
Scáthach in Multiverse (Male MC, DxD main world)

The story of "hero" and his adventures on different missions in the multiverse ******** The character will be like Esdeath, OP, but there may be obstacles in the future. There will be no nerf, but sometimes he will just be an observer of events, nothing more. DxD will be AU, and story mostly will be about quests. Tags: antihero, harem(no pokemon), gore, blood and so on It's my first time writing, so do not expect it to be good. I have to start from something. I own nothing.

spearsexual · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Story goes on

I added MC stats, check it at auxiliary chapters

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

After the break, all students went back to Deruzogedo demon king school like usual and since today was the first day back after the dungeon exam results would also be announced.

-What am I on about? Your parents. Me and Misha and aren't going to marry you. Don't you get the importance of this? What are you going to do? (Sasha)



The irritated tsundere almost wanted to lash on Lancer, but he used forbidden technique - sad eyes in his feline form.


-Master, you are playing dirty...


And another victim has fallen due to the upturned eyes of a naughty cat.

-Good morning. Today I will announce the results of the dungeon test (Emilia)

Emilia announced the scores of each group one by one.

No other group reached the treasure room apart from the Anos team. Most got between 30 to 50 points. The highest score so far was 70 points.

-And finally the score of Anos' group. Anos' group was able to obtain the King's Scepter that lay on the bottom floor.

When Emilia announced that, the whole classroom became noisy.

-However, very regrettably, the King's Scepter was stolen before we could verify it.

The classroom became even noisier.

-Right now the full power of Deruzogedo is looking for the criminal. Until its found Anos' group will be given 70 points on a tentative basis till the scepter is found.

-I do not agree with this.

Sasha raised her voice and stood up.

-It's the school's fault th-!

But she was interrupted by loud laughter.

- Let's skip this whole circus. I don't know how all the forces operate there, but I have known for a long time who stole it~

Said the lancer who was restraining himself from smiling. After all, he was having fun. This situation was so dumb that it was funny. Approaching a student, Scáthach thrusted an ice blade into his hand without further ado.


-Hmmm, the thief is surely retarded.

Looking at the student who was writhing in pain, an unhealthy smile appeared on the face of Scathach. He stabbed the student with his hand, Blood splattering across his face. Searching for a bit in the student's body, the Grand Lancer pulled the scepter out of him. But what about without death in such a situation? With a simple movement of his hand, Scáthach tore off his head


- Shall we continue? Hehe, thought so.

All students were terrified. This guy was too cruel.

-Here you go, Emilia. Your attempt to hide the King's Scepter in this way is so dumb that you amused me. Be grateful, mongrel. I'll leave you alive.

The MC whispered the last part with an amused smile. She was too stupid. Hiding something in class when such people were here.

-You may begin the lesson, Emilia-sensei~


MC was avoiding girls from the Union like the plague. Why? Well, in the anime it was funny, but in real life... They looked like fanatics. No way in hell he would come to that fan club.

-Erm, Anos, we have something to do. You can go without us.

-Fumu, see you soon then.

-Sakura, what do you think about a light spar? Without killing thousands.

-Onii-sama, can you stop mentioning it? It was more than 2000 years ago

-No way. I'm going to tell everyone in Chaldea, I want to see their shocked faces when they find out that our shy Sakura slaughtered thousands of people in one go.

After that, they went to the training ground for a spar.

They decided to fight without weapons. For two thousand years, the protagonist trained his "sister" with almost every technique he knew. In his opinion, certain fighting styles are good, but you need to be able to adapt to any opponent. He has a spear, and you have a short blade - you must be able to get close to a sufficient distance. To his surprise, when they were picking up weapons for Sakura, she liked the bow. So he devoted enough time to teach her how to defend herself if there is no way to use the bow.

[The next day at the 2nd training ground classroom]

Emilia entered along with the bell signaling the start of class.

Behind her was a male student in black clothes.

-Good morning. Before we start I'm going to introduce a new transfer student.

Emilia wrote a name on the blackboard.

Ray Grandori.

The black-clothed student stepped forward.

-Nice to meet you all. I'm Ray Grandori. Actually, I was supposed to be here for the first day, but due to certain circumstances, I'm starting late. There are lots of things I don't know, so I would appreciate it if people could help me when I'm stuck. Thank you.

