
Scáthach in Multiverse (Male MC, DxD main world)

The story of "hero" and his adventures on different missions in the multiverse ******** The character will be like Esdeath, OP, but there may be obstacles in the future. There will be no nerf, but sometimes he will just be an observer of events, nothing more. DxD will be AU, and story mostly will be about quests. Tags: antihero, harem(no pokemon), gore, blood and so on It's my first time writing, so do not expect it to be good. I have to start from something. I own nothing.

spearsexual · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Tournament and the end

Editors Note: The author can't write romance and anything similar, lmao.

[Later after battle]

On the streets of a city, you could see a couple consisting of two people with almost the same hair color. A tall young man with a gorgeous face and unusual eyes - one of them is golden, and the other is blue, and instead of pupils, there is a star in one and a circle in the other. Next to him was a stunning girl with lifeless purple eyes that glowed with happiness.

Walking through the city calmly, they talked about nothing except recalling the events of the past.

Well, Scáthach mostly talked about his battles and weapons. What did you expect? The lancer lived his whole life in battles and sometimes fooled around.

Although he is in relationships with all the girls on his team except for Kuroka, Le Fay, and Ereshkigal, all relationships were not forged by his good looks and sweet words but with time and trust. Of course, excluding Sakura and Okita, those two personalities were yandere and the spearman simply had to take responsibility for saving them.

What the hero himself did not pay attention to was his obsession with them. If you looked at the situation from the other side, he did not like them; the man simply believed that they belonged to him.

For their sake, he was ready to do anything, even the destruction of the world, especially considering the strength of Anos.

-Onii-sama, let's go to the park!

-Okay, I like quiet places where nobody will stare at us, but you do you, Sakura.

"These guys are planning something... Argh, for real?! For someone's sake, fuck off!" Scathach thought with annoyance.

Sakura obviously noticed this group thanks to training her skills at about the level of Satan-class, and with the Denial of Nothingness, she became almost as powerful as Scathach.

-How are we going to deal with them?

-I want something funny. Do you have any ideas, Sakura?


Both had scary smiles on their faces, the pursuers not knowing what they had gotten themselves into.

[Five minutes later]

In the nearby park, you could see the same beautiful girl sleeping on an enormous tiger. Yes, this was our protagonist who had decided that he needed a big cat shape. Why? For no particular reason other than to scare people and fluff.


There was absolute silence in the park. And not surprisingly, almost all visitors fled when they saw this couple - a girl with a large cat with dark purple fur that had an ethereal glow surrounding them. His eyes were golden; a mark was visible on his forehead, and his paws were golden as well. Behind his large head was a yellow half-circle with golden lines coming out of it.

This form was really intimidating but very fluffy and warm.

When the cat almost fell asleep, content with the silence, he felt a familiar signature.

-Master, Saku-

-Shhhh, she is sleeping. What's wrong, Salter?

-There's a mess in the city. Someone tied a stripped group of men to the main gate. They are all unconscious and look as if someone pierced them with something. Wait a minute–

-Erm, wanna try sleeping with us? It's pretty comfy. Just look at the happy face of Sakura.


Without letting her finish, the main character grabbed the swordsman with his tail and put her on himself. Salter, who sensed how warm and soft the uniform was, snuggled up and purred.

-So~ comfy. I think it won't hurt to get some sleep so that I can perform my duties better.

The satisfied main character made himself comfortable and closed his eyes, purring softly.

[Next day]

The class had already begun, but surprisingly three people were missing: Sakura, Scáthach, and Salter.

-On that note, I've got something to tell you all. The Deiruheido demon sword– (Emilia)

-Sorry, we are late.

Sakura said with a regretful expression, while Salter had a stoic face.

Where is Scáthach you might ask? He was sleeping on the head of Saber (Salter).

-Master, wake up! We are in class!


Opening his eyes, The Grand Lancer saw that they were in Demon King Academy. Thinking for several seconds, he waved his paw at classmates and fell asleep immediately. When everyone saw those actions, tick marks appeared on their foreheads.

-Why are you late? (Sasha)

-We overslept in the, erm... Park.

-It was Master fault! His new form is way too comfy.

-The new what, now?

