
Science and Technology Library (Edited)

I am merely a translator of this novel I enjoy, without any credits to this work. You can find machine-translated versions elsewhere, but if you wish to read this novel without much difficulty, I recommend reading my version. ---------------------- Science and Technology Library: The supreme pinnacle of science lies in theology. Through an accidental rescue, Chen Mo gains access to a technology library that houses an infinite collection of technological knowledge. Thus, the story begins...

Eky_Riyadi_8592 · Urban
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36 Chs

Marching Ant • Butterfly Eye

Li Tiejun leaned back on the table, feeling completely drained of energy as he stared at the large screen filled with scientific projections. If it weren't for the sake of his job, he would have wanted to sleep on the table.

The past few days had been filled with drafting articles, and now he was exhausted. All he wanted was to go home and sleep. But his job responsibilities required him to attend the press conference, so he had no choice but to be present.

Many companies held press conferences that were nothing more than empty events. Either the conference lacked any newsworthy content, or the focus was unknown, and companies used them as opportunities to boast about their achievements.

As a result, Li Tiejun was not interested in attending press conferences for small companies. He couldn't understand why a well-known media outlet like his would send him to cover such a small and insignificant company.

Perhaps someone influential would be present, Li Tiejun speculated.

Marching Ant Technology Co., Ltd.

Before coming, he had researched information about the company. To his dismay, he discovered it was a newly registered company in Binhai, operating for just a few months. What groundbreaking news could such a recently established company possibly have?

He expected this press conference to be dull and uninteresting.

Not only him but also several journalists around him were either playing mobile games or engaging in gossip. A few intern reporters were seated and preparing for the conference.

With a few minutes remaining until the start of the press conference, Li Tiejun reluctantly picked up his phone to pass the time, trying his best not to fall asleep.

"How many people are here?"

Zhao Ming entered backstage and looked at the conference planner, Li Lingfeng.

Li Lingfeng had strong business abilities, but unfortunately, he offended company executives and was dismissed. When Zhao Min found him, he didn't ask for a salary. He quit a job that wasn't easily found and came to help Zhao Min.

"We have 107 attendees, including representatives from People's Daily, Global News, Phoenix, Sina, and other mainstream media outlets. There are also several technology media representatives. Some self-media reporters are present through personal connections," Li Lingfeng reported.

"Better than I expected," Zhao Min replied.

"We managed to utilize our contacts, but only a few attended the press." Li Lingfeng explained.

As they conversed, Zhao Min arrived at the backstage area of the conference. After picking up the microphone and putting on the projection pen, she went to the stage.

The press conference venue fell silent when Zhao Min appeared, with all eyes fixed on her.

The mysterious conference has finally begun, capturing the attention of even the reporters who had been engrossed in their mobile phones.

Zhao Min's gaze swept across the room, taking in the audience.

When her eyes fell on Chen Mo in the corner, Zhao Min couldn't help but pause momentarily. This boss of hers was a bit unpredictable, and she always had to be prepared for anything.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I am the president of Marching Ant Company. Today's conference is special, with no flashy hosts or extravagant setups. Our boss insisted on keeping a low profile, so he declined to appear. It's my first time having such a low-key boss."

A chuckle reverberated through the crowd, and even Chen Mo couldn't help but touch his nose. He didn't expect Zhao Min to mock him like that brazenly.

The dull atmosphere lightened up with Zhao Min's playful remarks.

"Getting straight to the point, I'm sure you're all curious about our products and what news we offer. Your presence here is not in vain. And if you feel like you've wasted your time, you can ask for a refund on the way out after the conference."

Zhao Min's words immediately piqued the interest of the reporters, who now looked at her with renewed enthusiasm.

"Today, our product is this." Zhao Min pressed the button on her projection pen, causing the rear screen to change.

A mobile phone?

As the cell phone appeared on the screen, every reporter in the room was captivated.

Was this a mobile phone conference?

Nowadays, a mobile phone conference is only considered newsworthy if a major mobile phone giant launches it. Especially for a small company like this, expectations were low. However, the phone's design displayed on the screen was genuinely beautiful, capturing the attention and admiration of the onlookers.

A wave of disappointment swept through the room.

Observing the reporters' reactions, Zhao Min smiled and pressed the projector pen in her hand.

The mobile phone on the screen lit up, displaying the marching ant company logo. After about ten seconds, the phone powered on, and the home screen appeared.

Confusion and curiosity filled the faces of the reporters as they turned their gaze toward Zhao Min, hoping she would explain it to them.

"This is our company's first product—a new smartphone operating system called the Army Ant System."

Zhao Min had dropped a bombshell, leaving all the reporters stunned and speechless as they fixated their gaze on the screen.

Not a phone? Is it the mobile phone OS system?

The room fell silent, and Zhao Min maintained her professional smile as she gazed at the reporters below. After about ten seconds, a wave of commotion swept through the press conference.

Even the drowsy Li Tiejun snapped out of his sleep, his eyes fixed on Zhao Min.

If the news were true, another domestic smartphone operating system would enter the market, following YunOS.

The mobile phone system has always been a weak point for China, and the incident involving the 30% Apple tax highlighted the overbearing regulations implemented by Apple in its monopolistic position.

While Apple recently compromised and waived the fees, the incident served as a wake-up call for the public.

Although Ali developed YunOS, the mobile phone OS systems market was still dominated by Android's open-source platform, with YunOS holding a relatively small market share, as a result, Ali shifted its focus to the automotive system.

The emergence of another smartphone operating system in China is undoubtedly good news.

Li Tiejun was thrilled, quickly refocusing on his computer to start writing. After confirming the news, he could submit the article immediately to seize the news hotspot.

Zhao Min noticed the questions lingering on the reporters' faces and pressed the projection pen again to change the screen.

"The Marching Ant System is a brand-new smartphone operating system developed by our company. It adopts a new architecture, distinct from any existing mobile operating system. It operates independently of major systems, boasting superior security and performance compared to any other mobile phone on the market. Let's move on to our first product."

Zhao Min's introduction nearly caused the excited reporters to burst a blood vessel.

They had never experienced such a teasing press conference, where their appetites were whetted, only to be left in suspense. It was an uncomfortable feeling.

Other companies proudly boast about their products' advantages when they hold product launches. But here they were, left in suspense.

"Next, we have our second product for today."

Upon hearing that there was a second product, the reporters perked up once more.

"The Marching Ant System's advantages will be combined with this product, and I will provide a detailed introduction." Sensing the anticipation in the room, Zhao Min clicked the projection pen, and the PPT instantly changed.

"Let me present our first mobile phone: Marching Ant • Butterfly Eye."