
Sayori Bad Ending

Sayori struggles with deep depression throughout her entire life. Her emotions and thoughts become tangled over time as she navigates school, spends time with her family, and interacts with her peers. Despite her outward appearance as a cute girl, she takes compliments on her appearance as a way to mask her inner turmoil. As time passes, she starts to miss her closest friends whom she can no longer see due to family circumstances that prevent them from meeting. As she grows older and enters high school, Sayori joins the DDCL Literature Club, hoping to find solace in the virtual reality of the game. However, the experience pushes her closer to the brink of ending her own life. Unexpectedly, someone within the game becomes her savior, a player she never imagined she would meet during such a difficult time. While most players simply enjoy the virtual reality experience, this person accomplishes the impossible by saving her. As the story unfolds, Sayori undergoes a transformation, no longer willing to let go of the one who saved her, despite the challenges that arise, even if she has to take drastic measures to keep him.

MeowChan0 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


After what felt like an eternity of using his supplies and skills to desperately save his childhood friend's life, Aaron's breath hitched and held as he strained to hear any sign of hope. And then, as if emerging from the depths of darkness, a faint heartbeat reverberated through the room, gradually growing louder, defying the odds.

Sayori's body stirred, a testament to the fragile flame of life that still burned within her. Slowly, she began to rise, her movements labored and unsteady. Her neck, once marked by the merciless grip of despair, now bore the aftermath of her struggle—a vivid redness, the exposed flesh and bone a haunting reminder of the depths she had descended.

As she attempted to breathe, her raspy gasps hung in the air, each one a fragile testament to her will to survive. The sound, reminiscent of a wounded animal, trembled through the room, tugging at the heartstrings of all who bore witness.

Aaron's cry reverberated, a symphony of anguish and relief intertwining in his voice. His trembling hands reached out, drawing Sayori into an embrace that held the weight of their shared pain. Tears streamed down his cheeks, mingling with his whispered words and the echoes of their intertwined sobs. The room became a sanctuary for their raw emotions, their collective grief filling the space.

The gravity of the moment pressed upon Aaron, his teeth clenched tightly as he was confronted by the haunting memories that flashed before his eyes. His grip on Sayori tightened, seeking solace within the warmth of her chest, as if to anchor himself amidst the storm of emotions. Amidst the tears and gasps for breath, he managed to find the strength to ask the question that haunted his thoughts, his voice heavy with fragility, "Why... why did you attempt to take your own life?" The words hung in the air, a plea for understanding, a desperate search for answers in the face of profound sorrow.