
Sayori Bad Ending

Sayori struggles with deep depression throughout her entire life. Her emotions and thoughts become tangled over time as she navigates school, spends time with her family, and interacts with her peers. Despite her outward appearance as a cute girl, she takes compliments on her appearance as a way to mask her inner turmoil. As time passes, she starts to miss her closest friends whom she can no longer see due to family circumstances that prevent them from meeting. As she grows older and enters high school, Sayori joins the DDCL Literature Club, hoping to find solace in the virtual reality of the game. However, the experience pushes her closer to the brink of ending her own life. Unexpectedly, someone within the game becomes her savior, a player she never imagined she would meet during such a difficult time. While most players simply enjoy the virtual reality experience, this person accomplishes the impossible by saving her. As the story unfolds, Sayori undergoes a transformation, no longer willing to let go of the one who saved her, despite the challenges that arise, even if she has to take drastic measures to keep him.

MeowChan0 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Heart Beat

Aroan discreetly slipped out of school during the breakfast hour, taking advantage of the fact that classes hadn't yet begun. He decided to deviate from his usual route and make his way towards Sayori's neighborhood, growing increasingly concerned about her absence from school that day. There had been no mention of her being late by her parents or anyone else, and all attempts to contact her had gone unanswered. Aroan's heart raced, a combination of worry and anticipation, as he stepped onto the sidewalk, careful to avoid drawing attention from familiar faces.

Aware that he was supposed to be in school, Aroan crouched low, maneuvering himself under a bush and nestled amidst the grass, ensuring he remained hidden from the prying eyes of both parents and acquaintances who might recognize him. The sound of chatter filled the air as parents prepared to leave their homes for work, creating a buzzing backdrop to Aroan's clandestine mission.

He waited, listening intently for the jingle of car keys and the subsequent revving of engines, signifying the departure of Sayori's family. After a few minutes, the coast seemed clear, and with a swift twirl, Aroan dashed towards her house. He moved with caution, his clothes brushing against the grass, leaving a faint tickling sensation on his skin. As he approached Sayori's home, he could hear the distant clamor of parents bustling about, their morning routines in full swing.

Aroan reached the front door, his heart pounding in his chest. To his surprise, the door swung open effortlessly, revealing a deserted interior. His gaze fell upon Sayori's backpack and school clothes strewn haphazardly on a rack, and a scattering of items scattered across the floor of the front porch. The living room and kitchen appeared tidied, with a few dishes rinsed and stacked neatly. Empty boxes from pancakes and other breakfast items lay discarded in the trash, evidence that Sayori had already eaten. Aroan felt a sudden chill, goosebumps prickling his skin, an inexplicable sense of unease settling upon him. He quickened his pace, ascending the stairs with an urgency born out of concern.

Aaron walked ahead, his ears catching the sound of someone struggling, choking on gasps. "Yes, yes, keep struggling and breathing hard, you idiot. It'll be over soon," a twisted girl's voice taunted, the words accompanied by an unsettling chuckle. A sense of unease filled Aaron as he approached the rooms from where the sound emanated. He saw the bathroom door ajar and kicked it open, only to find it empty.

"Sayori!?" Aaron screamed, his voice filled with urgency and fear. He ran, his footsteps echoing through the house, as he kicked open the master bedroom door and the doors to the gaming room with a powerful shoulder bash. His breath caught in his throat as he beheld the harrowing sight.

Sayori's piercing scream sliced through the air, resonating in his ears. She writhed like a twisted Christmas tree, entangled in a noose tightly wrapped around her delicate neck. Adrenaline surged through Aaron's veins, urging him into action. With trembling hands, he lunged forward and seized a sharp knife, determined to sever the suffocating grip. His heart pounded with a mix of panic and fury, tears streaming down his face as he fought to maintain composure.

Gently, he laid Sayori on the bed, his fingertips brushing against her clammy skin. He could barely sense the faint, feeble thud of her heartbeat. In a desperate frenzy, he snatched his backpack, his fingers fumbling as he retrieved his first aid supplies. Sweat poured down his face, mingling with his tears, as he worked fervently to save her.