-Yeah, Misha-san, Onii-sama's new form is a big fluffy cat! It was so comfy sleeping on him~.

-So, you overslept because of this?

Sasha asked while twitching her lips. Those guys were irresponsible as hell.

-As I stated previously, The Deiruheido demon sword tournament will be held soon, and excellent students from this school can also enter. First-year students are seldom recommended, but there are students in this class who have been.

The classroom got noisy at Emilia's words.

-Who is it?

-Idiot. There's only one guy here who can join the demon sword tournament.

Emilia watched the chatting students with a relaxed look.

-The nominee is Ray Grandori-kun. Congratulations. As a student of Deruzogedo, I expect glorious achievements.

Emilia started clapping, the other students following suit.

Ray didn't look particularity enthusiastic but smiled anyway.

-He might win the championship. He is the demonic sword saint, after all.

-If the winner of the demon sword tournament comes from our class, we can all be proud.

Because they all knew Ray's ability with the sword, words about winning were flying around.

-And the other two...

When Emilia said that, the classroom got even noisier.

-There are more?! Was there someone else in this class who could enter a demon sword tournament?

-Anos Voldigoad-kun and Scáthach. You are also qualified to enter the demon sword tournament. As students of Deruzogedo, please don't fight shamefully.

More tick marks appeared on her head because both were ignoring her. Especially Lancer, who was having the time of his life in Salter's hands.

-To participate in the demon sword tournament, you need your own sword. So please prepare it. I'm sure you know the rules, but you can't exchange your blade along the way. If your sword is broken or destroyed, you lose. The use of magic to harm your opponent is forbidden. You fight with your sword only. There are more detailed regulations, so please check with the officials in charge of the tournament.

"Hmm, the culture of swords in this world is bad enough, but I'm not talking about spears at all. I will use katana. I must show that everything depends on skills, not magic. Space Ishtar katana is my favorite, especially when they are in couples and can be controlled. After all, it was a good idea to contract with Ishtar-Ashtart. "

-Wait a minute, Sensei! Is it possible to do dual-wielding?


-Great, hehe.

A crazy smile crept on his face. What? He was going to chop off the hands of his opponents.

- Scáthach, we are going to meet Melheys, are you coming with us?

-Why not. Let's go. Girls go back first; I will be later.

[Anos POV]

-I've been waiting all this time for your reincarnation my lord demon king, Anos Voldigoad-sama.

Fumu. This, I did not expect.

-Do you remember me, Melheys?

Melheys shook his head.

-I have no such honor. I was defeated, my memorises getting erased as a result. However, my origin remembers you. Now, after meeting you, I am finally convinced, the same as Aivis and the others.

-I want to check for myself.

-Your will.

I place my hand on Melhey's head and activate Time Manipulation <Lebaido> and Recollection <Evii>.

I explore the outer layer of memories, and, just like Aivis and the others, the memories are gone. Dammit.

Next, I look into the abyss and confirm Melhey's origin.

Only one.

Melheys doesn't appear to have fused with one of Avos Dillheavia's subordinates. His body hasn't been taken over.

-What do you know?

-2000 years ago, after Anos-sama reincarnated, I was attacked by someone, and my memory was erased. When I regained consciousness, I found myself in Ahartherun.

The Great Spirit Forest?

-Did you cross the wall?

Two thousand years ago, Deiruheido and Ahartherun were separated by the magic wall.

-Probably. My memory of it is vague, but I think I used the wall as a way to escape from whoever was attacking me.

Even though the wall was grand magic that used my life force to activate, a mazoku from the age of myths with powerful magecraft and enough desperation could cross the barrier. Though, with significant risk to their life.

I can only think of 20 people from the age of myths that could do that, and even then, the compensation would have been huge.

-I'm assuming they didn't follow you because crossing over the wall in pursuit of you would have exhausted most of their magic powers, and it would have taken a considerable time for their powers to come back before they could return to Deiruheido.

-That's what I believe. It took me over a hundred years to restore my magic power to a level where I could cross back over the wall.

Unlike Aivis, Melheys had enough power to cross the wall. Erasing his memory would be one thing, but it would have been nigh impossible to take over his origin.

