
Saving Zhu Zhuqing from the start

In Douluo, I met Zhu Zhuqing at the beginning… I thought i had reached the pinnacle of life. Unexpectedly, this is just a start. Ning Rongrong, Qian Renxue, Bibi Dong, and Gu Yuena came one after another. But I really just wanted a quite life, I don’t want to be encountered by a goddess again! .................................................... I am not the author of this. I am translating this chapter by chapter so even I don't know what is going to happen in the story. The picture is not mine. .....................................................

dragonNEET2567 · Anime & Comics
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293 Chs

Are you worthy?

Liu Erlong was taken aback for a moment and hurried over to the tree immediately.

Then she looked at Yu Xiaogang's tragic situation.

Good God.

Fortunately, his chest is only slightly deformed, his ribs should not be broken.

Fortunately, I didn't use soul power, otherwise I would have kicked him to death.

"This...this, how could you become so weak..." Liu Erlong felt a little lost as she said that sentence.

However, the word weak undoubtedly hurt Yu Xiaogang's heart.

Weak? It's really annoying me! If you do not know how to comfort me, you can leave me alone, no one will force you.

Yu Xiaogang's mind was truly hurt. With messy thoughts he fainted directly and his eyes went dark.

"Xiaogang, what's wrong with you, Xiaogang? Haa, you still have to live... believe me, you can still be saved."

Liu Erlong was anxious when she saw this. Muttering to herself, she rushed out carrying Yu Xiaogang.

Liu Erlong used her soul power to fly out of the academy.

After a while, she took Yu Xiaogang and landed in front of a luxurious house.

Without hesitation, she went in.

"Sister Xuan, where are you? Please come down and save him."

She is truly very anxious.

However, she did not need to her wait long. A woman wearing a long black dress floated towards them. She wore black gauze that covered her face.

It is Ye Xuan, the Sect Master of Nine Hearts Begonia.

She said helplessly, "You, how many times have I told you to not be so violent."

"Next time..."

When Liu Erlong saw Ye Xuan, her heart was let go. She even stuck out her tongue embarrassedly.

"This is Yu Xiaogang, please save him quickly." Liu Erlong pointed to Yu Xiaogang who was placed on the ground by her.

"Yu Xiaogang? The invincible Grandmaster of theory?"

Ye Xuan smiled as she asked.

This Grandmaster is a recognized joke in the soul master world.

"Hey, don't laugh at him." Liu Erlong groaned.

She didn't try justify Yu Xiaogang.

What's the use of any excuse for this? Only Yu Xiaogang can't recognize reality.

Ye Xuan's eyes turned, and gasped as she looked at Yu Xiaogang who was lying on the ground.

Do you call this thing a human?

With this ugly appearance, even ghosts will be scared to death when they see him...

"Why is he so miserable? However, there is no need to worry about his life. He seems to have fainted due to the injury, That's all."

As the strongest healing soul master in the mainland, Ye Xuan just released her soul power to perceive the situation, and then she knew the condition of Yu Xiaogang.

"The chest injury was caused by me." Liu Erlong shuffled at the corner of her clothes embarrassedly and said.

Ye Xuan stopped talking and held out her Nine Heart Begonia, and a green light beam fell on Yu Xiaogang.

Then his slightly sunken chest filled up and gradually regained consciousness.

However, Ye Xuan frowned slightly as she felt a familiar aura in his body!

"Where are we Erlong?"

Yu Xiaogang woke up and asked her.

"This is the residence of my good friend Ye Xuan. She is the Sect Master of Nine Hearts Begonia, she is my good friend."

Yu Xiaogang was lifted up by Liu Erlong. Seeing Ye Xuan, his eyes lit up.

This woman... so fierce... he wouldn't even be able to see her toes normally.

In an instant, he imagined several scenarios in his mind.

"Nine Heart Begonia...Then can you remove the toxins from my body..."

Yu Xiaogang's eyes were hot as he thought about how he was bitterly poisoned by Poison Douluo.

"You are poisoned? Can I know how you were poisoned?"

Ye Xuan asked this as she had an hunch that this poison could not be solved by herself.

"It was Poison Douluo and a young man who harmed me."

"Poison Douluo and a young man... hurt you?" Ye Xuan was startled, subconsciously speaking as she didn't believe it.

After all, how strong is Poison Douluo, how can he be related to you, a trash?

For a person like you, it would be unnecessary for him to even look at you.

"What's going on?" Liu Erlong frowned. Her thoughts were same as Ye Xuan.

She also thinks that a strong person like Poison Douluo should ignore him.

"It was a young man who instigated Poison Douluo and poisoned me. By the way, his surname is Lin. You may not believe it. He lives in the depths of the Star Dou Forest. He is a despicable and shameless villain. Not only does it change me In such a ghostly appearance, my strength has also reduced. I was greatly harmed by him!"

Yu Xiaogang said bitterly and his eyes swept over Ye Xuan's face.

How about it? Is this story fascinating? Ask me for follow-up?

