

The three of them ate, occasionally talking but mostly focused on eating. The two alphas talked about work and other things the pack is up to. Apparently, Kez received a message from Aien earlier saying that he was now on their hometown. Ruan is staying overseas with her family, while Tristan and Shane went on their own trip overseas too.

“I’m surprised Tristan actually managed to drag Shane overseas,” Wade commented as he dabbed his mouth clean with the napkin. Klyde chewed slowly as he listened to their conversation.

“Yeah, she did not really have that much of a choice. Tristan has been bugging her about the trip for months,” Kez replied.

“Plus we all know she can’t really say no to her omega.”

Klyde thinks that is so sweet of the alpha.

He eventually pushed his empty plate away, picking up his wine glass to drink the rest of it in one go. A server was quickly there to pick up their empty plates. Wade leaned close to Klyde to whisper on his ear.

“I’m going to the washroom quickly,” he whispered. Klyde quickly nodded at him. Wade stood up, fixing his suit jacket before walking away from their table.

“Where did he go?” Kez asked when the server finally left.

“Washroom,” Klyde answered. Kez hummed, suddenly standing up too.

“I saw someone I know, ‘M just gonna go greet them. You want more wine? I can go grab some when I come back,” the alpha offered. Klyde gave him a smile.

“If it’s not a bother,” he said.

“No problem. You’re gonna be fine here on your own?”

“Of course,” he gave the alpha a reassuring smile. He doesn’t want to hold him off on the table with him.

With that, the alpha also took off, leaving Klyde alone on their table. For a while, Klyde just sat there, going back to watching other guests. There are some who are also looking at him not so subtly, they gave them all a smile both forced and almost passing off as genuine, nodding in greeting.

After a few more minutes where neither of the two alphas came back, Klyde decided to stand up and wander off the party on his own. He’ll just meet them again later.

He walked to the long table of desserts like he intended earlier, his mouth salivating at the sight of them laid out, all looking delicious. He grabbed a plate from the stack and began choosing the ones he like. There’s a variety of different flavored cupcakes, he grabbed one with a pink icing and gently placed it on his plate. There are also marshmallows and a chocolate fountain. He got a few pieces of those and scooped a dip from the fountain. He grabbed some macaroons too, and when he was satisfied, he grabbed a small fork and decided to settle on an empty lounge table he saw not far away from their table.

He was halfway through his plate of dessert when someone suddenly stood in front of him. He was surprised to find that it was Lawryn.

“Hi,” she greeted, the big smile back on her face. Her eyes wandered around him, looking for something—someone rather.

“Wade is not with you,” she said, more like a statement than a question.

“He went somewhere,” he answered, covering his mouth to not seem disrespectful as he swallowed his food.

“Ah,” she responded, nodding her head. She met Klyde’s eyes and gave him a sweet smile.

“I hope you’re enjoying the party?” she asked instead.

Klyde quickly nodded, smiling back at her. “I am.”

“I’m glad to hear that. Dad really worked hard to organize this,” she replied.

Klyde doubts that, but go on. He’s pretty sure the man just assigned someone to organize it for him and paid loads of money for it. Rich people.

“Oh, really?” he said, humoring her.

“It’s great. The place is really pretty.”

The smile on her face stayed, and Klyde hopes she goes away soon. He would like to enjoy his food in peace, thank you very much.

“I’m glad you think so,” she said but she’s already stepping back, to Klyde’s delight.

“I won’t disturb you any longer. Enjoy your food.”

He watched her crane her neck as she walked away, clearly looking for someone—looking for Wade specifically. You’d think that after her reaction to his brief introduction as Wade’s husband earlier, she’d distance herself but no. It’s as if nothing happened and now, she’s back to looking for him.

He continued eating when the alpha eventually disappeared in the crowd. When he finished his food, he stood by table for a while, contemplating whether he should find Kez and Wade. Kez said he was coming back earlier, but a single glance at their table which can be seen easily from where he stood showed that the alpha still wasn’t back. The table is still empty. Should he find Wade instead? The alpha did tell him not to leave his side.

Deciding to find Wade instead, he left his empty plate on the table and began walking around. Lawryn was looking for her earlier, and if she already found him, then he should watch out for the female alpha too. He scanned the crowd as he walked, some actually stopped to greet him. He greeted back some of them too, stopping to shake their hands but refusing to stay for a chat.