-When I returned to Deiruheido, the name of the demon king of tyranny had already changed to Avos Dillheavia. Though I had no memories, I wasn't able to wipe out the sense of wrongness with that name. The other old seven demon emperors didn't seem to doubt the name Avos Dillheavia, but I always had my doubts until now.

-Has it changed to belief now?

-Indeed, it has. My origin says that you are the true demon king.

There are no strange points in Melheys's story. I've also learned that Avos Dillheavia existed right back in the age of myths.

[Anos POV ends]

Nobody paid attention to Scathach, who stood aside and tried to contain his laughter.

"Such bullshit. Those guys are retarded. Even if Anos believes that Melheys is pure, I hope that the demon king who could destroy the world without difficulty will be weak enough that he can be killed. It's not even plot armor, but just Anos's real abilities. Even people consider him to be a greater threat than mazoku. Not that they could kill him or take his place anyway. "

-Anos, let's go to my café. I'm sure your parents are busy.

-Fumu, why not. Girls, what do you think?

Teleporting to the entrance of it, they went inside. Transforming in his big feline form, Scáthach lay on the big sofa. Two blurs landed on him - Sakura and Salter.

-Erm, Sakura, can you show the sisters our kitchen? I need to talk to Anos.

-Alright, Onii-sama. Misha-san Sasha-san, let's go! I will show you our uniform and give you some tips on cooking.

-Anos, you know that this tournament is a trap? But I don't understand the point of it because we are here. I think you should participate because if not, the royal faction will get what they want.

-Fumu, you're right, but what's the point of it? I mean, not royal faction, but those guys who were doing this in shadows?

-Want me to answer?

-No thanks, I will figure it out myself.

-It's your business.

While they were talking, Salter had already fallen asleep on the main character, and he had to hold her with his tail so that she would not fall.

Seeing this, the lips of the demon king began to twitch because, in front of him, the strongest swordsman was sleeping sweetly.

Although, creatures with such powers always have jumps.

While they were chatting, the girls in maid uniforms returned to them. Sasha's face was red with embarrassment. Although Misha's face remained stoic, a tint of red was still noticed.

-Fumu. That looks good on you. (Anos)

-Do not stare at me, you pervert! (Sasha)

While the pair of demon king and tsundere were bickering, Misha silently went to Lancer.

- Scáthach-san, can I stroke you?

Seeing the stars in her eyes, MC nodded. Being stroked gently, the big cat started to purr softly. Because of the pleasant feelings, Scáthach fell asleep swiftly.

Looking at the pair of the sleeping strongest Saber and Lancer, the others could only sigh because they were such lazy bums.

[The Day of the Demon Sword Tournament]

-Without further ado, the first round of the Deiruheido demon sword tournament shall begin!

A voice came from the flying owl in the sky.

-First up is Kurt Roodwell from the Lognoss demon sword association!!

A long-haired man with delicate features appeared in the arena along with a great cheer. A thin rapier-type demon sword hung from his waist.

-He's here! The winner of the last tournament, Deiruheido's strongest swordsman, Kurt Roodwell!!

-Shocking! The first match and he's here!

-Aah! At only 20 years old, he rapidly cut down all his opponents. He could only have gotten better. I look forward to it!

-He's over 300 now. I wonder how much more polished his sword techniques are? It's scary just thinking about it.

- Next up is Scáthach from the Deruzogedo demon king school!

The moment a small cat appeared in the arena, no one knew what to say.

-Hey, what is this cat doing here?

-I don't know, maybe he's lost?

Yawning slightly, the cat spoke.

-Ops, I forgot to change my form. My bad, nya

Unexpectedly for everyone, this cat turned into a young man with purple hair and a blindfold. Two strange swords were on his belt. (E/N: I just thought of 2B from Nier.)

-Why is a disabled person participating in the tournament? (Kurt)

-Oh, I still have it. Well, it doesn't matter anymore.

When the protagonist took off the bandage, all were mesmerized by his unique and beautiful heterochromatic eyes. Well, except some old mazoku who didn't want to believe it - this student on the arena was THAT Scáthach. All who recognized him felt horror because they either saw or read how brutal and cruel he was. They hoped that he was not real and that a victory over him could prove once again that the union was useless.