Forest? Mr. Lin? He hurt you? Are you even worthy?

Ye Xuan suddenly became angry and said. "You are Yu Xiaogang, right? Please be quite and get out!"

Yu Xiaogang was dumbfounded, don't you want to know other things about this Mr. Lin?

"What happened Ye Xuan?" Liu Erlong was shocked.

"Yu Xiaogang, is someone that doesn't deserve to be saved. Mr. Lin is not someone that he can slander."

Ye Xuan was extremely angry.

Had it not been for Liu Erlong being her good friend, she would have liked to throw Yu Xiaogang out directly.

How bright and majestic Mr. Lin is, how can a man such as him can be smeared by Yu Xiaogang.

Out of Ye Xuan's mansion.

Liu Erlong was also a little lost.

Because of her Academy, her network of relationships are extraordinary.

She heard of Mr. Lin's reputation.

Some time ago, the great figure came to attend the banquet of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect and enjoyed the honour of the first seat! How could he deliberately target Yu Xiaogang?

I'm afraid that the other party won't even give Yu Xiaogang a formal look.

" Erlong, even you don't believe me? Leave me alone and let me fend for myself." Yu Xiaogang looked sad.

"No, Xiaogang, I will help you. You will get better." Liu Erlong was anxious as she replied.

"Well, then you have to take me to the depths of the Star Dou Forest. I want to see that Mr. Lin again. Only he can help me now."

Liu Erlong hesitated. Her cultivation base of the Soul Sage is very strong in the outside world, but is it enough to see in the Star Dou Forest?

"No matter how I begged, Flender won't take me there. I can't think of anyone but you. Don't you want to help me."

"If he won't take you, I'll take you." Liu Erlong gritted her teeth and said.

What I'm waiting is for you to say this sentence.... Yu Xiaogang's eyes lit up, why did he come here? Didn't he just want to find someone to help him?

What about what is going to happen to Liu Erlong? I don't care.

On this day.

In the small courtyard.

"Mr. Lin, let me clean this bowl."

"Mr. Lin, I will chop this firewood."

"Mr. Lin, you don't need to move that flowerpot, you are just looking down on me. Let go of it and let me move it."

Lin Yan had nothing to do for a while.

Qian Daoliu is really diligent, and as long as there is a little sign of work in his life, he completed it himself.

This is not difficult to understand.

People who are getting older can't be idle.

However, It is so boring.

Suddenly a few leaves fell.

Time seems to have stopped.

Lin Yan grabbed the broom with speed and started cleaning.

But Qian Daoliu's voice came at this time.

"Mr. Lin, let me do it."

Great worship, I know you can't be free but let me do it this time, okay?

I'm getting bored too.

"No! "

Lin Yan righteously refused. "Making offerings and sweeping the floor seem to be very simple, and most people can do it. However, it can also be said that most people don't do it right."

Is it so difficult to sweep the floor?

Qian Daoliu was stunned.

As if afraid that Qian Daoliu would not believe it, Lin Yan grabbed the broom and swept away!

For a moment, Qian Daoliu's eyes widened.

With his realm even though his spirit power has been lowered, his vision is still there.

He saw that as Lin Yan waved his broom, layers of ripples appeared in the space!

It's like ripples on the surface of the water, spreading far away.

The big guy is worthy of being a big guy. This is just him casually sweeping the floor.

It's too horrible.

Upon seeing this, Lin Yan smiled secretly.

This time, I win!


MAY 16



You know you've always wanted to, to grasp a piece of charcoal and strike your creativity out across the world in a million shades of grey. To pick up a pencil and create the world in your head on the page in front of you, maybe its crayons that's your thing. Whatever your medium, Drawing Day is dedicated to the artist inside of us and encouraging it to come out, and then letting it flourish every day of the year to follow!

Drawing day is there to remind us of the time when we were too tied up in the amazing and beautiful things that came out of our imagination and onto the page to be self-conscious about them. We weren't worried about how good we were or weren't, we just knew that it was time to take our inner worlds and bring them out in glorious color. Some of us were amazing, to begin with, some of us got there drawing after painful drawing, and some of us let the artist within us die out under a wave of "not being good enough."

Drawing Day reminds you that everything inside you is worthwhile and worthy to be shared with the world. It's also there to bring much-needed appreciation and awareness to illustrators and artists. Anywhere you see a picture, from a business card to a beautiful mural on a painting, to every birthday card you've ever bought, an artist was designed in making it. The best way we can thank these intrepid creative souls is by picking up the pencil and making some noise for the lost and forgotten artists of the world. And maybe find a few more in the process.

This event is also a great chance to introduce a unique kind of treatment. If you have autistic children or depressed members of your household, drawing will act as a form of emotional therapy. It allows them to take their mind off their worries and focus on themselves. They say, the eyes are a window to the soul. Drawing is the door. A picture speaks a thousand words and drawings will act as a bridge of expression, transporting them to a better place mentally.