
Science and Technology Library (Edited)

I am merely a translator of this novel I enjoy, without any credits to this work. You can find machine-translated versions elsewhere, but if you wish to read this novel without much difficulty, I recommend reading my version. ---------------------- Science and Technology Library: The supreme pinnacle of science lies in theology. Through an accidental rescue, Chen Mo gains access to a technology library that houses an infinite collection of technological knowledge. Thus, the story begins...

Eky_Riyadi_8592 · Urban
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

Office Software

The two stared at each other, their eyes filled with a strange expression, and neither spoke. Chen Mo's mind raced; try figuring out what he owed Zhao Min. Besides last night's meal, he couldn't think of any other interaction with her.

After a few seconds, Zhao Min laughed. "You haven't given me the employment contract for the position of your company's general manager."

Chen Mo also laughed. "Here it is, for you."

After drafting the contract and signing their names, Zhao Min handed the contract back to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo also handed the company's documents to Zhao Min. "I'll transfer the money into the company's account. From now on, the company's affairs will be in your hands."

Zhao Min finished her coffee, took a newly purchased mobile phone from her bag, and handed it to Chen Mo. "Help me install the OS system."

Chen Mo took the phone and retrieved his computer from his backpack. Ten minutes later, he successfully installed the system and returned the phone to Zhao Min.

"All done."

"So fast." Zhao Min took the phone and looked at Chen Mo with wide eyes. "I have a cousin who said she wants to marry you." Zhao Min laughed mischievously.

"Cough... cough..."

Chen Mo sprayed the juice from his mouth, his face turning red. He patted his chest, unsure if he was scared, embarrassed, or excited.

The two discussed the development of the company. After confirming some of Chen Mo's ideas, Zhao Min left the restaurant to prepare the company's office address and begin hiring staff.

"Sir, may I trouble you to pay the bill?" A waiter approached Chen Mo and placed the bill in front of him.

"Huh? Didn't the lady pay already?"

"The lady said you should pay the bill." The waiter smiled at Chen Mo politely. "And she left this note for you."

"For this breakfast, please treat me, Chairman."

Upon reading the note left by Zhao Min, Chen Mo's face twitched a little, and when he picked up the bill, he became even more dejected.

Over a thousand yuan?

This amount would have previously covered his living expenses for an entire month.

Luxury is the original sin, Chen Mo thought to himself. After obtaining the Seven Tigers' money, he had become less extravagant, yet he had just spent over a thousand yuan on breakfast.

"I don't have enough cash on me. Can I pay using E-Wallet?"

After leaving the restaurant, Chen Mo left to the library, feeling dejected.

The efforts during this time have brought Chen Mo closer to completing 200 copies. After today, he could achieve the 200th goal, meaning he could freely choose a technology from the library.

As he contemplated obtaining new technology, Chen Mo couldn't help but feel excited. He went to the library, picked up a stack of physics books from the shelf, and headed to the study area. Xiao Yu had already finished her classes and was waiting for him with a smile.

Chen Mo sat next to Xiaoyu and pulled out the mobile phone that Zhao Min had returned to him. "Xiaoyu, this is something special for you."

"How did you afford this?" Chen Mo was about to explain, but Xiaoyu interrupted him. "Aren't you starting a business? Where did you get the money to buy a mobile phone?"

Chen Mo blinked, looking at Xiaoyu. He couldn't come up with an excuse for that. "I made a software program and sold it to a company, earning some money along the way."

"If you earned money, why did you spend it on me?" Xiaoyu said, "I already have a mobile phone. You can take it back."

Seeing Xiaoyu's reaction, Chen Mo couldn't help but laugh.

"Don't laugh. I'm serious. You have money now, don't waste it on these things." Xiaoyu looked slightly annoyed at Chen Mo's smiling expression.

Chen Mo's smile faded, and he said seriously, "This mobile phone is something special. It's the first gift I'm giving to my girlfriend. Please accept it." Chen Mo gently held Xiaoyu's hand and solemnly placed the phone in her palm.

As Xiaoyu received the phone, her face turned slightly rosy, aware of the envious gazes from others in the study area.

"I'll accept it on behalf of your girlfriend. But your girlfriend says not to buy such things."

"Got it," Chen Mo laughed.

"Now, let's focus on our books. Many people are watching us." After releasing Xiao Yu's hand, he redirected his attention to his book and quickly immersed himself in it. This time, he was reading a physics book, which progressed slower than his previous readings.

"Why do you switch from reading about computers to mathematics and now physics?" Xiao Yu asked, puzzled by Chen Mo's choice of subjects.

"I'm a highly intelligent youth who can learn anything."

"I've never seen someone so shameless," Xiao Yu said with a smile.

That night.

After dropping off Xiao Yu at her dormitory, Chen Mo couldn't wait to return to his rented house and enter the technology library. After reading the whole day, he completed the second set of 100 books. It was time to choose a technology.

"Here you are." Shu Lao nodded with a smile when he saw Chen Mo. "Reading over 200 books in a month, well done. You've worked harder than I expected. Now you have two options: one is a free choice, and the other is the monthly option for trainees. Since it's not your first time, the monthly option will be randomly selected."

"A free choice and a random choice?" Chen Mo pondered, feeling a bit anxious.

"Yes," Shu Lao nodded. "Which one would you like to use first?"

"Let's go with the random selection first." Chen Mo thought about the technology he randomly obtained last time, and his nerves were on edge. "Shu Lao, will it be another obscure technology like last time?"

"Let's go with the random selection first." Chen Mo was a bit nervous, recalling the random technology he had received the last time. "Shu Lao, I hope it won't be another obscure technology like last time."

"Do you want something different?" Shu Lao asked. "If you want to experience any potential side effects, it's up to you."

"No, no! I'll go into the medical field later."

Chen Mo vigorously shook his head. If he were to experience the same random technology again, he might just go crazy in the technology library, even though he couldn't physically touch the shelves.

"You want me to choose for you? Well, let's see your luck."

Shu Lao flicked his finger, and a light curtain descended over the library. Countless books were displayed numbering in the tens of thousands.

The books slowly rotated, and Chen Mo's heart raced as he silently prayed.

Last time, he had received the technology for an " Ultra-thin rubber barrier production process," which had almost made him vomit blood. If he were to get another random technology and not be able to use it, he would be greatly disappointed.

The rotating light curtain gradually settled, and a book landed in Shu Lao's hands.

Star Office Software

When Chen Mo saw the book cover, a smile formed on his face. Though it wasn't a significant technology, at least he could use it now.

With his company starting up, this could become the company's first product.

Since rushing out the smartphone operating system would likely have a limited impact at this stage, and the company currently lacked the resources to support such a system, it was best to start with the office software.

Shu Lao handed the book to Chen Mo and said, "You still have a free choice. If you want any technology, you can find it in the book."

"Not at the moment," Chen Mo replied after considering it.

He had sufficient funds, the smartphone operating system was already completed, and now he also had the office software. The office software was a reliable source of income, so there shouldn't be any issues. By keeping the free choice opportunity, he could address any unexpected situations. He would have the freedom to choose if there was a sudden need for a particular technology solution.

Besides, the source code of the office software would provide him with enough work for a while. It was important not to be too greedy and to take things step by step.

After leaving the technology library, Chen Mo opened his computer and began organizing the office software.