
Savior in the DC Universe

John traversed into the vast DC Universe. Seeing the criminals revel in their chaos, John, dedicated to punishing evil and promoting good, felt powerless. Fortunately, his missions to punish evil came with rewards. Everything began with the vampires... Defeat and strip the abilities of the vanquished! Until one day, a Marvel dimensional cover appeared before John, and he suddenly realized that perhaps it wasn't he who chose the dimension, but the dimension that chose him! ... Strip abilities and fuse corresponding concepts. The God of Vampires: The origin of all vampires! The War Knight: The pinnacle of human limits? The Fallen Angel: Impossible to be anchored! ... ??? : Omniscient and omnipotent... Years later, the brilliance of the Judgement Council pierced through the concept of the multiverse! [Raw: 美漫:从血族开始的救世主]

Zaelum · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 1

[New Fanfic!,This fanfic will be on the end of the week poll. The Poll will choose the next fanfic to pick up! It will be public in my P@treon for everyone to vote]

In the East End of Gotham in November, snow was falling heavily.

Located in the eastern part of Gotham City, the most impoverished and crime-ridden area, the dark corners of the East End were perpetually filled with various criminal activities such as drug dealings and murders.

On Wallier Street, a relatively peaceful and stable neighborhood, there was a small bar about to close for the night.

Emily was cleaning the glasses and tables used by the customers, her delicate face full of fatigue.

"Have you thought about that matter?"

A tall, burly man, nearly two meters in height, walked up to the petite Emily.

"Uncle Jordison, I will resolutely defend the only memento left by my father. I will never sell this bar to them!"

"Alright… Michels has a good daughter. If you need anything, feel free to call me. After all, Michels was my best brother!"

"Thank you, Uncle Jordison!"


With the sound of the bar's glass door shattering, countless stones were thrown inside. Jordison's square face was full of anger as he rushed forward to shield Emily from the stones and shards of glass, protecting his best friend's daughter from harm.



Vroom, vroom, vroom~

A series of black motorcycles roared past, ridden by young men with brightly colored hair. Their faces were full of wild smiles, their eyes crazed as they looked at the two through the broken windows and doors, making exaggerated faces before speeding away.

"These guys!" Jordison's face darkened, and he was about to make a call when Emily hurriedly stopped him.

"Uncle Jordison, it's just some broken glass. I can clean it up tonight!"

Seeing Emily's determined face, Jordison felt a bit helpless.


"Uncle, you should go home. Wallier Street isn't safe at night!"

The silver bell on the glass door tinkled softly as Jordison's lonely figure disappeared. Emily's eyes filled with tears. Despite her helplessness, she couldn't ask Uncle Jordison for help, as it might destroy the gang he had worked so hard to build.

Knock, knock!

The low knocking sound made Emily, who was starting to clean up the broken glass with a mop, shiver and look nervously at the bar's door.

A young man in a black trench coat staggered in and then fell to the ground! Emily's delicate face showed a flash of surprise as she hurriedly ran over to help the fallen man.

"Mr. John?"

Emily looked at the disheveled man with messy hair covering his eyes but couldn't hide his handsome face.

"Miss Emily, can I stay here for another night?"

Looking at the doll-like girl in front of him, John's tone was tinged with embarrassment and awkwardness.

Emily glanced at John's messy footprints and the wound at the corner of his eye. Without replying, she turned around and quickly brought a leather coat and a small medical kit from the back of the bar, coming to John's side.

First, she draped the heavy leather coat over John, then applied red medicine to his eye wound.

This wasn't the first time she had done this.

A kind girl…

John stared blankly at the delicate face so close to him, especially those clear blue eyes, which seemed like the purest thing in this chaotic world.

"Alright, Mr. John, I don't want to hear about the cause of your fight with others. What you need to do now is rest!"

Looking directly into John's eyes, Emily spoke sternly with a serious face.

"Thank you, Emily!"

"Mr. John, I really think you need to find a job and lead a stable life!"

"Are you hiring here?"

John looked hopefully at the girl in front of him.

"I… I'm sorry, I might have to close this bar soon."

Emily lowered her head, trying to keep a smile, but John's keen eyes caught the fleeting glimmer in her eyes.