He just finished shaking hands with a businessman he recognized when he finally spotted Wade. He was right. The alpha is cornered by the father and daughter tandem. They’re standing beside a pillar, with Lawryn clinging onto Wade’s arm again. Klyde quickly bid goodbye to the man he was talking to, not bothering to let him finish talking before he quickly walked to Wade’s direction. They seemed to be talking about something.

As he walked closer, he slowly overheard their conversation.

“Still, you should go out with me some time,” Lawryn said, almost in a whine. Klyde wants to cringe at her tone again.

“We can go to our rest house for a vacation—”

“Babe,” Klyde decided to interject at that. Woah, and where the fuck did that come from? Babe? Klyde, what the fuck?

Their heads immediately turned to him before Klyde could even wallow in pity at the sudden nickname that escaped his mouth.

“Rehan,” Wade called back, and is that relief Klyde senses in his tone? The alpha untangled his arm with Lawryn’s and walked to him, holding his waist instead. Lawryn remained standing on her place, hands dropping down uselessly on her sides.

“What are you doing here?”

“You were taking too long,” Klyde replied, giving Andrew a small smile before turning to Wade.

“Kez left to greet some friends too and I was alone at the table.”

“He left you?”

“I told him I would be fine,” Klyde immediately replied. He doesn’t want the other alpha to be scolded.

Wade sighed. “Should we head back to our table, then?”

Klyde glanced at the other alphas watching them, a grim expression is on Andrew’s face while Lawryn looked annoyed, but is desperately trying to hide it.

“You can stay with them if you want.”

“No,” Wade replied.

“We’re done talking anyway,” he turned to the other two. “We’ll leave you two. I’m sure you’d love to chat with other guests.”

“Of course,” Andrew said but the grim expression stayed on his face. His lips are pressed into a thin line.

“We’ll let you two go.”

They bid their goodbyes and finally walked away. Wade is still holding his waist as they navigate through the crowd. He’s quiet, and his eyes remained ahead. Klyde thinks he’s not in the position to ask but he decided he will.

“Are you okay?” he asked when they were close to their table.

“Yeah. Just thinking about something,” the alpha answered plainly. He sighed before briefly casting him a glance.

“Would you like to go outside? There’s a balcony on the east wing if I’m not mistaken.”

“What about Kez?” Klyde asked, looking at their empty table. They both stopped walking. He’s honestly worried about being alone with the alpha. He married him, he’s aware. But still…

“He’ll be fine. I’m sure he’s busy talking somewhere,” Wade replied.

“Okay then,” he agreed.

Wade grabbed two glasses of wine from a passing server before pushing Klyde to the direction of the balcony. They reach a huge double door on the east wing of the place. Wade opened the door, letting him step out first. It led to a small hallway, that then led to a big balcony.

The cold December air greeted them, grazing their cheeks. Klyde hugged his arm around his body. He can feel the cold even through the thick fabric of his suit jacket. They both stood in front of the concrete railing, facing an empty lot.

“Cold?” Wade asked from beside him. The alpha’s breath can be seen in the air, and his cheeks are a pretty shade of pink already.

Klyde hummed in answer, hugging his body tighter. Wade suddenly took of his coat.

“What are you doing?” Klyde asked, already panicking.

“You said you’re cold,” the alpha asked, seemingly confused.

“I am,” Klyde answered, leaning back. “But what about you?” What about your scent? Now that they are outside, without the presence of the neutralizer, he can smell the alpha’s scent clearly.

“I’m fine. I know my cheeks are probably pink right now, but I don’t really feel the cold that much,” he replied, raising his coat in offer.

Klyde looked at him unsurely. When a particularly cold wind blew again, making him shiver, the alpha decided on his own. He stepped closer to put his coat on Klyde’s shoulders, engulfing his shoulders. Immediately, the scent invaded Klyde’s nose and his mouth watered at the delicious smell. He instinctively pulled the coat tighter on him, appreciating the warmth.

“Thank you,” he said quietly. Wade just shrugged, picking up his wine glass which he placed on the concrete railing, tipping his head back slightly to take a sip. Klyde continued to look at him.

The balcony they are in doesn’t really have a light except for the one provided by the nearby buildings and the moon itself. Klyde trailed his eyes on the alpha’s features. To his cat-like eyes, high nose and almost doll-like lips. He can’t help but think that the alpha looks like an actual wolf. With his contrasting soft but sharp features.

He’s really pretty, Klyde thinks. Especially under the moonlight. It’s like he belonged there.