He had a transparent-like voice with light blue eyes, white hair, and a beautiful androgynous face that gave off a cool impression.

-….Oi, oi… ..he's a 7 sided star...

-Idiot. Of course, he is. He's Ray Grandori, one of the chaos generation. The tempering demon sword saint. He's a monster who can use any sword. Forget about demon swords, he can even use spirit swords and sacred swords that mazoku shouldn't be able to use.

-I'd heard he had enrolled, but since he hadn't come to school yet, I thought it was just a made-up story.

The groups had already been decided, but I'll postpone the matches to give you time to prepare some members for the group opposition test. Of course, you can enter someone else's group this time if you want but next time you will be participating as a leader. A group with you as a leader with your ability ...

-I haven't made friends with anyone yet so I'm happy being in someone else's group.

-Yo. Nice to meet you. I'm Ray Grandori.

Ray said while having a refreshing smile

-What's your name?

-It's Anos Voldigoad.

-Well, Anos-kun will you let me join your group? I'm pretty good at handling swords. I'm sure I'll be of help to you.

-Even so, Anos-kun is great. Normally white clothes couldn't be leaders. "

-If there are rules, they can be broken.

-As I thought, I want to join your group. You're interesting.

While they had such a dialogue, the main character was hiding behind Sakura.

-Guys, I just want to be clear. You are not swinging that way?

Both ignored him. Union girls were on the same line as Grand Lancer

-As expected of Anos-sama! He showed himself to be better without any fighting. How cool!

-Yes! Anos-sama's charm is so great even the tempering demon sword saint has fallen to it!

-Wait! I noticed something enormous!


-If he fell to Anos-sama's charm then isn't this love at first sight !?

-Eeeeh. Then isn't Ray-kun our rival?

-Bu… But he's a man .... !!

-That's powerless before love !!

- Umu, the girls get it. Anos, I understand that you are my friend, but I'm as straight as a pole, I'm sorry ... I have to confess to you ... I love girls.

Both twitched their lips. Fuck this guy, it's just pure friendship ... maybe ...

-Fumu. In that case, I decline.

- ... Nn?

Ray's expression turns blank.

If you just want to blindly follow orders then join any group here. If you want to be one of my subordinates then, by all means, show me the corresponding power.

-Fuh, so you rejected him, I'm glad.

After that, he told Rei to temporarily join the girls' team to demonstrate his strength.

-We'll be performing grand sword training today and since this is practical training we'll be moving to the arena. Since a special lecturer is here please don't be rude. (Teacher)

When they entered the arena the students are standing in a circle around something.

Getting closer they saw Emilia and two other mazoku.

One was a huge person, double the height of a normal person with dark skin, thick arms and legs knotted with muscles, and sporting a beard.

The other person was of normal height with long black hair and sharp eyes.

-Now then, the grand demon sword training will be conducted by 2 of the old seven demon emperors. Gaius Anzem-sama and Idol Anzeo-sama.

The huge one was Anzem and his long hair is Idol...

-Gaius-sama, Idol-sama, thank you for today.

"Well, It's not like they are weak, but nothing to mention. Especially that huge guy. Someone a little faster than him can easily kill him because speed is the most important part of a fight. No matter how much firepower you have, if you can't hit - you can't win " the MC thought.

-Hmm. Well then. Instead of a greeting shall we do something different? "

A deep voice was emitted.

Gaius raised his hand overhead and dozens of magic circles formed.

-Same amount as the number of students.

Misha muttered

"Looks like it."

Magic gathered and sword blades appeared from the center of the formations.

-Wh… wha… ..it's demon swords ....

-Well then. Take the sword at your feet and try it out.

While all the other students tried to draw their swords, the Grand Lancer just directed his bloodlust on it. Sword started to tremble even though it doesn't even have consciousness. Well, Scáthach's bloodlust could make Satan-class go mad, what can a mere sword can do against him.

-As everybody knows the Deruzogedo demon sword tournament will be held soon. It's a tournament to decide Deiruheido's best swordsman and participants from all over Deiruheido will gather. Unlike you chicks, everyone will be outstanding. You have to bring your own sword and if you don't have one then there's no point participating.

