

Andrew Racan is a man who seem to never run out of flowery words for his guests. It has been almost ten minutes since he introduced himself to his guests and he’s still speaking in front. Klyde can’t even keep track of the things he’s talking about anymore, he lost track of it in the first five minutes. Beside him, the two alphas also look bored. Although Wade looked like he’s at least putting in an effort to look like he’s listening, Kez, on the other hand, is just slumped on his seat again. Klyde wants to laugh at him.

The guests suddenly clapped, catching the attention of the guests who, like them, had been chattering amongst their selves instead of listening.

“I had been talking for a while, I would not want to hold you off any longer,” Andrew Racan said in the microphone.

“Food will be served in a minute. Thank you so much for coming everyone. Help yourself with anything. And please, enjoy the party.”

Another round of applause sounded in the place before the guests eventually walked back to their tables. Servers started roaming the place, carrying trays of drinks. When one passed by their table, they all got each a glass of wine. Klyde took a sip, humming at the taste of it, the other two beside him doing the same.

“The best part of parties like this is the alcohol,” Kez happily said, gone is the trace of grumpiness he held earlier.

“As expected, rich people only serve rich wine,” he said before taking another sip. He talks as if he’s not one of those rich people.

Aside from the food being served on their table, there is a separate long table containing more snacks and desserts. People are already lining up in front of it. Klyde thinks he might wander off to check it out later. If he’s going to seat through tonight, he’ll at least try to enjoy it.

Their food had just been served on their table when Kez suddenly started tapping on their table, getting Wade’s attention.

“What are you doing?” Wade asked, picking up his cutlery to start eating. It did not escape Klyde’s gaze how the alpha first wiped his cutlery clean first before working on his own. He murmured his thanks as the alpha gave it to him.

“I think Andrew Racan is headed this way,” Kez replied.

True to his words, the man himself is indeed walking their way. He still has a huge smile on his face as he greeted guests on his way. He made quick stops to shake hands with them, some he even hugged and kiss on the hand. Eventually, the man reached their table.

“Wade!” he loudly greeted amidst the mixture of the chatter and the piano music being played by a hired pianist at the corner of the place. Klyde only noticed it earlier, but there was actually an actual pianist playing, he thought it was just from the speakers.

“It has been a while, son!”

Wade stood up to greet the man, so Kez and Klyde did the same. Andrew immediately waved them down though.

“No need to stand, I am here to chat anyway.”

So, they all sat down again, dragging their chairs closer to the table. Andrew stood in front of their table.

“I haven’t seen you in so long, Wade. How have you been?” the man said, and Klyde wants to roll his eyes at how he sounds so fake. Come on.

“I’ve been fine, Mr. Racan. Not much happening in my life,” Wade answered calmly. His face is blank, and his voice is calm, not giving away anything he’s feeling at the moment.

“I’m glad to hear that. I’ve been so busy overseas,” the older alpha then turned to Kez, pointedly ignoring Klyde.

“Good to see you as well, Kez.”

“Likewise, Mr. Racan,” Kez answered, extending his hand to reach for the older alpha’s.

“I’m surprised you’re here. No plans for Christmas?”

“Not really. Might just spend it with some friends,” the alpha said, gesturing to Wade and Klyde. Just then, Andrew’s eyes landed on Klyde. A faux-shocked expression crossed his features.

“Oh!” he exclaimed, fake enthusiasm in his voice.

“This is a surprise. Pardon me as I am not really good with names, but if I’m not, you’re Mr. Taylor? The famous omega CEO?”

Klyde gave him a tight smile, not bothering to extend his hand. Of course, it’s always his rank. His reputation.

“Mr. Curtis, actually,” Wade suddenly interjected. It should make Klyde feel irritated, for being talked over like that. But the mortified expression that settled on Andrew’s face was far too amusing for him to care.

“Pardon?” the man asked, his face is a funny mixture of surprise and disbelief.

“I did not know you two were related,” he said awkwardly.

Wade suddenly reached out to touch Klyde’s left hand that was resting on the table, caressing the ring on his finger. He hummed almost contemplatively. If Klyde remembers it right, Aien said that Andrew Racan has been going after Wade to marry his daughter off with him. And now, it’s obvious Wade is purposely trying to rub their marriage off of the man to piss him off.

Petty, Klyde thinks. He wants to shake his head.

Wade hummed. “Yeah, we just got married recently.”

“I did not know that,” the man said, eyes quickly shifting between the two of them. He looked so taken-aback and it’s so obvious he’s trying his best not to show it.

“Congratulations on your marriage then. I—”

“Dad!” a high-pitched voice suddenly called. They all whipped their head to the direction of the voice. A tall, slim lady quickly walked to their direction. She’s wearing a sleek black body-hugging dress which perfectly accentuates her curves with a slit so big it’s almost reaching up to her right hip revealing her long legs. She clung onto Andrew’s arm.

“I’ve been looking for you,” she said, lips jutted out into a pout.

Klyde doesn’t know who this woman is, but judging on the deep sigh Wade just released and the irritated look on Kez’s face, this must be Lawryn Racan. She did call Andrew ‘Dad’ earlier.

“Ah, I was just greeting some guests,” Andrew answered, eyes shifting to them. The woman followed her father’s gaze. The way her eyes lit up at the sight of Wade was actually hilarious.