-Let's get started. I want to play a little~

Kurt looked at his swords with a cold expression.

-Do you intend to fight with that sword?

-Oi, shut it, if you want to say something about my swords, then don't do it. Yes, they don't have magic in them (as if), but I do not need it. Let's make a bet~.

-Hooo, what's it?

-I'll give you five minutes; if you can hit me, then I will give up, and if not, I will cut off both of your hands. Sounds good to you?

-You are too arrogant, y'know?

-Pffffffff, you're funny. Know your place, mongrel. You're still alive because you're the first swordsman with decent skills in this era.

-There were changes to the tournament rules, but as they were not communicated in time, I will inform you here. In this tournament, <Adeshin> and other similar magics are banned. It is also forbidden to attack in any other way other than by your sword."

As the owl was speaking, 16 men wearing official robes appeared around the stage.

-The watchmen will be closely examining the match. Severe penalties will be imposed on anyone violating the rules. Depending on the circumstances, you may even be disqualified.

-Without further ado, the first match of the Deiruheido demon sword tournament shall commence!! Begin!!

The owl signaled the start of the match.

Before Kurt could draw his sword, the protagonist found himself behind him with two katanas at the ready. Two cuts appeared on his opponent's body. For five minutes, Lancer mocked the "young Chinese master" - leaving substantial cuts on the most painful places. Due to his speed, few could keep track of him. All of Kurt's attempts were just useless. He utterly could not follow the movements of the protagonist. The man couldn't even see it - only afterimages, let alone get caught.

And so, five minutes later, Kurt and Scáthach could be seen drenched in blood in the arena with an unhealthy smile. He was happy because he is a sadist~. (E/N: Woah, how could I have guessed! Such a big reveal!!)

-Your time is up. Next time try not to be so cocky. Well, there wouldn't be next time anyway.

He cut off his hands using lines that the Lancer saw by activating MEoDP.

His crazy smile scared the shit out of all who saw it. Looking at the screaming Kurt and the happy Lancer, all thought: "Isn't it too cruel?"

But one particular teacher was grinding her teeth. She decided to kill Sakura as revenge. Why Sakura? She was unknown to most, and she thought that she was weak. As if~.

The next battles went in the same way, but the MC was cruel only to arrogant bastards.

Anos also won all his battles with an overwhelming victory.


Sakura walked home alone in the dark. Why alone? To lure out one teacher who thinks too much of herself.

When she sensed an accumulation of magical energy, Sakura teleported to this place. Grabbing her by the neck, the purple head said with a "sweet" smile.

-As Onii-sama expected~ I need to deliver you to him so he will praise me, hehe.

-Wait, please spa–

-Shut up, bitch, you are an obstacle to my Onii-sama.

After teleporting to the arena, the first thing I saw was Emilia & the main character sitting on a large golden bow that floated above the ground.

-Fufufu, isn't this our dear Sensei? Bad people should be punished~.

-Please wait! Listen to–!

-Stop barking, you are going to suffer,

Scáthach said with cold eyes. He was going to torture her with poisons, which he borrowed from Semiramis.

The next hour in Emilia's life was hell, various poisons were applied to her, and she was revived every time she died.

The main character stopped just when he saw her break. Her eyes became listless, and she stopped responding to poisons. (E/N: Too cruel, mate.)

Feeling pleased, Scathach went back home to cuddle with the girls.

While Scáthach was torturing Emilia, Anos learned about Ray's mother's diseases. He decided to help her.

[Next day; semi-final Anos-Ray]

While the two fought, the protagonist was waiting for the moment to join in the fun. He could not miss this because this was his last day in this world.

Seeing the magic formation below, the main character found himself inside it with incredible speed.

- At last, I can finally get rid of you.

An old guy with a white beard appeared.

One of the old seven demon emperors, Melheys Boran.

While the old bastard was spouting bullshit, our MC was spectating with an amused smile.

-Oi, Melheys, stop with this shit, do something. It's getting boring.

-Who...? Scáthach? What are you doing here?

-What do you mean <What are you doing here?> You are having fun without me.

Even Anos's lips twitched. This guy only knew how to fool around.

-Well, I'm going to protect Ray, do your thing, Anos.

