
Saving Zhu Zhuqing from the start

In Douluo, I met Zhu Zhuqing at the beginning… I thought i had reached the pinnacle of life. Unexpectedly, this is just a start. Ning Rongrong, Qian Renxue, Bibi Dong, and Gu Yuena came one after another. But I really just wanted a quite life, I don’t want to be encountered by a goddess again! .................................................... I am not the author of this. I am translating this chapter by chapter so even I don't know what is going to happen in the story. The picture is not mine. .....................................................

dragonNEET2567 · Anime & Comics
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293 Chs

Liu Erlong

"Hiss... yesterday's drink was too much... next time, I must not drink so much."

Late in the morning, Lin Yan got up rubbing his forehead and secretly admonished himself.

He frowned as he thought about last night because he couldn't remember clearly what happened last night.

In his mind, there are only incomplete pictures.

It seems to be about a huge topic?

It seems to be related to God?

Putting together the incomplete pictures in his mind, Lin Yan was stunned.

On the Douluo Continent, there is a God Realm, where there are real Gods, but isn't the God of angels is the one that the Spirit Hall believes in?

Wouldn't I offend Qian Daoliu if I pointed out about the matters related to the gods?

This is a big man...

With a sense of anxiety, he came to the courtyard.

"Mr. Lin, Good morning."

Qian Daoliu saw Lin Yan opening the door, and he greeted him with joy.

Although he didn't sleep all night, his spirit was better than ever.

The truth of what Lin Yan said yesterday shocked him. In his mind, he faintly felt that he was reborn.

When he truly penetrates the profound meaning of Lin Yan's words, he believes that he will reach an unimaginable state.

The accumulation of depression in the past few days has been wiped out.

The God of angels?

Haha, Gods who use human beings as tools will fall and when they fall, they are not worthy of their own prestige.

Um? Everything seems to be normal... Lin Yan became suspicious. Did I remember it wrong and didn't criticize the gods yesterday, did I praise them?

Otherwise, why does Qian Daoliu look happy?

Lin Yan thought for a while, and then tentatively asked, "That.....I drank too much yesterday and I hope that I didn't say anything that shouldn't be said, right? Haha, I like to brag too much if I drink too much. Don't take the offense if it hurts your heart."

Something that shouldn't be said?

Big brother for an existence like you is there anything that shouldn't be said.

Qian Daoliu's heart trembled, as he secretly thought about the deep meaning hidden in Lin Yan's words.

That's right.

He sure needed to think deeply as it cannot be simply understood literally.

For example, the boss said that he raised a chicken, is that really a chicken? The vegetable garden that the boss said, can it be called a vegetable garden?

Soon Qian Daoliu realized.

The boss is implying that he should stop mentioning what happened yesterday.

Yes, yes.

The more Qian Daoliu thought about it, the clearer it became.

When it comes to the Gods, it is definitely a secret of greatness and it is indeed not suitable for spreading it around.

Otherwise, why should the boss pretend to have drunk more and tell him that?

After figuring out the key points, Qian Daoliu expressed his gratitude without uttering it. "No offense. Yesterday, Mr. Lin's words have been very decent, which were infinitely useful to me."

"Haha, that's good then." Lin Yan breathed a sigh of relief but also felt very confused.

Why can the world's protagonist Tang San pull hatred everywhere? When the soul masters I have met are so easy to get along with?

Coming to the table.

Lin Yan regretted seeing that there were still some leftovers on the table.

After all, he just drank yesterday, and there is a lot left.

Fortunately, I still have a way to deal with it, which is not a waste.

"Da Hei, come over to eat."

Qian Daoliu was startled by his yell.

Are you telling me to eat? But I am not called Da Hei.

When he just wanted to act, he froze.

Because Scarlett King ran over wagging his tail.

There was a basin in his mouth.

Wait, is the boss going to feed the dog with treasures?

Qian Daoliu was stunned.

But he believed in Lin Yan's posture.

This..... This is committing evil.

No, I must stop it.

Qiandao Liu was in a hurry and exclaimed. "Stop."

Lin Yan: "?"

He wondered, "Is there something you want?"

"I... I was suddenly hungry." Qian Daoliu voice was weak.

"Hehe, that's it. Wait a while, I'll cook a pot of porridge."

Lin Yan smiled.

"No, no need to trouble your self. I think the leftovers are good." Qian Daoliu insisted.

"But they are from overnight."

"It doesn't matter, I like to eat overnight dishes." Qian Daoliu said.

Lin Yan stopped saying anything else. It is a good habit to be thrifty.

On the side, Scarlett King groaned secretly. "#£@##. First Flender, then Sword Douluo now there is a Qian Daoliu! Everyone of them is grabbing my food! Let's see how you will be when the master is not at home, I must kill all of you for making trouble for me."

A few days later.

Heaven Dou City.

At the end of a bustling street, there is a gate.

This gate actually looked similar to the gate of Heaven Dou City.

Although it is much thinner. The entrance gate is ten meters high.

Although the gate carved from white jade is not gorgeous, it is very imposing. There are eight bronzing characters on the gate tower, Lan Ba ​​Senior Soul Master Academy.

But even in such an imposing college, there is a simple hut hidden.

It is built on the water.

Around the thatched hut, there is a fence, inside the fence there are various flowers that looked colorful and very beautiful.