“Wade!” she exclaimed, quickly letting go of Andrew’s arm to approach Wade. She walked around the table to get to his side, before shamelessly throwing her arms around his neck. Wade had no choice but to stand up, his chair scratching harshly against the floor as he stood abruptly. Klyde silently watched them, for some reason, feeling irritated himself.

“Lawryn,” Wade greeted, gently taking her arms off of his neck. She followed, but remained close, hands touching his shoulders instead.

“Oh my god! I haven’t seen you in so long. You look even more handsome since the last time I saw you,” she said. The pitch of her voice is so high, verging on irritating. Klyde doesn’t like her.

“I could say the same to you,” Wade replied, a tight smile is on his lips. Lawryn doesn’t seem to notice it though, keeping her body pressed to him without care. If there wasn’t a neutralizer in the room, Klyde is sure her scent is going haywire and sticking harshly onto Wade. For some reason, Klyde doesn’t like that thought.

Klyde heard a chuckle beside him. He turned to look at Kez who just sipped from his wine.

“You are holding your knife a little too tight, Klyde. You’re starting to scare me,” the alpha whispered. His voice is teasing, overly so.

Klyde looked at his hand and he was indeed unconsciously holding the knife tightly. He quickly loosened his hold on it, gently placing it back down on the table. He did not even realize that he was holding it. He heard Kez chuckle again, and he gave the alpha an embarrassed smile.

“Please, I think I got too tanned,” Lawryn’s high-pitched voice caught their attention again. She’s been stepping closer and closer to Wade again, and Wade ha a pinched expression on his face which he tries to hide.

“I don’t think so,” Wade replied humoring her. She laughed, obviously flirting, going as far as slapping her hand, definitely not flirtatiously on Wade’s shoulder. The alpha moved to remove it again.

“You’re flattering me too much,” she said, batting her eyelashes at him. Klyde almost winced in cringe. What is she doing?

He can hear Kez suppressing a laugh beside him, covering his laughter by shoving a spoonful of buttered vegetable on his plate.

Wade took a step back again, distancing himself.

“You should come sit with us!” she suggested, briefly exchanging looks with her father. Her eyes are huge, a big smile is on her lips as she nodded at her won suggestion. Andrew looked like he wanted to object though.

“Right, Dad? It has been a while since we last saw each other. We should catch up!”

“Ah, I can’t do that. I have company,” Wade replied.

“Oh!” she exclaimed, then turned to look at Klyde and Kez.

“Alpha Kez,” she greeted, more formal and less enthusiastic. Kez wiped his mouth with a napkin before standing up, grabbing Klyde’s arm gently to take him to stand up too.

“Alpha Lawryn,” he greeted back, equally as formal. He has a small smile on his face.

She then turned to look at Klyde. He was about to introduce himself when Wade interfered, doing it for him again. The alpha took a step back from Lawryn and stepped closer to him, his arm snaking onto his waist and pulling him close, tucked in his arms. Klyde’s breath hitched at the action.

Lawryn’s eyes widened as she watched them.

“This is Klyde, my husband,” Wade said, introducing him casually. His hand gently squeezed on Klyde’s side, making the omega stand up straighter.

“Pleasure to meet you,” Klyde said, trying to sound casual despite the suddenly rapid beating of his heart inside his chest. What’s gotten into him?

Lawryn’s eyes are wide and her lips are agape, closing briefly as if she’s about to say something. She opted to look at her father instead, asking with her eyes, before turning back to them.

“I-I didn’t know you got married,” she stuttered out. She looks back again at her father, as if waiting for him to confirm the news before looking at the two of them again.

“We just got married recently,” Wade answered calmly again. At this point, she looked like she’s almost close to crying. Klyde felt a sudden wave of pity. But it was gone as quick as it arrived.

“Oh, wow. Congratulations,” she said.

“Thank you. It’s a bummer you did not get to attend,” Wade replied. Klyde remained silent. He honestly just wants to fucking eat at this point.

“Y-yeah, haha,” she said, laughing awkwardly before stepping back to her father.

“I think dad still has a lot of guests to greet?”

“Indeed, my dear,” Andrew quickly answered, getting her message.

“Great. We’ll see you two around,” she said, throwing them a one last smile before pulling Andrew away from their table.

The three of them watched them walk away. It was Kez’s laughter that broke them out of their thoughts.

“You broke her heart, man,” the alpha chuckled as he sat back down, pulling his chair closer to the table to sit more properly. Klyde and Wade followed his example, and only then did Klyde realize that the alpha was still holding him by the waist. Wade carefully unwound his arm from his waist, but the warmth from his body seemed to still remain by Klyde’s side. The omega forced himself to ignore it.

“Shut up,” Wade deadpanned, picking up his cutlery to finally start eating.

Kez laughed again. “Andrew’s face though. He looked like he lost millions.”

It’s probably true, Klyde thinks. If the man planned to marry his daughter off to Wade to earn more by outing his casinos in his hotels, then he might as well just have really lost millions. Billions even.

“He knew I did not want it,” Wade replied. He gently nudged Klyde’s arm to signal him to eat too. He had been just watching their interaction.

“Eat, sweetheart. The food is good,” he gently said. Klyde picked up his utensils to start eating too.

“He waited for years. Lawryn too.”

“Lawryn’s is a charming woman,” Wade said after swallowing a bite of his food.

“She’ll find someone.”