Wade looked at him from the side, raising at brow at him. Only then did Klyde realize that he must have been staring for too long. He averted his gaze, clearing his throat as he looked away. He can feel his cheeks burning at being caught. He hopes his blush could pass off as something caused by the cold, because partly, they are.

“Do you have plans for Christmas?” Wade suddenly asked. He’s looking off into the distance. Klyde copied him, looking straight. He hugged the coat tighter around his body again when another cold wind blew. The scent on the coat assaulted his nose, and he fought the urge to bury his nose into the collar of it and just inhale.

“Not really,” he answered. He checked the time on his watch. It’s 45 minutes past eleven, a few minutes before Christmas.

“Probably just work.”

“That makes the two of us, then,” Wade chuckled, his voice sounds lower in the cold.

“You won’t, like…I don’t know, go home to your parents too? The rest of the pack are, right?”

“Nah,” Wade shook his head, taking another sip from his wine. Klyde remembered he has one too, so he reached for it and took a sip of his own before placing it back down. Wine is more delicious when cold.

“I don’t really keep in touch with them anymore.”

“I did not know that,” Klyde whispered.

“A lot of people don’t. I’ve always been private about personal stuffs.”

A small part of Klyde basked at the information, and he’s honestly so confused. Does it mean he’s not other people to Wade?

His brows furrowed at his own thought. Why does he care about that? He must be going out of his mind. It’s too cold in here. Probably that.

“How about you?” Wade asked.

“Ah, not really in contact with them anymore too. I bet you know that, my family made a pretty big scandal of announcing that to the public,” Wade hummed at him. “But I’m still close with my older brother.”

They fell silent after that. Klyde checked his watch again and it’s 11:50.

“It’s cold,” he shuddered, voice shaking. He’s surprised at the sudden sound Wade emitted, something low and almost purring coming from his chest.

“We should go back inside,” the alpha said, voice in the same tone, almost like a cat purring.

“No,” Klyde refused.

“I love the cold.”

“Your red nose says otherwise.”

“It’s not like your nose isn’t red either,” he huffed.

“At least I’m not shaking like a leaf,” Wade retorted. Klyde rolled his eyes at him, standing straighter to prove his point.

“You can go back if you want. I’ll stay here,” he said stubbornly.

Wade sighed almost exasperatedly before placing his wine glass back down and taking a step closer to him. His hands raised, and he began rubbing them together. Klyde’s eyes widened when it approached his cheeks.

“What are you doing?” he asked, leaning back and widening his eyes at the alpha.

“If you don’t want to get back inside then I’m going to warm you up,” Wade relied, cupping the omega’s cheeks with both of his hands. Klyde looked up at him, eyes still wide and body too stiff. The alpha’s palm is indeed warm and it does help, but was it really necessary?

“I know I’m making you uncomfortable, but bear with me. Rather that than let you freeze to your death.”

Klyde thinks that is probably an exaggeration, but he let the alpha do his thing. His eyes are anywhere but on the alpha, desperately looking for something to focus on other than their proximity.

“Your lips are so pale, Jesus Christ,” Wade whispered. He removed his palm again to rub them together before cupping Klyde’s cheeks to warm them up again. Klyde remained silent.

He doesn’t know how much time they stayed like that, the alpha warming his cheeks and him stubbornly looking away. But at one point, the alpha suddenly groaned.

“Why?” Klyde whispered. For some reason, he can’t bring himself to talk any louder than that. Is there something wrong?

“Lawryn is here,” the alpha whispered back.


Klyde tried to look around but the alpha held his cheeks firmly, squeezing his cheeks and leaving his lips in a pout.

“She’s almost here,” the alpha whispered again.

“How do you know that?” he talked with difficulty; lips still puckered out.

“I can hear her—listen, I’m about to do something really bad. And you are free to punch me after,” Wade said, looking intently into his eyes. Klyde’s brows furrowed. He can hear her? But Klyde doesn’t hear anything?

“What?” he asked.

The alpha’s eyes dropped to his lips and oh—God please no. The realization settled on him shortly before the alpha suddenly pressed their lips together, at the same time, Klyde heard a gentle click clack of heels on the pavement, followed by Lawryn’s pitchy voice.

“Wade! The dance is starting and—”

The alpha stopped midsentence, probably seeing them. Klyde can see her standing not far away from them through his peripheral, but he can’t see her expression. His mind too clouded by the sensation of the alpha’s lips pressed on him.