While the Demon King was fighting his subordinate, the main character decided to say a few words to the hero, who was worried about the loss of his mother.

-You know, Kanon, I don't hate you. You just weren't made to be a hero. Your methods are stupid. Your behavior is childish. Your dreams are unattainable. The only thing that saved you 2000 years ago from death is that Anos recognized you as his friend. We might even be friends if you weren't a guy with a hero complex. Soon I will disappear, so cherish and protect your only friend. Otherwise, I will find you and kill you. And yes, don't swing that way, please. I'm rooting on Misha and Sasha, not you.

-What do you mean? Why are you going to disappear?

-Ohhh, he's going to use it, bye-bye Hero Kanon~

[Anos POV]

- …Is this a three-dimensional magic formation of Deruzogedo…? How? This <Azeishis> should be isolated in a different dimension.

-Come, Venuzdonoa.

In response to my call, countless black particles rose and gathered at my feet. What appeared was a sword-shaped shadow. No object was there, only a shadow.

-I was thinking about when you said it was a waste, Melheys.

The shadow sword rose as if drawn to my hand.

-I'll tell you what the real waste is.

Is he even listening to me? He's just staring at me like he can't believe it.

-…What the hell is that?!

-It doesn't follow reason, anything number-related, or things related to distance whether it be magical or conventional. Anything that can be reasoned returns to nothing before this principle destroying sword. It's useless to think about what it can or can't do.

As I grasped the handle, the shadow reversed, and a dark-colored long sword appeared.

-Enemies in front of me are simply annihilated. That is the only principle that Venuzdonoa allows to exist.

-How much of a demon king of tyranny are you trying to be! There can't be such irrational magic!

Melheys made a gate in front of him that's different from the ones before. It's much more extravagant.

-Oh? An absolute space?

-Indeed. This space is an absolute territory that only the caster can enter. It's a <Azeshis> that makes it impossible to defeat the person inside.

The gate opens, and Melheys steps inside.

-I'll withdraw for now, Anos-sama. After calculating your new strength, I will devise a new strategy to defeat you and return. Please look forward to it.

I set Venuzdonoa up in a low stance.

-It's regrettable, Melheys.

I slash in front of me with my sword.

The space in front of me is split in half and falls apart, revealing Melheys.

-...How?! Absolute space is a space completely isolated from the world! It's not possible to interfere from the outside, but it was broken!

[Anos POV ends]

Having dealt with his subordinate, Anos heard someone clapping his hands.

- You know Anos, no matter how many times I see this sword, I always wonder how unfair it is. I will soon disappear with the girls. My assignment was to help you, but you did just fine without my help. Thank you for becoming my friend. I will never forget the time I spent here. Good luck, and see you later.

With those last words, the main character disappeared, along with Sakura and Salter.

[Back at the arena, a little later]

- Due to the absence of the enemy, the winner becomes - Anos!

The owl said.

While Sasha was congratulating her King, she decided to find out something.

-What happened to Scáthach? And where are Sakura and Salter?

-He said that we won't ever see him again... maybe.

Shocked, Sasha could only stare at him while blinking her eyes.

-What do you mean?

-I'm not sure. Only time will show us.

While Anos was leaving the arena, Sasha muttered.

-I will miss yo–

But a note appeared on her hands.

<I'm rooting for you, tsun-tsun, nyahahahahaha>


[DxD universe]

Appearing back at base, Scáthach, Sakura, and Salter sighed, because they are finally at home after more than 2000 years.

Looking at the blue screen in front of him, a crazy smile crept to his face.

"I'm gonna fuck one snake, for sure~."

[Quest completed]

[Your reward: Ten no Kusari (Enkidu, the Chains of Heaven)!]


A / N

Well, this quest was like a tutorial for me.

I'm trying to improve.

The next chapters will be about slice-of-life, and one will be cooperation between me and swordsexual, author of "Adventures of a Serpent Throughout the Multiverse" ( E/N: That's me :) )

The next quest will be Date A Bullet, where he will get new powers and new stuff. You'll see. (E/N: I know but won't tell you, peasants, haha!)

Editor's Note: Holy shit bro; please stop with the 4K word chapters.