
Scarlet goes Emerald / Wanda in Mha

*Spoiler for Dr Strange Multiverse of Madness!* After Wanda seemingly dies while destroying the darkhold she wakes up in the body of a 29-year-old Inko Midoriya. Making her wish, to be a mother, come true in the form of a four-year-old Izuku. And if he wants to be a hero she will make damn sure that he will be one of the best. I don't own any characters, worlds or pictures

Kirithethird · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

A phone call

"Izuku-kun, my little hero, you need to wake up."

Inko gently shook her son as she tried to wake him up from his sleep. Slowly one of his eyes opened but it closed immediately after due to the brightness of the morning sun that came through the window.

"Five more minutes."

Was the slurred reply of the young boy, filled with sleep and unwillingness to stand up.

She just looked at him a little amused and pending if she should give him those minutes. But rationality won over, they still had some things to do after all.

"I am sorry honey but you have to stand up and make yourself ready for kindergarten. You wouldn't want to miss it, right? After all, all heroes must first go to kindergarten and school before the can become great Pro heroes. I even heard that Allmight didn't miss a single day of school in his entire life."

Green sparkling eyes shot open in less than a second and in the next few her boy was already outside the door, running to the small bathroom while shouting back to her.

"I am awake Mummy! Don't worry I will be just like Allmight now!"

She could only chuckle and hope that there was some truth to that statement.

After quickly making her sons bed she leaves his room to go and prepare something to eat, warming up the uneaten Katsudon from last night. Not really a healthy breakfast but for today she can make an exception.

*Time skip*


The door gently closed behind her as Inko stepped back into their apartment after delivering Izuku to the Kindergarten. She took her coat and shoes of and put them in their rightful place while thinking about her next actions.

'Play time is over. Now begins the real work.'

She quickly grabbed a small notebook and a pen from the kitchen and began furiously righting down what she would have to do now. First things first, she needed a job. The old Inko was a housewife so she didn't have one and she was content with that but she wasn't the old Inko, no, many things are going to change now.

So first she needs a job to gain some money. Of course she could just hex something into a few stacks of money but that would be quite unethical and just wrong, she would only do that if they where in desperate need of cash.

Getting a job won't be easy though. Old Inko never studied anything after all but she will think of a solution to that problem while fulfilling goal number two.

Inform yourself about recent events and make sure that you understand the knowledge that you now posses of this world.

This would be crucial as she could never let something slip her tongue that would indicate who she really is. Of course she also needed to read up on the laws of how to become a hero so she could help her son with his wish.

The third goal was to get a driving license and a car because walking everywhere would just be a pain in her backside. This goal would be easy to achieve since she did already have a driving license in her previous life.

As the final goal she would create a plan on how to make her son a great hero and there were already a few ideas in her head. While she couldn't just gift her son magic powers, since hers where quite special and she did not know how the students of Kamar-Taj were taught, she could gift him something else. A superhuman body. She would use her control over reality to slowly enhance her sons natural growth. Of course that will only work until a certain point but if that point is reached she would like to think that Izuku will have surpassed the peak of what is humanly possible by a good margin. Not unlike a certain soldier from her old world but this time done with magic and not with science.

It was a few hours later, which she spent with scribbling down a few more goals and reading numerus online newspapers, when her study season was interrupted by a phone call. The call itself wasn't surprising but the name that popped up on her phone definitely was because there on the small screen was the name of someone that didn't call the old Inko in over three months. A person that she wanted to call later in the afternoon to settle some manners but it appears that she was in luck because written on the screen in bold letters was Hisashi Midoriya. Izukus father. Old Inkos love of her life. A human scumbag.

Don't get her wrong, he was a nice person. In his teens that is. The problem started with the marriage. Old Inko was freshly in love with her new husband and thought that the world was perfect but Hisashi didn't feel like that. Over time he became distant, talking less and less, working longer shifts and ignoring Inko more and more. Her sudden pregnancy came as the turning point, the ship began to waver and that bastard abandoned it immediately. Just two months after the announcement of her pregnancy he left for America, apparently for a "better job offer" so that he could "sustain the growing family". That was a lie if she ever heard one. Cash did come but the first word that she heard of Hisashi after his departure came THREE MONTHS after little Izukus birth. Not to mention that Hisashi started a new family in America. Oh Inko didn't know that, or at least didn't want to believe it. There were signs, enough of them to confirm it all but she still held onto the little bit of love that she had left for that man and gave him the benefit of the doubt. The old Inko did, the new one however doesn't hold even one bit of love for that man. He could go and die for all she cared.

Nevertheless there were some things that she had to talk to him about, so she gently swiped her finger across the touch screen and accepted the call.

Immediately a cold and disinterested voice came through the speaker.

"You called me?"

Indeed, the old Inko called him a week ago because she was worried about little Izukus appointment but of course the man didn't pick up.

She answered him with the same tone that he used earlier.

"Hello Hisashi. There are some things that I need to talk to you about."

"Then talk."

The reply was instant and spat out like it was supposed to be an insult. He was getting on her nerves already and they didn't even talk for a minute.

"I will make this quick and simple so that even you can understand it. I will no longer accept any money from you. I will no longer accept any calls or messages from you. I will no longer accept your presence in my and little Izukus life. So please make this simple and be gone, forever."

For once in a very long time the cold voice of her husband changed in tone and became quite panicked.

"Wh-what!? Inko you can't be serious! I-"

She cut him off before he could spew any more useless words.

"I am completely serious. Leave me and Izuku alone. I already sent the divorce papers to your email. Sign them, sent them back and we are done."

"Bu-but you don't even have a jo-"

"Goodbye, Hisashi. And have fun with Veronica."


She hung up and swiftly blocked his number in the next second.

Good now that that asshole is dealed with she could focus on the next steps but before that she should start cooking since her boy could come home any second now.


The front door suddenly shot open, creating a bang when it crashed against the wall. She quickly walked to the small hallway thinking that maybe this time there really was a villain trying to break into her home but she was once again proven wrong by her son standing in the hallway. But why would he smash the door like that? Her son was normally really well behaved, such an attitude was more common in the child of her good friend Mitsuki. That's the moment she noticed them, big fat tears were streaming down her child's face.
