

Connor is trying to survive an abusive parents all well going to school and trying to raise his little sister. When a boy at school notices him his whole life changes. But will it be for the better?

Solaini_Vincent · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Story Time

(Connor Point Of View)

As soon as Levi pulls me closer to him I bury my face in his shoulder. I can't believe I'm crying at him again. I haven't even known him a week and I've cried on him twice.

"You're going to be okay baby." He rubs my back. Did he just call me baby, why did that make me feel better. "We're almost there." He continues to rub me till the car comes to a stop

Levi tries to pull away from me but I hold on tighter. "You have to let me up, baby." I release my hold. Levi jumps out of the car, runs over to my side and scoops me up into his arms then dashes inside a large white house.

A short old guy with white hair greets us at the door. "This way young Alpha." He dashes down a short white hallway with us following behind him and into a hospital room.

Why does he have a hospital room in his house and why did they call Levi Alpha? Levi gently lays me down on the hospital bed in the middle of the room.

"What happened?" The old white hair guy pulls on a pair of blue gloves

"I don't know if I touch his side and he yelled out in pain" Levi gives me a sad smile

The doctor walks closer to me. " Hello, my name is Doctor Fredric I'm gonna try my best to make you feel better." He gives me a sad smile. "I'm gonna need you to take your shirt off."

I slowly pull my shirt off with the help of Levi. Both Levi and Andrew stare at my scars and bruised-covered chest.

"What happened?" Levi runs his finger down a long scar.

"Nothing" A large tear rolls down my cheek.

" Can you guys give us a minute?" Levi looks over to the doctor and Andrew, both of them nod their head before they walk out of the room, shutting the door behind them.

" Please tell me who did this to you?"

" No one" I can't tell him

" You said it was a family problem, so if this person does this to you they could do this to Cali." He's right, Dad would heart her in a heartbeat.

"My...my...da...dad." I can't believe I just told him that but for some odd reason, I feel like I can trust him.

Levi brushes his hand through my short blonde hair. " He's never going to lay a hand on you again." The look in his green eyes speaks the truth. "I'm going to go get the doctor so he can check you out, but this conversation isn't over though." He walks over to the door to let the doctor and Andrew into the room.

"I'm going to poke around on your ribs and hip and I need you to tell me where it hurts." The doctor walks over to the bed. He pokes around on my rib area, when he goes to poke my right hip I let out I high pitch yep.

"It doesn't feel broken so that's good but the bone is most likely bruised, so put some ice on it and take it easy." He pats my shoulder then walks out of the room.

"Here's your shirt" Levi helps me put it back on. " I'm not let you go back to your house." He scoops me into his arms again and carries me back outside.

" So to your house?" Andrew asks Levi once we're all inside the car.

"Yeah." The car pulls out of the driveway. Not even a minute later Andrew pulls the car into a driveway of a large light yellow house with a cute flower garden in front filled with daisies, lilies, and tuples.

The car door opens and Levi picks me up again. "I can walk." I try to get out of his arms.

"I like carrying you." Andrew opens the front door for us. We walk into a large living room with light blue walls and a gray couch and loveseat facing the biggest television I've ever seen. He walks over to the couch and lays me down.

" I'm gonna go home." Andrew shuts the door.

" So let's finish the conversation we started earlier. When and how did this all start with your dad?"

Might as well tell him the whole story since he already knows who did this to me. " When I was around five my father started using drugs, it wasn't so bad at first but soon they took over his whole life, nothing else mattered other than when he was going to get his next hook up. He started to see me as a waste of space and became violent for the first time on my seventh birthday."

"Where's your mom in all this?" He sits down next to me but turned so we're facing each other.

"She's the person who introduced him to drugs and I'm pretty sure she's a prostitute." Levi uses his thumb to wipe a tear off my cheek, I didn't know has fallen.

"I'm not gonna let you get hurt anymore, baby." He pulls me up to his where I fall asleep not even five minutes later.