

Connor is trying to survive an abusive parents all well going to school and trying to raise his little sister. When a boy at school notices him his whole life changes. But will it be for the better?

Solaini_Vincent · Fantasy
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10 Chs

No One

(Levi Point Of View)

Why does Connor have a black eye and a bruise on his jaw, I need to find out who's hurting him and put a stop to it.

I look through behind me to see Connor looking at the little girl, that I assume is his sister. " What's her name?"

"Cali, she's the sweetest little girl ever." He smiles from ear to ear. "She has the cute smile. Every morning I ask her what she wants for breakfast and she always replies with the same thing, ice cream." I can tell how much he loves Cali by the look of happiness on his face right now. I hope it's not a family member who's hurting Connor because it would not only be him getting hurt but his little sister, she's too little.

Andrew pulls into the parking lot of the elementary school. Small kids dash inside the building.

"Cali, time to wake up sleepy head." Connor pokes her small nose.

"I don't want to." Her eyes are slowly open.

"Too bad." Connor gets out of the car and walks around to the other side to help her out, then walks her into the building.

"I need to find out who's hurting him," I growl. Whoever hurting is going to pay. I can't wait to sink my teeth into their throat and rip it out. " I can't stand the idea of someone hurting him he just so sweet and looks like an angel."

"Your eyes are glowing." Andrew states. " You should get that under control."

"I know but it's kinda hard when the only thing I want to do is to kill someone

"You better do it quick Connor's almost here." I look out the window and see Connor almost back to the car.

I count backward from ten to get myself under control. The car door opens just as my eyes turn normal again.

Andrew pulls out of the parking lot and heads to the high school.

Five minutes later we pull into the school parking lot and stepping out of the car.

"Thank you so much for the ride." Connor gives Andrew and me a small smile.

"Any time," Andrew says as he walks away, leaving Connor and me alone.

"Please tell me what happened." I walk over to him and gently push his head up so he's looking me in the eyes.

"Just some family problems." So it's someone he lives with who's hurting him. "Let's get going before we've late." We start to walk towards the building with a few inches between us, which I'm not happy with. I go to pull him closer but as soon as my hand touches his side he jumps away and lets out a high pitch scream.

"I'm fine." He lies to me as a large tear rolls down his cheek.

"No, your not." Very quickly I grab the hem of his shirt and lift it before he has time to react. His stomach and ribs and covered with bruises and scars. I let go of his shirt so it covers him again. "Who did this to you?" My voice comes out as a growl.

"No one." He goes to walk away but before he can I grab his hand. "Let me go."

"Who did this to you?" I repeat. He sinks to the ground and pulls his knees up so he can hide his face.

"Please leave me alone." He sounds broken.

"I can never do that. I will always be here for you, no matter how much you push me away I won't go anywhere." Very slowly and gently I pick him up. He wraps his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist. As I walk back to the car I feel a wet spot start to form on my shirt from his tears. I open the door for the back seat of the car and put Connor down, he covers his face with his hands. I send a quick text to Andrew telling him to come back to the car.

I pull Connor's hands. "Everything's going to be okay baby, I'm going to fix this." I kiss his forehead.

"What's wrong?" Andrew yells as he runs to us.

"I need you to drive us to the pack doctor." He looks like he wants to ask questions but decides not to and get into the driver's seat well I get into the back seat with Connor. I send the doctor a text telling him about Connor and him not letting knowing about werewolves, then pull Connor closer to me.