Scanning the bar, although small, it had all the necessary facilities, and compared to other bars, it had many safety reminders posted.

"No drugs allowed!" "Be careful with any drinks offered by strangers!"

It was these unique rules that made this small bar unexpectedly popular and well-liked by the neighbors.

This was the only bar John frequented since he came to this world three months ago.

Noticing the broken glass and the windows letting in the cold wind, John felt sorry for the kind girl who was the only pure soul he had met in this world.

"Was it the bikers?"

"Mr. John, thank you for your kindness!"

Emily declined the kindness of the young man who was about her age.

For the past three months, she didn't know what John's intentions were, but she knew he was a good person.

This was based on an incident where a drunken man caused trouble in the bar, and John, as a bystander, stepped in without hesitation, taking down the man with a series of elegant punches, preventing further damage to the bar.

In crime-ridden Gotham, this was almost unbelievable. And John didn't even ask for any reward.

This incident always warmed Emily's heart. Later, she learned that John was always helping oppressed people and solving their problems for a fee, which made her admire him even more!

Now, she hoped John could find a normal job and live a stable life.

But John had different thoughts. He had already completed today's mission of punishing evil by teaching a homeless man who tried to molest a female student a lesson. On his way to Emily's bar, he had encountered the bikers throwing stones at her bar.

His injuries were from the fight with the biker gang. Despite his agility and combat experience, he couldn't handle being outnumbered by five people, resulting in some injuries.

Fortunately, this incident triggered the activation of his golden finger.

With a thought, a terrifying image appeared before his eyes…

A pale head, gray skin, with blood-red eyes and a long, tentacle-like tongue.

An extremely eerie and cold feeling surrounded John.


Memories from his previous life echoed in John's mind, his eyes filled with surprise. He recognized this as a favorite horror TV series of his that was themed around vampires! The series told the story of a Boeing 777 that lost communication and showed no signs of life, landing at Kennedy International Airport.

The CDC's biothreat investigation expert discovered a new type of parasite, leading to a war between humans and vampires.

The vampires in this series were different from those in Twilight or The Vampire Diaries. They were grotesque and hideous, with an insatiable hunger! The most terrifying aspect was their infection ability. Those countless tiny worms were once John's nightmare. Many characters, including the main cast, were unknowingly infected by these worms, turning into bloodthirsty monsters.

Unlike traditional vampires, their speed and strength might not be outstanding, but their silent infection was the most troublesome! Recalling a scene where a celebrity infected by the worms lost his "manhood" while using the toilet, John felt a chill down his spine!

"Is this my golden finger?"

Looking at the horror-filled series cover, John felt it was better not to have it! However, sensing his dissatisfaction, a message appeared in his mind.

[Successfully activating innate talent "Dimensional Deprivation" for the first time traversing to another world.]

[A special ability that can be used in special dimensions, allowing the user to deprive all abilities of defeated or unconscious beings in that dimension!]

Note: [Deprived abilities will be optimized, removing negative effects!]

"Deprive the abilities of defeated beings!"

John's pupils widened, and his initial rejection turned into excitement. In the face of such great benefits, anyone would overcome their fear! Seeing Emily cleaning the ruined bar alone and his own injuries, John gritted his teeth and looked at the blood-red cover.

With a thought, the blood-red cover, which seemed to be a door only he could see, slowly opened, revealing a dark vortex. Looking around, John realized that time seemed to have stopped.

Looking at the endless, deep, black hole-like time-space door, he realized he could only step in and do nothing else. The idea of borrowing the time-stop ability vanished.

An endless darkness flashed by, with no feeling at all.

John slowly opened his eyes. In the dark airplane cabin, it was silent, and everyone had their eyes closed, as if they were asleep. The familiar scene made his face change drastically.

A dull sound gradually approached from the plane's aisle.


John couldn't help but curse madly in his heart. He didn't expect to be transported directly to the beginning of the series on the plane in the vampire world! Wasn't this just offering himself as a snack for the final boss?

Cursing his golden finger like crazy, John closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and calmed his wildly beating heart.

Noticing the man beside him sleeping soundly, his thoughts raced, and the dull sound came closer, as if someone was tiptoeing…

(End of Chapter)