had encountered such cases before.

"What kind of business are you planning?" she inquired.

"I want to venture into the internet and software development," Chen Mo replied. "I've already completed all the required courses for my major, and now I'm focusing on learning software development. It's keeping me busy, and I don't have time to attend classes."

"Considering the commendable act of saving people in the library, then there should be no problem with your request," Li Hong said. "I will trust you this time. Go back and write the application form."

After leaving the counselor's office, Chen Mo immediately went to print two application forms and wrote the necessary application. He then obtained the teacher's signature and handed it back to Li Hong.

With the exemption and permission to skip classes granted, Chen Mo took his computer and headed straight to the library. He grabbed more than a dozen books on computer programming, software engineering, and hacking techniques.

He now has only one purpose: to read 100 books, acquire the next level of technology, and make money.

The ultimate goal is to make money.

As time passed, nearly ten days went by, during which he immersed himself in reading computer programming books. With each passing day, his knowledge of computers grew, and he transformed from a novice into a proficient master of computer technology.

The long struggle was finally rewarded, and it wasn't just computer technology that he gained. He was getting closer and closer to completing his goal of reading 100 science and engineering books.

During this period, in order to adapt his strength, fitness exercises became an essential part of his routine. In his remaining time, he accompanied Xiaoyu to the library. Besides reading, he focused on practicing computer software programming.

In the self-study area of the library, Chen Mo diligently immersed himself in his books, turning the pages rapidly. Countless words flickered in his mind. Before long, he closed the book in his hand, revealing a satisfied smile.

Success! He had finished reading 100 books.

Chen Mo wanted to enter the Science and Technology Library and choose his next technology, but it was a bit inconvenient at the moment. He turned to Xiaoyu beside him and said, "Xiaoyu, let's rest early today and come back tomorrow."

"Okay," Xiaoyu smiled and nodded, not asking any further questions. She took her book and followed Chen Mo.

Upon returning to the dormitory area, Xiaoyu bid farewell to Chen Mo and hurriedly made her way back to her dormitory. As soon as she entered, she was greeted by the curious gazes of her roommates.

News of her relationship had spread throughout the dormitory. Over the past ten days, Chen Mo had been holding her hand and walking her back to the dormitory, which inevitably led to gossip among her friends.

"Xiaoyu, you're back so early. Didn't you want to spend more time with your boyfriend?" Li Ruoxuan teased, wearing a mischievous smile.

"He had something to take care of, so he just walked me back," Xiaoyu explained.

"Your boyfriend is really considerate and caring. He has all the qualities of an ideal partner," remarked Wang Xiaolan, adjusting her glasses as she looked at her own reflection in the full-length mirror. "Why am I not so lucky?"

"You just need to ditch those old-fashioned glasses, get a fresh pair, change your clothes, do your makeup, style your hair differently, and I guarantee you'll have a swarm of admirers in no time," Li Ruoxuan suggested.

"I only care about one thing: has the best girl in our dorm been taken yet?" Zhou Wei, clad in a nightdress and munching on snacks, looked at Xiaoyu with a glint in her eyes.

The other two women also fixed their gaze on Xiaoyu, waiting for her response.

"No," Xiaoyu blushed and walked back to her seat, turning on her computer. Her roommates had made her feel a bit overwhelmed.

"What are you girls asking her for?" Li Ruoxuan said. "Leave her alone."

Li Ruoxuan snatched the USB flash drive, got off her bed, and walked behind Xiaoyu to give her a playfull hug. This gesture made Xiaoyu feel a bit uneasy.

"Xiaoyu, will you be happy in the future?" Li Ruoxuan smirked. "I've got an action movie saved on this USB drive. It'll open your eyes and teach you a thing or two."


When Li Ruoxuan's words came out, the three women were appalled and almost couldn't believe what they heard.

"Li Ruoxuan, you're such a troublemaker! Don't corrupt our Xiaoyu alone" Zhou Wei exclaimed, immediately pausing the TV series and rushing over to Xiaoyu, grabbing her. "Let her go. I'll take care of this."

"Corrupting her is everyone's responsibility," added Wang Xiaolan, quickly changing into her pajamas and joining Zhou Wei at Xiaoyu's side.

"Don't... please don't."

Xiaoyu was caught between Zhou Wei and Wang Xiaolan, and Li Ruoxi had control of the computer.

"I'm copying it, it'll be done soon."

"Is there a virus?" Wang Xiaolan asked.

"Impossible," Li Ruoxuan replied, grinning mischievously. "This is my USB drive. I've watched the action movie on it once. Xiaoyu, don't worry. Big sister will show you something 'interesting.'"

"Don't you want to watch it?"

As thoughts of what might happen next raced through her mind, Xiaoyu blushed profusely. This group of friends was quite mischievous, and she couldn't escape their clutches.

"We're all adults here. Learning these skills will ensure your future happiness," Li Ruoxuan said with a meaningful tone.

"Can we learn about it later?"

Xiaoyu wanted to break free from their grasp, but with two women holding onto her tightly, she could only remain seated.

"Sooner or later, you'll come across it anyway. It just so happens that we have time today. I'm not asking you to give it to him right now. Look at it, think about it. It's best to save it for after you're married," Li Ruoxu chuckled evilly. "You have a headphone right? Hand it over quickly."

After a minute, the file copying was complete, and Li Ruoxuan clicked on the video to play it directly.

"Get ready, you two, don't let Xiaoyu escape. Give her the headphones."

"Nooo... Let me go"

Xiaoyu's face was turning crimson.

"What's this FBI thing? It's all in English. Could it be a virus?" Zhou Wei was utterly clueless.

"It's probably the movie description! I'm going to start it, don't worry, kitty." Li Ruoxi smiled and took the mouse, clicking to play.


"What... is this?"

The words died on their lips, and silence enveloped the dormitory.

As Li Ruoxuan gazed at the computer screen, Wang Xiaolan and Zhou Wei were equally stunned.

They realized that the cursor hadn't moved, the three of them were speechless, Xiaoyu slowly closed her eyes, avoiding the computer screen and their curious glances.

"Could this be a virus?"