Wade pulled away but stayed close. He caressed Klyde’s bottom lip with his thumb.

“Kiss me,” the alpha whispered before pressing their lips back together.

And Klyde? He doesn’t know whatever being possessed him, or whatever force prompted him, maybe it was Wade’s deep voice, or maybe it was his delicious scent that affected him but he fucking did. He fucking kissed back.

He pressed back against the alpha’s lips, earning an appreciative hum from the alpha. His eyes fell close, while his arm automatically raised to encircle the alpha’s neck, pulling him closer. The coat on his shoulder fell, but they both seemed to not mind. Wade’s hands left his face, as his left arm snaked on his shoulder, pulling him closer too as his other circled the omega’s waist. Like this, he’s still making sure that the omega is warm.

Klyde kissed back, his lips sliding sensually against the alpha’s. He doesn’t know why he’s doing it. Maybe he’s not thinking straight. Maybe he had too much wine as even now, he can taste the sweetness of it on the alpha’s lips and he knows he’s too intoxicated by it. The sliding of their lips makes such a lewd sound but they both continued. They were so busy with each other that they did not even notice Lawryn turning back, heart dropping to her stomach and quickly walking away.

Their bodies are pressed so close to each other, even air can’t almost pass through. Klyde can feel the alpha’s warmth emanating from his clothes, keeping him warm too but he kept his eyes closed, savoring the sensation of the alpha’s lips on him.

They kissed on their wedding day, he’s aware. But he was too nervous to even feel it, as it was but a mere peck. Now though, he could feel the softness of Wade’s lips and can taste the sweetness of them as he explored his mouth as much as the alpha explored his.

When the need for air eventually visited them, Wade was the first to pull away, but not before swiping his tongue one last time against Klyde’s lips, making the omega gasp.

They parted, and Klyde immediately stepped back, making the alpha lose his hold on him. The situation suddenly sinking in on him.

“Why’s you kiss me?” he panted, covering his lips by the back of his hand.

Wade leaned down to pick up his coat, stepping closer to put it back on Klyde’s shoulders.

“Lawryn was here,” he casually replied.

“Plus, it did warn you up, didn’t it?”

Klyde huffed, balling his fist to jab at the alpha’s chest. Wade hissed, caressing his chest.

“I did not think you would actually punch me.”

“You are an asshole,” he said, glaring at the alpha. Wade only chuckled.

“Alphas are,” he replied. When he saw that Klyde was seriously upset, he sighed and gave him an apologetic look.

“I’m sorry.”

“You should be,” Klyde said, averting his gaze. He picked up his wine glass and gulped its content, emptying the glass. He panted, but the beating of his heart remained fast. The alpha seemed to always put him in a constant heart-attack state.

“That wasn’t your first kiss, was it? We kissed at the wedding—”

“It wasn’t, asshole,” Klyde hissed. Wade chuckled and stood a safe distance beside him again. Now that they’re calming down, he can smell the alpha’s scent and the spike of arousal in it. Mortification settled on him as he knows his scent won’t be any different. Fucking hell.

“Then, I’m sorry. I made you uncomfortable,” Wade said, and it sounded sincere.

Klyde sighed and nodded at him. “Just don’t do it next time.”

“Sure. I’ll ask you properly next time.”

Klyde glared at him but the alpha only chuckled. “Let’s head back inside.”

“Oh, now you want to go back.”

“It’s cold,” he bit back.

“Yeah, I’ve been telling you that since earlier.”

“Wade!” Klyde exclaimed exasperatedly.

“I thought it was babe?”

Klyde sighed again but he can’t help the smile that broke on his lips at the evident change on the alpha’s mood as they started to walk back. He is walking ahead of the alpha, so he let himself smile. Wade sounds so playful right now, far from the man he met and asked for help more than a month ago.

When they entered the party once again, Klyde is in a better mood too, for some reason. As they greeted the guests that stopped to talk to them, Klyde actually smiled and stayed to talk to them.

Maybe Klyde doesn’t hate parties as much as he though he did. Or maybe there was just something about this one. Someone.

He stood beside Wade, who was busy talking to a business partner but his arms remained snaked on Klyde’s waist. Klyde pushed the sleeve of his coat back to check the time again. It was already minutes pass midnight.

He sighed as his mind replayed the events earlier. He glanced at the alpha beside him who happened to also look at him too. Wade gave him a small smile, squeezing his waist gently.

Merry Christmas, Klyde greeted in his mind.