Among the flowers, a woman was standing there holding a kettle in her hand, watering the flowers. She was humming a song.

Her singing voice is euphemistic and beautiful, with lingering resentment, like she is weeping, like she has a complaint, making people feel sad. The tune revolves back and forth. It was incredibly feminine.

"Liu Erlong, I am here."

Um? Isn't this the voice of Flender?

Liu Erlong was taken aback, she turned around and looked at him, it was indeed Flender's face that she saw. She excitedly called out: "Flender."

"It's indeed me." There was a sparkle in the corner of Flender's eyes.

He was both moved and sad.

Because Liu Erlong's eyes just swept away from him and her attention fell completely on the figure beside him.

Indeed, he came with Yu Xiaogang.

"Is this, Xiaogang?" Liu Erlong was excited as stepped forward and came closer.

She stared at the figure shrouded in the cloak.

"You are finally here..... You are finally willing to come to see me..."

She was excited, whimpering with tears and reached out to touch the man's cloak.

But the next moment, her face changed to a look of surprise.


Under the cloak. It's a skinny face without a trace of hair.

It's horrible.


Liu Erlong was frightened, and people's instinctive response to fear was to attack.

Liu Erlong kicked out subconsciously and Yu Xiaogang only felt a terrifying force striking his chest.

Then, he flew up.

He flew a full dozen meters away.

After hitting a big tree, he fell to the ground with a 'poof'.

Is this the legend of falling in love and killing each other? The corners of Flender's mouth twitched.


This is very comfortable.

"Flender, you're too much. You're still pranking at this time, where's Xiaogang?"

Liu Erlong's eyebrows stood upside down. She thought about meeting Yu Xiaogang day and night, but what was this.

"No, I am not pranking. Yu Xiaogang was kicked by you just now." Flender tried his best to look innocent.

"How is this possible. How could Xiaogang look like that..." Liu Erlong didn't believe it.

On the journey of the soul master's cultivation, Yu Xiaogang's talent can only be described as rubbish, which is trash.

But his looks shouldn't be so scary.

It can even be said that Yu Xiaogang's face is still very handsome.

But, the person just now, is he still a human?

It's like... No, it's just like a ghost.

"No... Erlong, it's... it's really me..."

At this moment, a faint voice came from the tree.

The familiar voice shocked Liu Erlong.

Is it really Xiaogang?

How could he be like this?


MAY 15



Throughout history – ever since the domestication of the first animals – humanity has bred varieties of livestock and poultry. We love the animals that past generations handed down to us, but now there's a risk that many of them could go extinct.

International Heritage Breeds Week is a grassroots attempt to push back against this loss and preserve more of our most cherished critters for posterity. Future generations will celebrate the fact that people acted to safeguard rare breeds like the Iron Age pig, Shetland Duck, and Northern Dairy Shorthorn cattle. But there's no time to waste. Every year, the world loses many rare breeds to extinction.

International Heritage Breeds Week is an event organized by The Livestock Conservancy, a conservation group dedicated to ensuring rare breeds survive. Go back a few decades, and it would have been hard for anyone to imagine that some breeds would be on the brink of extinction. But modern farming practices have led to a narrowing of diversity. Only livestock and cattle that produce optimal yields under industrial meat production conditions are thriving. Boutique breeds don't attract the same level of industry attention. And so the task of keeping them going falls to individual farmers and enthusiasts. Many of them don't have the resources that they need.

Currently, The Livestock Conservancy estimates that the world loses around one rare breed per month. It counts a rare breed as any form of livestock or poultry in everyday use before the industrialization of the farming system.

Many of these species, the organization points out, were bred and developed over hundreds of years so that they could adapt to specific environments. Lowland cattle, for instance, often had vastly different characteristics to those grazed in the mountains. It was a more sustainable way to rear animals. Communities would select features that made animals more fertile, better at forging in local environments, and resistant to local parasites and disease.

While rare breeds have been a concern for conservationists for a long time now, the first International Heritage Breeds Week only took place in 2015. The purpose of the event was to celebrate the diversity of livestock and poultry and raise awareness of the need to protect rare breeds.

The Livestock Conservancy brought together organizations from across the industry. Hundreds of people from various groups, including farmers, the public and enthusiasts assembled to spread the word about the dangers facing rare breeds. Over time, they crafted a compelling campaign that reached millions of people, telling them about the plight of these animals and the need to find ways to protect them.

The week eventually culminated in Heritage Breeds Day. Farmers and ranchers used this as an opportunity to provide farm tours, workshops and give lectures to people in their communities.

The week proved so successful that The Livestock Conservancy decided to take the event overseas. Soon organizations from around the world were getting involved with proceedings, recognizing the value of protecting rare breeds. Support began flooding in from the Rare Breeds Survival Trust, Asocriollanos, Save Foundation, the Smithsonian and SVF Biodiversity Preservation Project, Heritage Livestock Club, Rare Breed Conservation Society and many more. By 2018, there were more than fifteen livestock organizations involved. Together, they began giving consumers and the general public much-needed advice on what they could do to support rare breeds.

They also began making the case that preserving heritage breeds was about more than just indulging a passion. It was also important for biodiversity. Modern agriculture is something of a "race to the bottom." Preserving diversity in livestock helps to arrest that process.