Taking it out, he went to Idol, because who needs this blah-blah. He's a Lancer, not a politician.

[Anos POV]

There's only one sword in this world that won't obey me.

-… ..I was sure you'd say there were none ...

-The holy sword the hero used in the age of myths. It was crafted by a master craftsman for the sole reason of killing me. Spirits dwell in the blade and the gods themselves blessed it. As you'd expect from that, it won't obey me.

Well, the only person capable of wielding it at that time was the hero Kanon, I do not count Scáthach, because he said that sword was an excuse of a holy sword. His Rhongomyniad has more holy power anyway.

Perhaps Shin might have been able to do it but there was never a chance for him to try.

In the first place, mazoku and sacred swords are not compatible. Also, if it was a sword designed to kill me I'd destroy it before it could be removed anyway.

-Now then.

I start walking forward.

-Hang on. Are you going to do something again?

Fumu. Sasha seems to understand me quite easily now.

-What? I'm only going to enliven this boring class a little.

I walked over to Gaius who seemed impressed.

-Hmmm. You easily pulled out that demon sword. You have some promise.

-This was disappointing. Because it was called grand demon sword training I thought there'd be an outrageous lecture but you put together such a boring play. "

Over in the distance, Emilia had a flustered look on her face while in front of me Gaius put his hand on his jaw in great interest.

-Hahaha. You're a funny little guy. In short, it will be such a thing. I'll teach you how to use a demon sword in actual battle! "

Gaius holds out his big hand and a huge magic formation forms. What appeared from it was a thick and large demon sword 3 times the height of Gaius.

Picking it up he swings it lightly with one hand causing students to step back from the wind pressure.

-….Bad, this is bad. That's Gaius-sama's maximum sword Grajeshion ...

-Certainly…... That guy split the Neil mountain range in two with that sword ... It's not even on the level of a sword anymore ...

-As expected of Anos but even he might not survive this time ...

Fumu. As expected of one of the old seven demon emperors. He's pretty powerful, however, my purpose is not to fight but just play a little.

-Idol. Do you want to play too?

I asked the long-haired old seven demon emperor.

An unpleasant look came my way.

-You want to fight us, 2 old seven demon emperors, by yourself?

-What? There will be 2 of us as well.

[Anos POV ends]

-Thanks for the chance to bully you again.

Said MC with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

Idol started swinging his two swords with impossible speed. Impossible for normal mazoku, but our MC was avoiding them casually. He even created a tablet for himself to read the new chapter of the book about the protagonist of the snake. Respect for the enemy? Is that something edible?

-ARGH, stop avoiding, take it seriously.

-I'm wondering, you really think I will stop after you told me so? Well, I finished the chapter ...

With incredible speed, the main character chopped off Idol's head. What's the point in continuing to mock him if he started screaming and annoying him.

For observers, this scene looked like this: a student in white calmly read something on a strange object while one of the Old Seven Emperors was trying his hardest to hit him. But no matter what, everything was without avail. After the student removed the tablet, the next moment Idol was already lying on the ground without a head. No one understood what happened, except Salter and Sakura who could only sigh. His personality was showing again


The shocked Idol looked at the student in front of him. He saw a mocking expression on his face. He should be angry, but he recalled that this guy might be the real Grand Lancer from 2000 years ago. Even though his origin was combined with another, he was subconsciously afraid of it. Why was he afraid of him? Two thousand years ago, Scáthach attracted them to Sakura's training ...

[Next day]

The next day in Deruzogedo's demon forest saw 2 sets of students gathered here for the exam taking place.

When the bell rang to signal the start of class, Emilia spoke.

[Anos POV]

-Now then. We will start the exam with Ray's group and Anos' group.

Ray walks towards me

-Did you sleep well yesterday?

-Aah, I had a good night.

-I didn't sleep very well.

-Fumu. Did you find a good book? Staying up late is bad for your health.

-That's true. Getting up was an effort this morning.

Ray lets out a yawn as if to prove his point.

I looked at my friend who was hugging Salter and mumbling something

-Salter, I'm seeing things, I want to be healed with your cuteness, their behavior is suspicious. Please save me from it ...

Hey hey hey hey!

Sasha butted in.

What's she complaining about now?

-What's wrong?

-Don't 'what's wrong' me! The group test has started! This is an exam! What's with this lukewarm air? Are you going on a day trip somewhere?

Yare yare. It doesn't mean we have to kill each other. We don't have to be bloodthirsty about it, though there is a chance they may die accidentally.

-My bad. My subordinate nags a bit.

I place my hand on Sasha's head indirectly telling her to quieten down a bit.

- ... Eerm ... .hand… your hand…... I won't shut up because of that ....

Even so, Sasha loses her momentum and falls silent.

-As expected from Demon King - taming a tsundere is an easy deal for him.

As usual, Scáthach couldn't read the atmosphere. What does tsundere mean anyway?

- Oi, Scáthach I do not know what it means but I think you said something rude (Sasha)

-So what? Wanna fight?

[POV ends]

-Well, Anos, you are the king here, decide who will do what.

-Salter and Sakura will defend the castle, the sisters fight the union girls, you will fight Ray.

-Aye Sir

-You can count on us.

- ... ..Nn ...


"We need to create a new spear ... Oh, Eresh in 3 stages has a really cool one."

-Umu, come on. So, where is our hero?

Found arriving at the scene, I saw Rei sitting on a stone with a thoughtful expression on his face.

-Yo Rey or better to call you Hero Kanon? Why are you making such a surprised face? Did you really think I didn't know about your plan?

-Sigh, what did I expect ... You're as strong as Anos ...

-Do not worry, I won't tell anyone about it. Anos wants to have some fun anyway.

-But he could die. How-

-I don't want to hear it from you. If someone tries to do something funny, I will kill all of them.

"Ops, I lost control a bit," The MC thought, but Rey paled due to dense bloodlust

-Let's end chit chat, I want to fight.

[MC POV ends]

Unexpectedly for everyone, a huge thirst for blood appeared on the side where Scáthach had gone. If they were closer, they would see Rey desperately trying to dodge the protagonist's spear, who wasn't holding back very much. In order not to die in the first seconds, the hero had to use all his strength. But what scared him even more was the crazy smile on the spearman's face.

-Your skills have gotten better. Looks like I need to get serious.

-Wait, it's just an exa-

Not having time to finish, the hero dodged the attack at the very last moment. The sweep of the Scáthach's spear destroying everything behind him for tens of kilometers.

-HAAHAHAHHAHAHAH! Finally some fun!

Along with an unhealthy laugh, his hair color changed and a mark appeared on his forehead.

Each swing of his spear destroyed vast areas of the forest, and the number of injuries on Ray's body only increased.

"He's a monster. I was practicing for 2000 years to stop him, but I don't have a chance. And he's using pure strength ... "

The distracted hero received a powerful blow with the blunt side of the spear in the ribs.

-Haaaa, you dare to be distracted now?

-Sorry, it won't happen again

While the battle took place, the others watched them. Those who did not know him were shocked. Such destruction is only due to physical strength.

-Why Scáthach is using full force? (Sasha)

-Kukuku HAHAHAhA, full force you say? (Anos)

-My master is holding back a lot, otherwise, everyone would be dead already. Do you feel that bloodlust? It means he's having fun. If he wanted to kill someone, then everyone present would have fainted long ago. Do not underestimate him.

Back at battle

-Well, we have to finish. Try not to die, Hero Kanon~

MC swung his Lance with all his strength. Rey, feeling that Lancer was serious, evaded at the last second. Looking back, he paled. Everything was split in two, even clouds.

Everyone was shocked. Scáthach had cut everything that was hundreds of kilometers away. Even the mountain was split in half.

- ...

-I'm not seeing things, right? (Sasha)

-Nope. Well, Ray is good, because he is still alive. (Anos)

-I'm glad that Master had fun...

-… Nn, he looked happy during the fight… (Misha)

A satisfied protagonist and a battered Ray joined the group a little later. Lancer just glowed with happiness, as he was able to fight at full strength, although without the ability...

And CUT...

This chapter was half-assedly edited by swordsexual.


Thanks to swordsexual, you should check his story "Adventures of a Serpent Throughout the Multiverse"

This quest will end after Tournament

I can't decide about hair of MC, help me




Images later